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The LIMS experiment was launched on the Nimbus 7 satellite for the purpose of sounding the vertical structure of temperature and key upper atmosphere trace gases on a global scale. The technique of thermal infrared limb sounding was used to obtain measurements of O3, H2O, NO2, and HNO3. LIMS collected data almost continuously from late October to late May over the latitude range from 64°S to 84°N. Two of the gases, NO2 and HNO3, are important elements in the NOx chain of chemical reactions leading to ozone destruction. We will describe results for these gases in terms of zonal mean profiles and latitudinal distributions. The period selected for study is January–May 1979, when a major stratospheric warming occurred.  相似文献   
Forty years passed since the optical identification of the first isolated neutron star (INS), the Crab pulsar. 25 INSs have been now identified in the optical (O), near-ultraviolet (nUV), or near-infrared (nIR), hereafter UVOIR, including rotation-powered pulsars (RPPs), magnetars, and X-ray-dim INSs (XDINSs), while deep investigations have been carried out for compact central objects (CCOs), Rotating RAdio transients (RRATs), and high-magnetic field radio pulsars (HBRPs). In this review I describe the status of UVOIR observations of INSs, their emission properties, and I present the results from recent observations.  相似文献   
Satellite-based limb occultation measurements are well suited for the detection and mapping of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and cirrus clouds. PSCs are of fundamental importance for the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole that occurs every year since the early 1980s in Southern Hemisphere spring. Despite progress in the observation, modeling and understanding of PSCs in recent years, there are still important questions which remain to be resolved, e.g. PSC microphysics, composition, formation mechanisms and long-term changes in occurrence. In addition, it has recently become clear that cirrus clouds significantly affect the global energy balance and climate, due to their influence on atmospheric thermal structure.  相似文献   
We discuss current progress and future plans for the general antiparticle spectrometer experiment (GAPS). GAPS detects antideuterons through the X-rays and pions emitted during the deexcitation of exotic atoms formed when the antideuterons are slowed down and stopped in targets. GAPS provides an exceptionally sensitive means to detect cosmic-ray antideuterons. Cosmic-ray antideuterons can provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter in such form as neutralinos or Kaluza–Klein particles. We describe results of accelerator testing of GAPS prototypes, tentative design concepts for a flight GAPS detector, and near-term plans for flying a GAPS prototype on a balloon.  相似文献   
Doppler and ranging measurements using the radio signal of the GIOTTO spacecraft were taken before, during, and after the encounter with Comet Halley on 1314 March 1986. The spacecraft velocity was found to decrease by a total of 23.3 cm s?1 due to impacting gas and (primarily) dust in the cometary atmosphere. A preliminary dust production rate Qd ? 10 × 103kg s?1 is found to be consistent with this deceleration. Power spectra of the carrier phase fluctuations reveal an increase in level and a flattening of the spectrum just prior to encounter, presumably associated with the enhanced dust impact rate. Finally, simulated Doppler time profiles are computed using the radial dependence of plasma density observed by the GIOTTO in situ investigations. It is shown that the cometary electron content profile would have been clearly seen if a dual-frequency downlink radio configuration had been available at encounter.  相似文献   
Rapidly cooling gas is commonly found near the centres of clusters of galaxies. The structure of the resulting gas flows is reviewed. Total gas cooling rates of several hundred M yr−1 have been observed in a number of cases. Thermal instability and the ultimate fate of the cooled gas are discussed. The cooled gas could easily have formed a massive central galaxy.  相似文献   
一种新颖组合变换器拓扑研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
基于电源模块并联和串联的思想,提出了一种新颖双管正激组合变换器拓扑,克服了双管正激变换器副边二极管电压应力过高,输出电压和电流脉动大,只能应用于输出中低压场合的缺点,具有副边二极管电压应力低,可靠性高,原边开关管电流应力低,输出电压和电流脉动小,磁芯元件体积小等优点,本文对该新颖组合变换器进行分析,仿真和实验,表明适合应用于输入中,高电压,输出高压,大电流场合,并成功应用于某型飞机6KVA逆变器前级变换器,各项技术指标均符合设计要求。  相似文献   
通过对电阻应变式称重传感器在各种加载卸载情况下的滞后特性的分析 ,建立了其相应的数学模型 ,并初步探讨了一种可以通过程序在仪表中对传感器的重要指标—滞后进行补偿从而提高整个传感器的精度的方法。最后 ,对以上方法进行了验证性试验 ,证明了补偿方法的可行性。  相似文献   
Approximate numerical methods of optimization of spacecraft rendezvous trajectories are presented that make use of interior point algorithms for problems of linear programming of high dimensionality (tens to hundreds of thousands of variables). The basis of the methods is discretization of a trajectory into small segments in which maneuvers are allowed to be executed; for all segments sets of pseudo-impulses are introduced that determine the possible directions of the spacecraft thrust vector. The terminal conditions are presented in the form of a linear matrix equation. A matrix inequality for the sums of characteristic velocities of pseudo-impulses on each segment is used to make a transformation to the linear programming form. Spacecraft rendezvous trajectories are considered in the neighborhood of circular orbits with the use of multi-mode propulsion systems (including those with low thrust) and existence of boundary conditions at interior points and constraints on the time of operation of the propulsion system at separate segments of the trajectory.  相似文献   
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