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The dynamics of formation of the ordered structures of charged macroparticles under microgravity conditions is investigated. The experimental observations of the behavior of an ensemble of macroparticles were carried out onboard the Mirspace station. The analysis and comparison of results of experimental and theoretical investigations allow us to conclude that under microgravity conditions the formation of elongated, ordered structures of macroparticles, charged by solar radiation, is possible.  相似文献   
A brief review of the salient considerations which apply to the existence of magnetic fields in connection with planetary and subplanetary objects in the outer solar system is given. Consideration is given to internal dynamo fields, fields which might originate from interaction with the solar wind or magnetospheres (externally driven dynamos) and lastly fossil magnetic fields such as have been discovered on the Moon. Where possible, connection is made between magnetism, means of detection, and internal body properties.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   
Summary A meaningful outer-planet exploration program can be conducted within expected economic constraints. The spacecraft needed can be developed in an evolutionary manner from the existing Pioneer and Mariner families. Advanced propulsion capability may reduce the costs associated with constrained weight margins and long trip times.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   
The Mighei meteorite is generally considered to be unique amongst the group of stony meteorites known as the carbonaceous chondrites in a number of scientifically interesting aspects. The meteorite, which is related to the type II carbonaceous chondrites of Wiik's classification (or type C2 according to van Schmus and Wood), contains extraterrestrial organic compounds (general C content = 2.6%), and extraterrestrial water associated with iron-magnesium silicate crystals (general H2O content=12%).The meteorite fall occurred in 1889, over a region in the Ukraine. In structure it was found to be a chondritic meteorite, having chondrules of order 0.5 mm in size. The composition of the meteorite is inhomogeneous. In mineralogical terms the meteorite is composed of two paragenetic associations, described as high and low temperature, which are generally distributed in equal proportions. The low temperature associations are a characteristic only of carbonaceous chondrites: the minerals involved are chlorites or the serpentine group, carbonates, free sulphur, sulphates and low temperature glass. In chemical terms the Mighei meteorite is somewhat enriched in the volatile elements S, C, H, N, O in comparison to the usual chondrites. These elements are found in different forms and the isotopic composition of the elements S, C, O, is different for different phases. The meteorite is also rich in a number of other fairly volatile element admixtures such as: B, F, Cl, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Br, In, Te, I, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, and contains somewhat enhanced initial quantities of rare gases.The organic compounds are of an abiological nature in the meteorite and are located in finely dispersed distributions between the chondrules. They are present in the main, as polymerized organic compounds. Among these polymers there are gaseous hydrocarbons (saturated and non-saturated) and extractable organic compounds. In the latter condition the following organic compounds have been identified: aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, amino acids and others. The meteorite contains free organic radicals (1017 centres g–1), uncoupled -electrons which are delocalized in the aromatic structure of the polymeric matter.The radiogenic age of the meteorite has been determined as from 2.4 to 3.2 × 109 yr (by the K-Ar method) and up to 4.54 × 109 yr (by the Rb-Sr method), while the radiation age is put at 0.5 to 2.4 × 106 yr. Details of the meteorite structure give evidence of at least two processes in its formation; the accretion of the meteoritic matter, together with the simultaneous formation of organic compounds could have taken place at temperatures between 450 and 300 K.Reported on the XIV Meteoritic Conference, December 17, 1970, Moscow.  相似文献   
A prototype real time cepstrum analyzer incorporating surface acoustic wave (SAW), Fourier transform processors is reported. This system offers sophisticated wideband signal processing for radar, sonar, and communications applications. Practical results demonstrate its capabilities when analyzing bandwidths in excess of 10 MHz in a few microseconds with simulated pulsed RF waveforms in the presence of multipath echoes. Pulse duration, repetition interval, and binary code length are resolved and the potential to characterize unknown chirp waveforms is briefly reported.  相似文献   
The first 8.5m infrared heterodyne spectrometer has been constructed using tuneable semiconductor (PbSe) diode lasers and was used to measure absorption line profiles of N2O in the laboratory and black body emission from the Moon and from Mars. Spectral information was recorded over a 200 MHz bandwidth using an 8-channel filter bank. The resolution was 25 MHz (6 × 10–6 m) and the minimum detectable (black-body) power was 1 × 10–16 W for 8 min of integration. The results demonstrate the usefulness of heterodyne spectroscopy for the study of remote and local sources in the infrared.We wish to thank Dr Jack Butler and Craig Simpson (Arthur D. Little, Inc.) for their continuing (and successful) efforts to grow better diode lasers during the course of this experiment. We thank the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for the loan of a 40-channel filter bank and associated mini-computer.We thank en masse the dozens of people who loaned equipment to us for the duration of this experiment, and the commercial firms (especially Harshaw, Inc.) which expedited orders for crucial equipment. We thank Dr Bertram Donn, Dr Norman Ness, and Dr George Pieper for administrative, scientific, and financial support; and we thank Mr James Faris for technical assistance and Dr Sol Glicker for preparation of sample gas cells. We thank Dr Thomas Clark for providing the Kohoutek ephemeris, sighting printout, and predicted molecular line positions and for advice and the loan of some equipment. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the strong support accorded us by our wives and families who scarcely saw us during this period.  相似文献   
Summary Photometric observations of A0538-66 in quiescence show that the optical star is an object of equivalent spectral type B7eII. Spectroscopic data taken simultaneously confirm this spectral classification and are consistent with the reported periodic variations seen in the emission lines. It is unlikely that the optical outburst is due to X-rays reprocessed in the atmosphere of the primary star or elsewhere.  相似文献   
A Japanese magnetospheric satellite Jikiken (EXOS-B) was used to observe Siple transmissions and VLF emissions triggered by the Siple signals. Energetic particle fluxes were also observed at the same time. The first experiments were made during July, August and September in 1979 and the second experiments were made during December in 1979 and January in 1980. The Siple triggered emissions were observed in August. This report reviews the preliminary results.  相似文献   
Measurements of the precipitation of electrons and positive ions (in the keV to MeV range) detected aboard eight rockets launched from Northern Scandinavia are reported together with corresponding satellite data. The downgoing integral fluxes indicate the temporal fluctuations during each flight. Height profiles of the energy deposition into the atmosphere at different levels of geomagnetic disturbance are given.  相似文献   
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