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蒙皮类部件钻孔法向的测量和调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了一种蒙皮类部件钻孔时法向精度控制的方法,论述了此方法的原理和实施方法,并结合实例对该方法的应用情况进行了说明。  相似文献   
基于复杂型面薄壁零件成形的电铸试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李学磊  朱增伟  章勇  朱栋  朱荻 《航空学报》2010,31(10):2068-2074
 在航空、航天领域存在诸如风洞喷管、波导元件和叶片电极等异型薄壁零件,采用常规加工方法对这些薄壁零件进行加工时存在着难加工的问题,利用一种新型的电铸技术——阴极平动式游离粒子辅助磨擦电铸技术对其进行直接成形加工。在电铸过程中,阴阳极之间添加不导电的游离粒子,随着阴极的不断运动,游离粒子能够周期性地对电沉积层产生磨擦、抛光、挤压作用,以此来提高表面质量,强化电铸层。与传统电铸技术所制备的电铸镍层进行了对比试验,试验结果表明:游离粒子辅助磨擦电铸技术能够获得表面光亮、平整电铸层;电铸层(200)晶面的衍射强度明显降低,(111)和(220)晶面的衍射强度显著提高;电铸层的机械性能也得到了明显的改善,显微硬度和抗拉强度比传统电铸工艺提高了一倍左右。以此为基础,成功制备了复杂型面叶片阴极,其显微硬度和表面粗糙度都得到了明显改善。  相似文献   
在满足特定规范和约束条件下,设计出重量最轻的结构具有重要的工程意义。提出一种桁架结构形状、尺寸并行协同优化方法,该方法将桁架结构优化问题拆分为形状优化和尺寸优化两个子问题,通过并行协调实现尺寸设计变量和形状设计变量同时达到最优解;完成了三个典型桁架结构形状优化算例,结果表明:该方法对于桁架结构形状优化可行,且算法简洁,收敛快。  相似文献   
飞机产品的数字化定义体系由多个部分组成。各部分之间必须协调发展,按照一个统一的目标建立起一个互相支撑、互相关联的有机体系。国外先进的航空制造企业已经建立了比较完整的数字化定义体系。国内的航空企业还基本处于单项技术的研究、应用阶段。  相似文献   
CEASIOM is a multidisciplinary software environment for aircraft design that has been developed as part of the European Framework 6 SimSAC project. It closely integrates discipline-specific tools such as those used for CAD, grid generation, CFD, stability analysis and control system design. The environment allows the user to take an initial design from geometry definition and aerodynamics generation through to full six degrees of freedom simulation and analysis. Key capabilities include variable fidelity aerodynamics tools and aeroelasticity modules. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of CEASIOM by presenting the results of a Design, Simulate and Evaluate (DSE) exercise applied to a novel, project specific, transonic cruiser configuration called the TCR. The baseline TCR configuration is first defined using conventional methods, which is then refined and improved within the CEASIOM software environment. A wind tunnel model of this final configuration was then constructed, tested and used to verify the results generated using CEASIOM.  相似文献   
快速成型技术是一种新型的快速柔性制造技术,能直接通过零件的三维图形快速成型出各种复杂零件样件,而不需要任何工装,可以大大节省时间和加工费用,非常适合产品设计、开发阶段的试制生产.本文对高分子和有机可溶性材料的成型工艺进行了研究,并针对L15锁座铸件的结构特性进行了浇注工艺设计和模拟.  相似文献   
采用“离位”增韧技术对NY9200G/T300环氧树脂体系复合材料进行增韧,通过试验,将其与增韧前性能进行比较,结果表明:经过“离位”技术增韧,在基本保持NY9200G/T300复合材料力学性能和工艺性能的同时,大幅度地提高了该复合材料的韧性。  相似文献   
The Cassini mission provides a great opportunity to enlarge our knowledge of atmospheric electricity at the gas giant Saturn. Following Voyager studies, the RPWS (Radio and Plasma Wave Science) instrument has measured again the so-called SEDs (Saturn Electrostatic Discharges) which are the radio signature of lightning flashes. Observations by Cassini/ISS (Imaging Science Subsystem) have shown cloud features in Saturn’s atmosphere whose occurrence, longitudinal drift rate, and brightness were strongly related to the SEDs. In this paper we will review the main physical parameters of the SEDs. Lightning does not only give us clues about the dynamics of the atmosphere, but also serves as a natural tool to investigate properties of Saturn’s ionosphere. We will also discuss other lightning related phenomena and compare Saturn lightning with terrestrial and Jovian lightning.  相似文献   
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