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J. Isbert J.H. Adams Jr. H.S. Ahn G.L. Bashindzhagyan K.E. Batkov M. Christl A.R. Fazely O. Ganel R.M. Gunashingha T.G. Guzik J. Chang K.C. Kim E.N. Kouznetsov Z.W. Lin M.I. Panasyuk A.D. Panov W.K.H. Schmidt E.S. Seo N.V. Sokolskaya John W. Watts J.P. Wefel J. Wu V.I. Zatsepin 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
The Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) Balloon Experiment had a successful test flight and a science flight in 2000–01 and 2002–03 and an unsuccessful launch in 2005–06 from McMurdo, Antarctica, returning 16 and 19 days of flight data. ATIC is designed to measure the spectra of cosmic rays (protons to iron). The instrument is composed of a Silicon matrix detector followed by a carbon target interleaved with scintillator tracking layers and a segmented BGO calorimeter composed of 320 individual crystals totaling 18 radiation lengths to determine the particle energy. BGO (Bismuth Germanate) is an inorganic scintillation crystal and its light output depends not only on the energy deposited by particles but also on the temperature of the crystal. The temperature of balloon instruments during flight is not constant due to sun angle variations as well as differences in albedo from the ground. The change in output for a given energy deposit in the crystals in response to temperature variations was determined. 相似文献
A. Kiraga Z. K
os V. N. Oraevsky S. A. Pulinets V. C. Dokukin E. P. Szuszczewicz 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1995,15(12):143-146
Based on the dispersion relation of electron plasma, one can expect, that the waves excited in the frequency band (fp, fu=sqrt(fp*fp+fc*fc)) should persist in experimental spectra. For wave data from a spacecraft immersed in a cold plasma such an assumption may be misleading. In measurements performed on board the INTERCOSMOS-19, ACTIVE, APEX satellites and VC36.064CE rocket the most prominent spectral structure is centered around frequency fr fulfilling the relation fcrp and corresponds to resonant detection of Bernstein waves excited in the surrounding plasma by spacecraft systems. Input network mismatch at frequencies around fu significantly depresses natural plasma noise as well as that excited by the spacecraft. Plasma emissions in the band (fp, fu) are prominent if the electromagnetic excitation is preferential (topside sounders) or if the excitation introduces nonequilibrium components into the plasma e.g. particle beams or clouds. Experimental examples are presented and parameters of cold plasma spectra useful for electron density estimation are discussed. The application to other spacecraft-cold plasma configurations is suggested. 相似文献
Cytogenetic studies of blood lymphocytes from cosmonauts after long-term space flights on Mir station. 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
B Fedorenko S Druzhinin L Yudaeva V Petrov Y Akatov G Snigiryova N Novitskaya V Shevchenko A Rubanovich 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2001,27(2):355-359
Long-term space missions may increase risks of unfavorable consequences for cosmonauts as a result of radiation effects. This paper presents results of a study of cytogenetic damage in cosmonauts' peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by space radiation. Cultivation of lymphocytes and analysis of chromosomal aberrations were made according to generally accepted methods. It is shown that the yields of dicentrics and centric rings scored after long-term space flights are considerably higher than those scored prior to the flights. An attempt was made to assess individual doses received by cosmonauts. Individual biodosimetry doses received by cosmonauts who showed a reliable increase in the yields of chromosomal-type aberrations after their first flights were estimated to be from 0.02 to 0.28 Gy. 相似文献
VXIbus is an ideal standard for instrumentation associated with developmental test systems used by industrial applications due to its adaptability, accuracy, and responsiveness. This application note is one such example of a VXI solution for a worldwide leader in commercial property and risk management that operates a destructive test facility to analyze the results of disasters predominantly caused by fire. The company implemented a re-configurable 2,400 channel test system based on Kinetic Systems' VXI modules that used a fiber optic ring to synchronize multiple chassis and multiple channels. Technical details of the VXI implementation and results will be discussed 相似文献
The development of a fiber based laser architecture will enable novel applications in environments which have hitherto been impossible due to size, efficiency and power of traditional systems. Such a new architecture has been developed by the International Coherent Amplification Network (ICAN) project. Here we present an analysis of utilizing an ICAN laser for the purpose of tracking and de-orbiting hyper-velocity space debris. With an increasing number of new debris from collisions of active, derelict and new payloads in orbit, there is a growing danger of runaway debris impacts. Due to its compactness and efficiency, it is shown that space-based operation would be possible. For different design parameters such as fiber array size, it is shown that the kHz repetition rate and kW average power of ICAN would be sufficient to de-orbit small 1–10 cm debris within a single instance via laser ablation. 相似文献
N. A. Bryukhanov V. V. Tsvetkov M. Yu. Belyaev E. V. Babkin T. V. Matveeva V. V. Sazonov 《Cosmic Research》2006,44(1):48-57
