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The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a joint US/German project, is a 2.5-m infrared airborne telescope carried by a Boeing 747-SP that flies in the stratosphere at altitudes as high as 45,000 ft (13.72 km). This facility is capable of observing from 0.3 μm to 1.6 mm with an average transmission greater than 80% averaged over all wavelengths. SOFIA will be staged out of the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center aircraft operations facility at Palmdale, CA. The SOFIA Science Mission Operations (SMO) will be located at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. First science flights began in 2010 and a full operations schedule of up to one hundred 8 to 10 hour-long flights per year will be reached by 2014. The observatory is expected to operate until the mid-2030s. SOFIA’s initial complement of seven focal plane instruments includes broadband imagers, moderate-resolution spectrographs that will resolve broad features due to dust and large molecules, and high-resolution spectrometers capable of studying the kinematics of atomic and molecular gas at sub-km/s resolution. We describe the SOFIA facility and outline the opportunities for observations by the general scientific community and for future instrumentation development. The operational characteristics of the SOFIA first-generation instruments are summarized. The status of the flight test program is discussed and we show First Light images obtained at wavelengths from 5.4 to 37 μm with the FORCAST imaging camera. Additional information about SOFIA is available at http://www.sofia.usra.edu and http://www.sofia.usra.edu/Science/docs/SofiaScienceVision051809-1.pdf.  相似文献   
ROPE算法在ISAR运动补偿中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动补偿是逆合成孔径雷达成像的关键。现已有许多相关算法。秩-相位估计(ROPE)是一种性能较好的相位误差估计器,正被广泛地应用于SAR图像处理。本将ROPE算法用于ISAR相位补偿,给出了具体实现的步骤,详细分析了ROPE算法在ISAR相位补偿中的性能。在ISAR数据基本符合ROPE算法模型时,ROPE算法可获得高质量的补偿效果,而且实现简单,速度快。中最后用ISAR外场实测数据比较了ROPE与其他相位补偿方法的成像结果。  相似文献   
模拟叶尖间隙流的转动平面叶栅实验方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对动叶叶尖进口端壁附面层的性状分析指出:采用平面叶栅模拟动叶叶尖间隙流时,端壁面静止和仅有端壁面运动进口端壁附面层与真实情况存在较大差异。根据转子静止、静子转动这一相对运动思想研制出动叶叶尖间隙流实验台。通过对叶尖附近叶片表面静压分布和间隙泄漏流量实验测量表明:端壁面与叶片之间的相对运动、进口端壁附面层内速度分布是对叶尖间隙流有重要影响的因素。  相似文献   
On January 20, 2005 there was an X 7.1 solar flare at 0636 UT with an accompanied halo coronal mass ejection (CME). The resultant interplanetary shock impacted earth ∼36 h later. Near earth, the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft observed two impulses with a staircase structure in density and pressure. The estimated earth-arrival times of these impulses were 1713 UT and 1845 UT on January 21, 2005. Three MINIature Spectrometer (MINIS) balloons were aloft on January 21st; one in the northern polar stratosphere and two in the southern polar stratosphere. MeV relativistic electron precipitation (REP) observed by all three balloons is coincident (<3 min) with the impulse arrivals and magnetospheric compression observed by both GOES 10 and 12. Balloon electric field data from the southern hemisphere show no signs of the impulse electric field directly reaching the ionosphere. Enhancement of the balloon-observed convection electric field by as much as 40 mV/m in less than 20 min during this time period is consistent with typical substorm growth. Precipitation-induced ionospheric conductivity enhancements are suggested to be (a) the result of both shock arrival and substorm activity and (b) the cause of rapid (<6 min) decreases in the observed electric field (by as much as 40 mV/m). There is poor agreement between peak cross polar cap potential in the northern hemisphere calculated from Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) echoes and horizontal electric field at the MINIS balloon locations in the southern hemisphere. Possible reasons for this poor agreement include (a) a true lack of north–south conjugacy between measurement sites, (b) an invalid comparison between global (SuperDARN radar) and local (MINIS balloon) measurements and/or (c) radar absorption resulting from precipitation-induced D-region ionosphere density enhancements.  相似文献   
