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Y.S. Ge C.T. RussellT.-S. Hsu 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(8):1243-1251
In 2001, 2002 and 2003, the Polar spacecraft probed the near equatorial plasma sheet at 9 RE near local midnight. Using the magnetic field observations, the signatures at substorm onsets are studied. Close to the flux pile-up region, the Polar spacecraft readily detects the dipolarization front, especially for pseudo onsets. An event with two distinct onsets has been examined. The signatures are found to be consistent with the multiple-onset model suggested by Russell [Russell, C.T. How northward turnings of the IMF can lead to substorm expansion onsets. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 3257–3259, 2000] which is a modified Near-Earth Neutral Line (NENL) model. Another similar event is also examined showing the effects of different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions upon substorms. Moreover, ground effects can be very weak compared to in situ observations, especially for pseudo onsets, because these signatures appear to be localized and not global. 相似文献
These studies were designed and coordinated to evaluate specific aspects of man's immunologic and hematologic systems which might be altered by or respond to the space flight environment. The biochemical functions investigated included cytogenetic damage to blood cells, immune resistance to disease, regulation of plasma and red cell volumes, metabolic processes of the red blood cell, and physical chemical aspects of red blood cell functions. Only minor changes were observed in the functional capacity of erythrocytes as determined by measuring the concentrations of selected intracellular enzymes and metabolites. Tests of red cell osmotic regulation indicated some elevation in the activity of the metabolic dependent Na-K pump, with no significant alterations in the cellular Na and K concentrations or osmotic fragility. A transient shift in red cell specific-gravity profile was observed on recovery, possibly related to changes in cellular water content. Measurements of hemoconcentration (hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red cell count) indicated significant fluctuations postflight, reflecting observed changes in red cell mass and plasma volume. There was no apparent reticulocytosis during the 18 days following the first manned Skylab mission in spite of a significant loss in red cell mass. However, the reticulocyte count and index did increase significantly 5 to 7 days after completion of the second, longer duration, flight. There were no significant changes in either the while blood cell count or differential. However, the capacity of lymphocytes to respond to an in vitro mitogenic challenge was repressed postflight, and appeared to be related to mission duration. The cause of this repression is unknown at this time. Only minor differences were observed in plasma protein patterns. In the second mission there were changes in the proteins involved in the coagulation process which suggested a hypercoagulative condition. 相似文献
Q. Wang G. Xu S. Petrovic U. Schaefer U. Meyer T. Xu 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
A regional tropospheric model can be constructed using surveys from GPS ground networks. Using this model the tropospheric delays of a kinematic station within the region can be interpolated. However, such a model is generally not suitable for an airborne platform high above the ground networks. In this paper, a method of constructing a regional tropospheric model for airborne GPS applications is described. First, the kinematic station in the air is projected onto the ground. Then the tropospheric delays at projected point are interpolated from those of the ground networks. Finally, the tropospheric delays at projected point are extended upward to the airborne platform using pressure and temperature gradients and humidity exponential function. For validation of this method, the data of airborne campaign carried out by BKG in cooperation with GFZ and BGR 2008 in the northern Alps are used. The results show that GPS kinematic positioning precision in height component can be improved using this method. 相似文献
S.J. Wang D. Maia M. Pick G. Aulanier J.-M. Malherbe J.-P. Delaboudinire 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2005,36(12):2273
We present our research on a fast and decelerating partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME) event detected in multi-wavelengths in the chromosphere and the corona on 14 October, 1999. The event involved a whole complex active area which spanned more than 40° of heliolongitude. It included a strong solar flare (XI/1N) and a complex eruptive filament within an active region of the entire complex. Especially, several radio sources were detected in the decimetric range prior to the CME by the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH). A linear force-free field extrapolation of the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) magnetogram was performed to calculate the magnetic topology of the complex prior to the triggering of the event. The presence of a coronal null point combined with the occurrence of two distant and nearly simultaneous radio sources put strong arguments in favor of the generalized breakout model for the triggering of the eruption. The analysis of the subsequent development of the event suggests that large interconnecting loops were ejected together with the CME. 相似文献