Results of in-flight tests of three modes of uncontrolled attitude motion of the Progress spacecraft are described. These proposed modes of experiments related to microgravity are as follows: (1) triaxial gravitational orientation, (2) gravitational orientation of the rotating satellite, and (3) spin-up in the plane of the orbit around the axis of the maximum moment of inertia. The tests were carried out from May 24 to June 1, 2004 onboard the spacecraft Progress M1-11. The actual motion of this spacecraft with respect to its center of mass, in the above-mentioned modes, was determined by telemetric information about an electric current tapped off from solar batteries. The values of the current obtained during a time interval of several hours were processed jointly using the least squares method by integration of the equations of the spacecraft’s attitude motion. The processing resulted in estimation of the initial conditions of motion and of the parameters of mathematical models used. For the obtained motions the quasi-static component of microaccelerations was computed at a point onboard, where installation of experimental equipment is possible. 相似文献
R.A. Gowen A. Smith A.D. Fortes S. Barber P. Brown P. Church G. Collinson A.J. Coates G. Collins I.A. Crawford V. Dehant J. Chela-Flores A.D. Griffiths P.M. Grindrod L.I. Gurvits A. Hagermann H. Hussmann R. Jaumann A.P. Jones K.H. Joy O. Karatekin K. Miljkovic E. Palomba W.T. Pike O. Prieto-Ballesteros F. Raulin M.A. Sephton S. Sheridan M. Sims M.C. Storrie-Lombardi R. Ambrosi J. Fielding G. Fraser Y. Gao G.H. Jones G. Kargl W.J. Karl A. Macagnano A. Mukherjee J.P. Muller A. Phipps D. Pullan L. Richter F. Sohl J. Snape J. Sykes N. Wells 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
M.N. Gousheva R.P. Glavcheva D.L. Danov P.L. Hristov B.B. Kirov K.Y. Georgieva 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
The problem of earthquake prediction has stimulated the search for a correlation between seismic activity and ionospherical anomalies. We found observational evidence of possible earthquake effects in the near-equatorial and low latitude ionosphere; these ionospheric anomalies have been proposed by Gousheva et al. [Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov P., Hristov, P., Influence of earthquakes on the electric field disturbances in the ionosphere on board of the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 58 (8) 911–916, 2005a; Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov, P., Hristov, P., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K., Observation from the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite of anomalies associated with seismic activity. In: Poster Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies: Space in the Service of Society, RAST ‘2005, June 9–11, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 119–123, 2005b; Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov, P., Hristov, P., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K., Satellite monitoring of anomalous effects in the ionosphere probably related to strong earthquakes. Adv. Space Res. 37 (4), 660–665, 2006]. This paper presents new results from observations of the quasi-static electric field and ion density on board INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite in the mid latitude ionosphere above sources of moderate earthquakes. Data from INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite and seismic data (World Data Center, Denver, Colorado, USA) for magnetically quiet and medium quiet days are juxtaposed in time-space domain. For satellite’s orbits in the time period 15.09–01.10.1981 an increase in the horizontal and vertical components of the quasi-static electric field and fluctuations of the ion density are observed over zones of forthcoming seismic events. Some similar post effects are observed too. The emphasis of this paper is put on the anomalies which specify the mid latitude ionosphere. The obtained results contain important information because they confirm our previous results for near-equatorial and low latitude regions. 相似文献
V.A Shurshakov V.M Petrov N.A Panova Yu.V Ivanov V.S Makhmutov Ts Dachev J Semkova 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1996,18(12):251-257
Since 1988 high sensitivity dosimeter-radiometer “Liulin” has been installed on board the MIR space station. Device measured absorbed dose rate and flux of penetrating particles. Results of measurements showed that after powerful solar proton events (SPE) September–October, 1989 and March, 1991 additional quasistable radiation belts were formed in the near earth space within the interval L=1.8−3.0. These “new” belts were observed as an additional maximums in flux (and sometimes dose) channels when crossing the SAA region. “New” belts were quasi stable and existed at least several months, decaying slightly after SPE. Dose to flux ratio analysis showed that major components of these belts were energetic electrons and protons arising in connection with preceding SPEs. 相似文献
F.E. Bauer C. Vignali D.M. Alexander W.N. Brandt G.P. Garmire A.E. Hornschemeier P.S. Broos L.K. Townsley D.P. Schneider 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2004,34(12):2555-2560
We investigate the nature of the faint X-ray source population through X-ray spectroscopy and variability analyses of 136 active galactic nuclei (AGN) detected in the 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey with >200 background-subtracted 0.5–8.0 keV counts [F0.5–8.0 keV = (1.4−200) × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1]. Our preliminary spectral analyses yield median spectral parameters of Γ = 1.61 and intrinsic NH = 6.2 × 1021 cm−2 (z = 1 assumed when no redshift available) when the AGN spectra are fitted with a simple absorbed power-law model. However, considerable spectral complexity is apparent (e.g., reflection, partial covering) and must be taken into account to model the data accurately. Moreover, the choice of spectral model (i.e., free vs. fixed photon index) has a pronounced effect on the derived JVH distribution and, to a lesser extent, the X-ray luminosity distribution. We also find that among the 136 AGN, 10 (≈7%) show significant Fe K emission-line features with equivalent widths in the range 0.1–1.3 keV. Two of these emission-line AGN could potentially be Compton thick (i.e., Γ < 1.0 and large Fe K equivalent width). Finally, we find that 81 (≈60%) of the 136 AGN show signs of variability, and that this fraction increases significantly (≈80–90%) when better photon statistics are available. 相似文献