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The maximum likelihood approach is used to derive a method for estimating and tracking the frequency translation of a signal consisting of a sum of orthogonal sinusoids corrupted by additive white noise. The likelihood function is reduced to an equivalent statistic expressed in terms of the squared magnitude of the finite Fourier transform of the received signal. A function that generates an error signal for a frequency translation tracking loop is derived, and a method of generating the error signal using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the received signal weighted by a linear ramp is suggested. Two noise-free examples are presented.  相似文献   
Phase-locked-loop (PLL) bit synchronizers often employ integrate-and-dump type phase detectors that provide phase error information only at discrete points in time. Usually these phase detectors are followed by sample-and-hold circuits to produce a stairstep error voltage as the input to a standard analog circuit loop filter. When the loop is configured in this manner, it is referred to as a hybrid PLL. Sampled-data analysis methods (Z transforms) are used to determine the stability and transient response of this loop.  相似文献   
An X, Y, Z Kalman tracking filter is described and its steady state characteristics are analytically determined when the radar sensor meaures range, bearing, and elevation (?, ?, ?) at uniform intervals of time, T seconds. The relationship between the quantities measured by the sensor (?, ?,?) and the Cartesian coordinate system (X, Y, Z) is explicitly considered.  相似文献   
A general expression of the error probability on an M-ary coherent phase-shift-keyed (MCPSK) signal purturbed by a noisy reference carrier, multiple interferences, and additive Gaussian noise is presented taking into account the frequencey divider in the carrier recovery circuit. First, a new expression for the probability density function (pdf) of the phase of a composite wave of signal, multiple interferences, and additive Gaussian noise is derived. Then this result and a pdf of the phase error modified from the Tikhonov distribution are used to obtain the erro probability of an MCPSK detector. In addition, the comparison between the error probabilities with and without the frequency divider is given, and it is found that the estimation is more pessimistic when the frequency divider is included.  相似文献   
This paper applies the Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) method to resolve a larger part of the flow spectrum around rotor blades in hover and forward flight. A comparison between DES and Unsteady Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes simulation was carried out for the case of a forward flying rotor suggesting that DES has great potential for rotor applications.  相似文献   
An input filter is frequently employed between a switching regulator and its power source. However, its presence often results in degradation of dynamic performances and stability. The detrimental interaction is between an input filter and a switching regulator and is a function of the input filter parameters and also of the supply voltage. An earlier paper presented an analysis and design procedure aimed at developing a feed-forward loop to cancel this undesirable interaction. The feed-forward design is extended here to encompass a scheme that automatically accounts for changes in the supply voltage; the result is an adaptive compensation that tracks the input voltage variations. Experimental results are presented that confirm the adaptive nature of the design.  相似文献   
Adaptive pulse compression via MMSE estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radar pulse compression involves the extraction of an estimate of the range profile illuminated by a radar in the presence of noise. A problem inherent to pulse compression is the masking of small targets by large nearby targets due to the range sidelobes that result from standard matched filtering. This paper presents a new approach based upon a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) formulation in which the pulse compression filter for each individual range cell is adaptively estimated from the received signal in order to mitigate the masking interference resulting from matched filtering in the vicinity of large targets. The proposed method is compared with the standard matched filter and least-squares (LS) estimation and is shown to be superior over a variety of stressing scenarios.  相似文献   
The analysis of a single-axis rate gyroscope mounted in a vehicle which is spinning with uncertain angular velocity about the spin axis of the gyro is presented. The nonlinearity in the equation of motion of the gimbal is retained. Using circle criterion, it is shown that the gimbal motion is globally asymptotically stable if Nyquist plot of the linear transfer function of the gyro lies in the interior of a certain disk. A simple analytical relation for the selection of gyro parameters for stability is derived.  相似文献   
Use of an analytic platform or strapdown system requires that the system em be initially leveled just as a conventional multigimbaled platform must be leveled. The process of leveling involves the determination of the orientation between the local vertical and an instrumented reference nce frame. With a conventional platform it is quite common to use a pair of servo loops to precess the inner gimbal until gravity signals are nulled on two orthogonally mounted accelerometers. The input axes of these two accelerometers thus define the horizontal plane and the platform is said to be leveled. A strapdown system, however, lacks the physical entity of the inner gimbal and consequently cannot be physically precessed into verticality. The method of leveling is nonetheless analogous if we consider the computational reference frame of the analytic platform to be the "alter ego" or counterpart of a physical inner gimbal. In general, strapdown leveling techniques can be divided into two categories: closed-loop leveling and open-loop leveling. These two techniques are quantitatively developed and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
As a part of the global plasma environment study of Mars and its response to the solar wind, we have analyzed a peculiar case of the subsolar energetic neutral atom (ENA) jet observed on June 7, 2004 by the Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) on board the Mars Express satellite. The “subsolar ENA jet” is generated by the interaction between the solar wind and the Martian exosphere, and is one of the most intense sources of ENA flux observed in the vicinity of Mars. On June 7, 2004 (orbit 485 of Mars Express), the NPD observed a very intense subsolar ENA jet, which then abruptly decreased within ∼10 sec followed by quasi-periodic (∼1 min) flux variations. Simultaneously, the plasma sensors detected a solar wind structure, which was most likely an interplanetary shock surface. The abrupt decrease of the ENA flux and the quasi-periodic flux variations can be understood in the framework of the global response of the Martian plasma obstacle to the interplanetary shock. The generation region of the subsolar ENA jet was pushed towards the planet by the interplanetary shock; and therefore, Mars Express went out of the ENA jet region. Associated global vibrations of the Martian plasma obstacle may have been the cause of the quasi-periodic flux variations of the ENA flux at the spacecraft location.  相似文献   
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