Phillip S. Clark 《Space Policy》1991,7(3)
In the last two years the USSR has not only acknowledged publicly for the first time that it was trying to ‘race’ the USA to put the first man on the Moon, but they have finally given some details of the programme, the equipment and the political in-fighting which ensured that the programme was a failure. This article traces the history of the Soviet manned lunar programme and also discusses the implications for the future development of the Soviet manned programme of the giant N-1 booster's cancellation in 1974. 相似文献
C S Cockell 《Acta Astronautica》2001,49(12):693-706
The Martian polar ice caps are regions of substantial scientific interest, being the most dynamic regions of Mars. They are volatile sinks and thus closely linked to Martian climatic conditions. Because of their scale and the precedent set by the past history of polar exploration on Earth, it is likely that an age of polar exploration will emerge on the surface of Mars after the establishment of a capable support structure at lower latitudes. Expeditions might be launched either from a lower latitude base camp or from a human-tended polar base. Based on previously presented expeditionary routes to the Martian poles, in this paper a "spiral in-spiral out" unsupported transpolar assault on the Martian north geographical pole is used as a Reference expedition to propose new types of equipment for the human polar exploration of Mars. Martian polar "ball" tents and "hover" modifications to the Nansen sledge for sledging on CO2-containing water ice substrates under low atmospheric pressures are suggested as elements for the success of these endeavours.Other challenges faced by these expeditions are quantitatively and qualitatively addressed. 相似文献
Emmanuel D. Sulungu Christian B.S. Uiso Patrick Sibanda 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2018,61(7):1660-1671
We have compared the TEC obtained from the IRI-2012 model with the GPS derived TEC data recorded within southern crest of the EIA in the Eastern Africa region using the monthly means of the 5 international quiet days for equinoxes and solstices months for the period of 2012 – 2013. GPS-derived TEC data have been obtained from the Africa array and IGS network of ground based dual-frequency GPS receivers from four stations (Kigali (1.95°S, 30.09°E; Geom. Lat. 11.63°S), Malindi (2.99°S, 40.19°E; Geom. Lat. 12.42°S), Mbarara (0.60°S, 30.74°E; Geom. Lat. 10.22°S) and Nairobi (1.22°S, 36.89°E; Geom. Lat. 10.69°S)) located within the EIA crest in this region. All the three options for topside Ne of IRI-2012 model and ABT-2009 for bottomside thickness have been used to compute the IRI TEC. Also URSI coefficients were considered in this study. These results are compared with the TEC estimated from GPS measurements. Correlation Coefficients between the two sets of data, the Root-Mean Square Errors (RMSE) of the IRI-TEC from the GPS-TEC, and the percentage RMSE of the IRI-TEC from the GPS-TEC have been computed. Our general results show that IRI-2012 model with all three options overestimates the GPS-TEC for all seasons and at all stations, and IRI-2001 overestimates GPS-TEC more compared with other options. IRI-Neq and IRI-01-corr are closely matching in most of the time. The observation also shows that, GPS TEC are underestimated by TEC from IRI model during noon hours, especially during equinoctial months. Further, GPS-TEC values and IRI-TEC values using all the three topside Ne options show very good correlation (above 0.8). On the other hand, the TEC using IRI-Neq and IRI-01- corr had smaller deviations from the GPS-TEC compared to the IRI-2001. 相似文献
In [1] expressions were constructed for the derivatives of all the orders of a planet’s gravitational potential with respect to the rectangular coordinates related to the gravity center of a planet. These expressions are series of spherical functions. The coefficients of the series of first-order derivatives depend on two Stokes constants, whereas the coefficients of next-order derivatives are linear combinations of the coefficients of preceding-order derivatives. In the present paper the derived expressions for the first and second potential derivatives are transformed into the form that is most convenient for solving the inverse problem, i.e., evaluating Stokes constants from satellite measurements of these derivatives. Each term of the new series for a derivative depends on a sum of two Stokes constants multiplied by linear combinations of several spherical functions. The new form of the expansions for the potential derivatives makes it possible to calculate Stokes constants by simultaneously applying satellite data either for all three first-order potential derivatives, or for all six second-order derivatives. The constructed series may be applied for modeling the Earth’s gravitational field from the satellite data obtained in the international CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE missions. 相似文献