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The role of key environmental factors in adaptation of spore-forming and non-spore-forming transgenic microorganisms (TM) have been studied in model ecosystems. Model TM Escherichia coli Z905 (bearing plasmid genes of bacterial luminescence Ap (r) Lux+) has been found to have a higher adaptation potential than TM Bacillus subtilis 2335/105 (bearing genes of human alpha 2-interferon Km (r) Inf+), planned for employment as a living vaccine under varying environmental conditions. Effects of abiotic factors on migration of natural and recombinant plasmids between microorganisms under model ecosystem conditions has been estimated. The transgenic microorganisms with low copy number survived better under introduction conditions in the microcosms studied. This trend has been shown to be independent of the microcosm type and its complexity. Grant numbers: 99-04-96017, 25, 00-07-9011.  相似文献   
Further cost reduction of the fiber optic gyroscope is necessary to meet the economic requirements of land navigation systems. Previous concentration was on the reduction of the number of splices and component improvements in the open-loop minimum configuration. Now non-essential components and splices are eliminated. The source-detector coupler is not part of the Sagnac interferometer, and serves solely to direct light from the interferometer into the output photodetector. Many commercial laser diodes incorporate a back-facet photodetector to monitor laser intensity. The signal returned from the Sagnac traverses the laser, and can be detected at this photodetector. The gyro signal can be distinguished from the laser signal by the bias modulation applied in the interferometer. Configuring a gyro in this manner eliminates a directional coupler and the separate photodetector, as well as up to two fiber splices in an all-fiber gyroscope. A production, open-loop fiber optic gyroscope has been modified to demonstrate this principle. The gyroscope exhibits performance comparable to the conventional minimum configuration  相似文献   
The authors present the communication system architecture for air traffic management and weather information dissemination as viewed within the context of the overall National Airspace System (NAS) and the services it provides. This presents the architecture in the 2015 time frame when the final phases of transition take place from analog voice to digital data exchange of common data via integrated networks. The results of this transition are an integrated collection of systems and procedures that efficiently use the capacity of the NAS while balancing access to all user classes and maintaining the highest levels of safety. Efficient collaboration among users is built on a foundation of common data. This information base provides common situational awareness to all participants. All users are accommodated and will receive benefits commensurate with equipage level. This architecture development provides a technical framework for decision-making, research, and analysis of communication technologies  相似文献   
A discussion of the current and emerging core technologies and philosophies that will enable Air Force personnel to quickly, accurately and intuitively diagnose faults in increasingly complex systems  相似文献   
The suitability of ultra-wideband ground-penetrating radar as a tool for the detection of buried metallic mines is explored in this paper. The analysis centers around a 200-800 MHz, dual-polarized ground penetrating radar (GPR) designed and built by SRI International. The analysis consisted of fusing the images from the dual polarizations into a single image to enhance the target objects and suppress clutter. Results are shown for several variations of a Mahalanobis-based fusion technique, and “soft decision” minefield detection results based upon Monte Carlo statistical techniques are also presented. Although relatively few scenes were analyzed, these results show that the dual-polarized GPR is potentially very effective at finding buried mines and minefields  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of measurements of gamma radiation with energies above 5 MeV, from the galactic anticenter region. The balloon-borne gamma ray telescope “Natalya-I”, was launched on 6 November, 1980 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research's Balloon Facility (Hyderabad, India) and reached ceiling altitude of 35 km. The results on the accelerator calibration of the telescope, using a “tagged” gamma ray beam are also presented.  相似文献   
The IKS infrared spectro-photometer will fly on board the VEGA platforms. It is designed to characterize the size, temperature and emissivity of the Comet Halley nucleus, to identify the major gaseous components of the inner coma and to detect the emission of the cometary grains. This paper presents the “calibration” experiments required to reduce the raw data: (i) absolute wavelength calibration of the filter wheels; (ii) modeling of the internal signal, as a function of the temperature of the different sub-systems; (iii) absolute and spectral responsivities of each of the spectrometric and photometric channels, as a function of the wavelength and position of the source in the field of view. Finally, we shall indicate the expected S/N ratios.  相似文献   
Structural features of germanium-silicon solid solution crystals have been investigated and silicon distribution in the crystals has been studied. All the crystals obtained under microgravity had, in spite of good external shape and facetting, a poorer internal structure than those obtained on Earth. The distribution of silicon have been shown to be non-uniform. High dislocation densities were observed.  相似文献   
Two homologous solar bursts were recorded on May 29, 1980 at 1028 UT and at 1147 UT from the Hale region 16864. The measurements were done at 8 mm wavelength at the Metsähovi Radio Research Station using a 14 meter radio telescope. The time series of the bursts were similar even in the small details. The rise time of both bursts was about 10 seconds and the peak flux density was 3.3 sfu at 1028 UT and 1.2 sfu at 1147 UT. Both bursts were composed of several elementary spikes which were typically 3 seconds apart from each other. The maximum of the gyro-synchrotron type spectrum was close to 15 GHz. The time profile of the bursts, elementary spikes and the frequency spectrum indicated that the origin of these homologous microwave bursts was in a magnetic structure with several loops and that the same complex loop structure was producing energy during both bursts.  相似文献   
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