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A new technique is developed to compensate multiple-wavelength distortion in airborne antenna arrays. This approach exploits the phase information in microwave reflections from arbitrary terrain. To handle reflections incident over a broad angle, a range-Doppler preprocessor is used in each element channel to resolve wavefronts incident simultaneously from different directions. The phase information for each direction of arrival is compared between elements and processed by optimal estimators to determine the phase corrections needed to compensate the distortion. To develop the estimators, a statistical model of the complex baseband terrain reflections is developed. This is in turn used to generate conditional probability densities involving the range Doppler observations and the parameters to be estimated. These densities are subsequently used to develop minimum variance and maximum likelihood estimators. The new estimators use additional information that has not been exploited by previous techniques and therefore provide enhanced performance  相似文献   
The study addresses interaction of bacteria and phages in the host–parasite system in batch and continuous cultures. The study system consists of the auxotrophic strain of BrevibacteriumBrevibacterium sp. 22L – and the bacteriophage of Brevibacterium sp., isolated from the soil by the enrichment method.
Closed system. In the investigation of the relationship between the time of bacterial lysis and multiplicity of phage infection it has been found that at a lower phage amount per cell it takes a longer time for the lysis of the culture to become discernible. Another important factor determining cytolysis in liquid medium is the physiological state of bacterial population. Specific growth rate of bacteria at the moment of phage infection has been chosen as an indicator of the physiological state of bacteria. It has been shown that the shortest latent period and the largest output of the phage are observed during the logarithmic growth phase of bacteria grown under favorable nutrient conditions. In the stationary phase, bacterial cells become “a bad host” for the phage, whose reproduction rate decreases, and the lysis either slows down significantly or does not occur at all.  相似文献   
The theoretical basis and methods of implementation of a moment algorithm for the range separation estimation of two closely spaced point targets are presented. Moment estimation and noise filtering techniques introduced here result in a considerable improvement over Baum's algorithm. The error bounds are established and it is shown that the spectral moment estimator exhibits optimum (zero bias, minimum variance) performance when the target separation normalized to the standard deviation of the Gaussian pulse is 2?1.5. Monte Carlo simulation is performed to verify the approximations made and to demonstrate the feasibility of the working models.  相似文献   
Built in cooperation with China, at the end of 2008 the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela launched its first telecommunications satellite which operates in C, Ku and Ka bands. Using published and unpublished information, this report describes the potential role of the Venesat-1 satellite in promoting development in Venezuela and Latin America. The core of Venezuelan space policy has deep social roots and includes several applications in order to provide telecommunications services to people in all areas of the country. Potential roles of the Venezuelan Satellite in local and regional development include: strengthening environmental tele-education and telemedicine programs; improving disaster management through short-term development of broad networks to monitor environmental and meteorological features; coordination of emergency responses and humanitarian assistance using data and satellite communications; poverty reduction; and biodiversity conservation – communication networks could also be used to relay information about detected fires within protected areas faster, and to improve surveillance activities within them with in order to reduce illegal hunting, logging, habitat loss and fragmentation. Because the area covered by the satellite goes beyond Venezuela’s borders, its applications could have enormous relevance for human development at the regional level; they could be fundamental tools for bringing sustainable development into Latin America, by building capacity and increasing awareness among decision makers and lay people.  相似文献   
The space plasma environment usually contains charged dust grains. The grain charge is an important parameter determining its migration through the space, coagulation, formation of dust clouds and so on. The knowledge of its charge is thus one of the basic information we want to know. There are several emission processes leading to both positive and negative charges, among others photoemission, all kinds of secondary emissions, field emissions, etc. The present study is focused on a laboratory simulation of emissions caused by impacts by energetic ions. Our experiment is based on the Paul trap which gives us an opportunity to catch a single dust grain for several days inside the vacuum vessel and exposed it by electron/ion beams. This experimental approach allows us to separate an individual charging process. We have chosen spherically shaped gold grains and discussed the processes leading to the limitation of the grain charge. We suggested that the implantation of charging ions leads to deformations of the grain surface. The deformations enhance the local electric field strength that becomes sufficient for the field ionization.  相似文献   
A key aspect for understanding the astrobiological potential of planets and moons in the Solar system is the analysis of material embedded in or underneath icy layers on the surface. In particular in case of the icy crust of Jupiters moon Europa such investigation would be of greatest interest. For a Europa lander to be launched in the 2020–2030 timeframe, we propose to use a simplified instrumented melting probe which is able to access and sample depths of a few meters without the necessity of heavy and complicated drilling equipment.  相似文献   
A dosimetry-radiometry system has been developed at the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science to measure the fluxes and dose rates on the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut. The dosimetry system is designed for monitoring the different space radiations, such as solar cosmic rays, galactic cosmic rays and trapped particles in the earth radiation belts. The system consists of a battery operated small size detector unit and a "read-write" and telemetry microcomputer unit. The sensitivity of the instrument (3.67 x 10(-8) rad/pulse) permits high resolution measurements of the flux and dose rate along the track of the Mir space station. We report our initial results for the period of the flight between the 7th and 17th June 1988.  相似文献   
We present an observational study of magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbances during the December 2006 intense magnetic storm associated with the 4В/Х3.4 class solar flare. To perform the study we utilize the ground data from North–East Asian ionospheric and magnetic observatories (60–72°N, 88–152°E) and in situ measurements from LANL, GOES, Geotail and ACE satellites. The comparative analysis of ionospheric, magnetospheric and heliospheric disturbances shows that the interaction of the magnetosphere with heavily compressed solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field caused the initial phase of the magnetic storm. It was accompanied by the intense sporadic E and F2 layers and the total black-out in the nocturnal subauroral ionosphere. During the storm main phase, LANL-97A, LANL 1994_084, LANL 1989-046 and GOES_11 satellites registered a compression of the dayside magnetosphere up to their orbits. In the morning–noon sector the compression was accompanied by an absence of reflections from ionosphere over subauroral ionospheric station Zhigansk (66.8°N, 123.3°E), and a drastic decrease in the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) up to 54% of the quite one over subauroral Yakutsk station (62°N, 129.7°E). At the end of the main phase, these stations registered a sharp foF2 increase in the afternoon sector. At Yakutsk the peak foF2 was 1.9 time higher than the undisturbed one. The mentioned ionospheric disturbances occurred simultaneously with changes in the temperature, density and temperature anisotropy of particles at geosynchronous orbit, registered by the LANL-97A satellite nearby the meridian of ionospheric and magnetic measurements. The whole complex of disturbances may be caused by radial displacement of the main magnetospheric domains (magnetopause, cusp/cleft, plasma sheet) with respect to the observation points, caused by changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure, the field of magnetospheric convection, and rotation of the Earth.  相似文献   
The possibility of using solar sails in Earth orbit is investigated. The characteristic parameters of a solar sail consisting of six spheres attached by mutually orthogonal long rods are estimated.  相似文献   
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