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Plants were grown under light emitting diode (LED) arrays with different spectral qualities to determine the effects of light on the development of tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) in peppers and powdery mildew on cucumbers. One LED array supplied 100% of the photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) at 660 nm, a second array supplied 90% of the PPF at 660 nm and 10% at 735 nm, and a third array supplied 98% of the PPF at 660 nm with 2% in the blue region (380-500 nm) supplied by blue fluorescent lamps. Control plants were grown under metal halide (MH) lamps. Pepper plants inoculated with ToMV and grown under 660 and 660/735 LED arrays showed marked increases in both the rate and the severity of symptoms as compared to inoculated plants grown under the MH lamp or 660/blue array. Pepper plants grown under the 660/blue array did not develop symptoms as rapidly as inoculated plants grown under the 660 or 660/735 arrays, but they did develop symptoms faster than inoculated plants grown under the MH lamp. The numbers of colonies of powdery mildew per leaf and the size of each colony were greatest on inoculated cucumber plants grown under the MH lamp.  相似文献   
Instantaneous GPS attitude determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A procedure for instantaneous GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) attitude determination, i.e., a solution for the GPS integrated carrier Doppler wavelength ambiguities using only measurements at a single epoch, is described. Most previous techniques to solve the phase ambiguity problem have required some form of time history processing relying on GPS satellite and/or user motion to provide enough geometry change to eliminate false solutions. The algorithm described assumes three noncollinear antennas and integrated carrier Doppler measurements from four or more satellites. Double-difference processing provides at least three independent observables for the two antenna separation vectors to compute the three attitude Euler angles  相似文献   
The problem of estimating the a priori statistics of a nonstationary process is considered using finite-time averages of experimental data. A model of the form of a linear time-invariant difference equation with a stationary independent random sequence driving function is proposed and investigated. Finite-time averages are calculated and then used in a steepest descent method to determine the coefficients of the difference nce equation. Methods are presented for transforming this model to the statespace pace format necessary for Kalman filtering, and an example is given using actual gyro drift-rate data.  相似文献   
This paper discusses an approach to linear estimation through use of a "control" fed back into the system to cancel out the effect of disturbances or error signals. Although this approach has very restricted application, it has found important usage in integrated navigation systems where one subsystem is an inertial measurement system. This approach is shown to be suboptimal and is compared with the optimal with respect to estimation accuracy and sensitivity to modeling errors. The feedback approach to estimation is shown to be similar to error estimation and correction in which the error states of the system are estimated and external correction applied. For discrete estimation using the feedback approach it is shown that error variance and Kalman gains for one-stage prediction should be used. Two examples are considered which compare the feedback approach to the optimum estimation approach. The system of the first example is quite simple, but provides simple analytical comparisons of the two estimation approaches. The second example system consists of a single-axis inertial guidance system and an independent position measuring system. Accuracy and sensitivity to modeling errors are compared. Other advantages and disadvantages of the two estimation approaches are discussed.  相似文献   
The number of transmitted pulses associated with the Doppler histories of a side-looking radar may greatly exceed the desired azimuth compression ratio of the system. This discrepancy is taxing if the storage required for the azimuth processing is provided by cores, magnetic drums, and the like. Thus, as a practical matter, one considers presumming of the data prior to correlation in an attempt to achieve the desired performance with a minimum amount of digital storage. In this paper, the optimum (in terms of resolution) presummer is derived, along with the optimum apportionment of the available storage capacity between the presumming and correlation operations. Under the condition (or generally pessimistic approximation) that the illumination pattern of the antenna uniformly illuminates a Doppler bandwidth equal to the PRF of the radar, the optimum presumming coefficients are the first Np Fourier coefficients of a function which is one of the Doppler bandwidth to be correlated and zero on the remainder of the PRF bandwidth, where Np is the number of transmitted radar pulses over which presumming is provided. Increasing Np reduces the degradation due to presumming, but may leave inadequate storage for correlation. Hence, we optimize the apportionment between the two operations and present the obtainable resolution as a function of total storage and the number of transmitted pulses in the received Doppler history.  相似文献   
The problem of integrating remotely sensed images acquired from different sensor systems is primarily associated with their registration into a common reference projection. This registration problem has to be considered not only between the image data themselves but also with other data already existing in various geographical data bases.The advent of the second generation of earth observation satellites is emphasizing this situation by providing imagery in different geometric configurations. Images will be acquired from many sensors at different spatial resolutions (LANDSAT MSS and TM, SPOT HRV MLA and PLA) on different dates and modes (panchromatic, multispectral, nadir and off-nadir).In order to provide image data in a geometric format compatible with the Canadian National Topographic System, Canada is developing a Multi-Observational Satellite Image Correction System (MOSAICS) that will provide geocoded data resampled into a common reference projection. This paper presents the characteristics of the geocoded products with examples from multiple sensors and different dates, and addresses the processing requirements of the satellite ground station. It also illustrates the use of digital processing techniques to derive digital elevation information from geocoded stereo imagery.  相似文献   
Climate and sea level changes have been relatively stable for the last few centuries. The delicate balance between global and oceanic systems, however, may be altered due to the increased warming of the earth's average surface temperature. A few degrees increase could cause a 15-17 cm sea level rise by the year 2000, resulting in wide spread flooding of low lying areas. Recent studies indicate the global sea level is rising and extensive coastal flooding is anticipated. If these changes continue through the next century, we may be faced with a loss of our present culture. Oscillating sea levels since the late Pleistocene at times have left the floors of the continental margins and inland seas exposed, increasing the total earth's land surface by 8%. It was during these events that North America and island refugia including England, Indonesia, Japan and Australia were invaded and colonized by man. However, the swinging sea levels and shoreline displacements of as much as 120 m per year must have been very disruptive to the inhabitants of the coastal region and evidence of their cultures must have eroded away due to the relentless cycle of the coastal processes.  相似文献   
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