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A miniaturized in situ laser induced breakdown spectroscope-LIBS is one of the two lunar rover payloads to be flown in India’s next lunar mission Chandrayaan-2, with an objective to carry-out a precise qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses of lunar regolith at the proximity of the landing region. As per the imposed mission constraints and the executed design optimization studies, a compact and light-weight LIBS prototype model is developed at our premises. This paper mainly concerns with the estimation of theoretical aspects; especially on evaluation of elemental ablation parameters and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculations for the designed instrument. Theoretical estimations and simulations yielded an incident laser power density of the order of 5 × 1010 W/cm2 on the target surface at a defined lens-to-surface distance (LTSD) of 200 mm and revealed an SNR > 100 for most of the elements under consideration. This paper also addresses the impact of LTSD variation on detection capability. The estimation of plasma-temperatures was carried out utilizing the emission spectra obtained under high vacuum environments employing the LIBS laboratory model. Experimental investigations and the performed theoretical estimations asserted the successful operation of the configured LIBS instrument for in situ elemental analyses on lunar surface.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of an experimental study of heat transfer using a model of the internal cooled surface of the turbine blade leading edge. We investigated a joint action of air jets and hemispherical protrusions on heat transfer from the concave surface of the leading edge model to air.  相似文献   
Seedlings of cucurbitaceous plants develop a protuberant tissue, or peg, on the lower side of the transition region between root and hypocotyl when germinated in a horizontal position. Peg develops due to a change in growth polarity of the cortical cells. We have examined the role of the cytoskeletal structure in peg formation of cucumber seedlings. We observed that in both peg and normal cortical cells of 36 h-old seedlings the microtubules (MTs) were arranged perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the elongating cells. Application of colchicine perturbed the MTs structure and inhibited the formation of pegs. In 20 h-old seedlings, MTs in cortical cells destined to be a peg tissue had no preferential organization, whereas MTs in normal cortical cells were transversely oriented. After 24 h, the MTs in future peg cells were arranged similar to those of 36 h-old seedlings, although the initiation of peg tissue was not yet visible. These results suggest that reorganization of MTs is required for peg formation and causes the change in growth polarity of the cortical cells.  相似文献   
In dark-grown plantlets of the moss, Pottia intermedia, negatively gravitropic secondary protonemata differentiate from the superficial cells of leafy shoots. When transferred to the light, distal parts of the protonemata nearest to the apical cells begin to ramify and the apical cells of the side branches as well as of the main protonemal filaments often differentiate as buds. Dark-grown protonemata were oriented horizontally and illuminated from below with white light of different intensities. Only light with an intensity of 4.5 μmol·m−2·s−1 was sufficient to induce: (a) phototropism in the apical cells, (b) light-directed initiation of branch primordia, and (c) directed growth of side branches and bud differentiation. Apical cells illuminated with light of lower (0.03–0.37 μmol·m−2·s−1) intensity grew upwards (i.e., away from the light). It was shown that this upward growth was determined by the action of gravity. Although initiation of branch primordia was only slightly affected, their growth was strongly stimulated on the upper side of the protonemata.  相似文献   
本文给出了高超声速飞行器表面摩阻和传热系数 (斯坦顿数 )的计算结果。采用两种方法平面切面法亦即二维边界层近似法和工程方法计算了飞行器高超声速绕流的粘性效应 ,并对两种方法的计算结果作了仔细的比较。由文可见 ,对于在稠密大气层内 ,沿轨道运行头速度恒定的高超声速有翼飞行器 ,能够用本文所采用的两种方法计算其表面摩阻和热载荷。此二法可成功地应用于绕复杂形状物体的流动参数计算。  相似文献   
针对航天电子产品广泛采用的Sn-Pb焊料在镀金表面焊接形成焊点的工艺,分析了工业及国内外航天相关标准文件中对焊接后焊点中含金量的要求以及焊点含金量、时效、器件不同封装形式对焊点可靠性的影响,并深入分析了合金焊点金相组织结构,最后介绍了一般去金工艺要求与去金不到位而导致器件失效案例。  相似文献   
通信导航一体化是未来无线系统的发展趋势,可以更加充分地利用频谱资源。设计了一种新的一体化波形,在实现通信符号传递的同时,利用其进行时延测距进而实现相应的定位导航功能。一种联合的优化目标函数被提出,其中以星座图上的范数误差衡量通信性能,以自相关函数的加权积分旁瓣电平衡量波形的定时性能。结合一体化系统的实际,在问题求解时同时考虑了波形总功率约束和波形恒模约束,并采用变量交替迭代优化的算法进行迭代求解。最后利用数值仿真验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
首先分析了光纤陀螺产生温度误差的机理,在此基础上分别指出标度因数与零偏的误差补偿模型,提出了一种利用一组数据同时补偿标度因数及零偏的方法,直接表示输入与标度因数零偏补偿后的关系。最后通过实验验证了该方法不仅能够有效地补偿陀螺的温度误差,且其补偿精度优于原单独补偿的方法,同时该方法仅需一次温度实验,节省实验成本,具有较大的现实意义。  相似文献   
We estimate the statistic characteristics and extreme deviations of the state vector components for the Ilyushin Il 96–300 systems at automatic landing.  相似文献   
The computer-aided design (CAD) system is specified for the preproduction engineering of the aircraft engine compressor blades. This system is characterized by a high quality of designing the finishing cutoff and reducing dies. It is shown that a high level of unification and integration in CAD permits the time of designing the punch tool sets to be significantly reduced.  相似文献   
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