介绍了叠氮交联层候选叠氮有机化合物的类别、合成、应用及其工艺;分析了叠氮交联层的粘结机理、适用性;着篝讨论了叠氮交联层用于绝热层/复合固化推进剂界面的制造工艺和性能。  相似文献   
提出了铝箔腐蚀过程的微机集散控制系统及其优化的实现方法;介绍了系统的构成和有关软件设计的方法;还详细介绍了采用微机控制和SN比正交试验优化相结合对铝箔腐蚀过程进行计算机优化试验及控制,并取得了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   
The Total Electron Content (TEC) from four locations in the Indian sector namely, Trivandrum (8.47°N, 76.91°E, Geomag.0.63°S, 0.3° dip), Waltair (17.7° N, 83.3°E, Geomag. 6.4°N, 20° dip), Bhopal (23.28°N, 77.34°E, Geomag.14.26°N, 33.2° dip), and Delhi (28.58°N, 77.21°E, Geomag.19.2°N, 43.4° dip) during a low sunspot year of 2004 are used to study the variabilities of the TEC. The day time TEC values are higher over Waltair and Bhopal compared to those at Trivandrum and Delhi. Considerable day-to-day variations in the diurnal values of TEC are observed at the anomaly crest locations. The observed GPS-TEC has been compared with the IRI-2007 model derived TEC considering three different options (IRI-2001, IRI-2001 corrected and Ne-Quick) available in the model for the topside electron density. The TEC derived with Ne-Quick and IRI-01 corrected options show better agreement with GPS-TEC while the TEC from IRI-01 method shows larger deviations. From the correlation analysis carried out between TEC value at 1300 h LT and solar indices parameters namely sunspot number (SSN), F10.7 and EUV, it is observed that the correlation is more during equinoctial months and less during summer months. The correlation coefficients observed over the anomaly locations, Bhopal and Delhi are lower compared to those at Trivandrum and Waltair.  相似文献   
We present and discuss here the observations of a small long duration GOES B-class flare associated with a quiescent filament eruption, a global EUV wave and a CME on 2011 May 11. The event was well observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), GONG Hα, STEREO and Culgoora spectrograph. As the filament erupted, ahead of the filament we observed the propagation of EIT wave fronts, as well as two flare ribbons on both sides of the polarity inversion line (PIL) on the solar surface. The observations show the co-existence of two types of EUV waves, i.e., a fast and a slow one. A type II radio burst with up to the third harmonic component was also associated with this event. The evolution of photospheric magnetic field showed flux emergence and cancellation at the filament site before its eruption.  相似文献   
一种磁载光催化剂的制备及光催化活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用溶胶-凝胶法,在磁性颗粒表面包覆T iO2,制备了易于固液分离的纳米级磁载光催化剂T iO2/S iO2/F e3O4,并通过TEM,IR,XRD等对样品进行表征。以有机污水为降解对象,研究了磁载光催化剂的光催化活性。研究结果表明,包覆S iO2有利于提高磁载光催化剂的光催化活性,光催化剂能使有机污水快速降解,5次循环使用后降解率达90%以上,且光催化剂能快速地从液相中分离回收。同时磁载光催化剂具有较高的光催化活性,对高盐污水、含酚污水的降解率分别可达到99%,86.8%,对染料污水也有良好的降解效果,并具有磁性回收的特点,应用前景广泛。  相似文献   
A method of wavefront analysis is used to analyze the formation of shock waves in a two-dimensional steady supersonic flow past plane and axisymmetric bodies in radiative magnetogasdynamics. The gas is assumed to be perfectly conducting and to be permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of the gas particles. The medium is taken to be sufficiently hot for the effects of thermal radiation to be significant, which is treated by the optically thin approximation to the radiative transfer equation. Transport equations, which lead to the determination of the distance at which the first characteristic could intersect with a successive one and also to conditions, which insure that no shock will ever evolve on the wave front, are derived. The effect of upstream flow Mach number and the magnetic field strength on the behavior of the wavefront are examined.  相似文献   
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