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This paper considers the problem of locating a stationary coherent emitter via a single moving platform making frequency measurements in the presence of aperture state uncertainty. It is shown that the estimated emitter location is most sensitive to the receiving aperture velocity uncertainty. The required aperture velocity accuracy is determined through a noninfinitesimal perturbation analysis. A solution to location accuracy enhancement with a minimal hardware addition is attempted. It is shown that this can be achieved by mounting a high-resolution tri-axis microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometer at the aperture to measure its velocity, which can deviate significantly from that estimated by the on-board navigation system. The Doppler shifts of the GPS signal carrier frequency, whenever it can be acquired through the aperture, are also considered as a way to aid the aperture velocity measurement. A decentralized, federated processing method for the aperture velocity estimate referenced at the aperture, integrating all measurement data, is presented. An upper bound for the error of aperture velocity estimate is derived. The potential for significant accuracy enhancement for emitter location is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A coherent train of identical linear FM (LFM) pulses is used extensively in radar because of its good range and Doppler resolution. Its relatively high autocorrelation function (ACF) sidelobes are sometimes reduced through spectrum shaping (e.g., nonlinear FM, or intrapulse weighting on receive). We show how to completely remove most of the ACF sidelobes about the mainlobe peak, without any increase to the mainlobe width, by diversifying the pulses through overlaying them with orthonormal coding. A helpful byproduct of this design is reduced ACF recurrent lobes. The overlaid signal also results in reduced Doppler tolerance, which can be considered as a drawback for some applications. The method is applied to several trains of identical pulses (LFM and others) using several orthonormal codes. The effect on the three important properties of the radar signal: ACF, ambiguity function (AY), and frequency spectrum is presented. The effect on Doppler tolerance is studied, and implementation issues are discussed. The new design is also compared with complementary and sub-complementary pulse trains and is shown to be superior in many aspects.  相似文献   
Relative positioning of multiple moving platforms using GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To obtain subdecimeter level accuracy in relative kinematic positioning, the use of double differenced GPS carrier phase measurement with carrier phase ambiguities fixed to their correct integer values must be adopted. If multiple platforms are available in the configuration, the redundancy provided by the multiplicity of platforms can speed up the time to integer ambiguity fixing while at the same time improve the reliability of the solution. An approach to effectively construct ambiguity constraints through the multiplicity of platforms is presented herein. The use of these ambiguity constraints to position multiple moving platforms with respect to each other is then discussed. A series of simulations and field tests are designed and conducted to investigate the effects of different system parameters on this approach, with a configuration of up to 10 moving platforms. The test results show that the use of ambiguity constraints can improve the time to integer ambiguity fixing by up to 67%, relative to the case when no constraints are used. In addition, the use of ambiguity constraints is found to enhance the ability of the multiple platform system to detect wrong ambiguity fixes.  相似文献   
Multiparameter studies of the discharge coefficient dependence on the nozzle geometry and the presence of a condensed phase in combustion products were performed. The simulation results obtained satisfactorily agree with the well-known generalized data. The modern computational fluid dynamics methods were shown to be able to refine the generalized empirical relations.  相似文献   
Climate is discussed as an integral part of System Earth, determined by a complex interplay of numerous geological, biological and solar processes. The historical and geological record of changing climate and atmospheric CO2 pressure does not support the current popular vision that this greenhouse gas is the dominant climate controlling agent. When empirically ante post tested against past global climate changes, the forecasts of the climate models mainly based on forcing by atmospheric CO2 are not borne out. On the other hand, recent studies show that solar variability rather than changing CO2 pressure is an important, probably the dominant climate forcing factor.  相似文献   
Battery charger design for the Columbus MTFF power system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) dc-dc converter topology is proposed for the battery charge regulator (BCR) of the Columbus Man-Tended Free-Flyer (MTFF) power system. The system is a regulated bus system. Bus voltage control is implemented at the input of the BCR. The use of a conventional buck topology with PWM conductance control at the input results in a second-order behavior. A study of new PWM dc-dc converter topologies has been made to attain a suitable topology. The proposed converter topology is designed and a breadboard including the control loop has been built and tested. The experimental results show that the converter operates according to the design constraints.  相似文献   
A relative navigation system for formation flight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A relative navigation system based on both the Inertial Navigation System (INS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) is developed to support situational awareness during formation flight. The architecture of the system requires an INS/GPS integration across two aircraft via a data link. A fault-tolerant federated filter is used to estimate the relative INS errors based on relative GPS measurements and a range measurement obtained from the data link. The filter is constructed based on a reduced-order model of the relative INS error process. A method for analyzing the filter performance is presented. A case involving two helicopters in formation flight is studied under three different night trajectories to account for the effect of vehicle motion on the INS state transition matrix. The results of the covariance analysis are compared with actual night results over an instrumented test range.  相似文献   
The problem of optimal data fusion in multiple detection systems is studied in the case where training examples are available, but no a priori information is available about the probability distributions of errors committed by the individual detectors. Earlier solutions to this problem require some knowledge of the error distributions of the detectors, for example, either in a parametric form or in a closed analytical form. Here we show that, given a sufficiently large training sample, an optimal fusion rule can be implemented with an arbitrary level of confidence. We first consider the classical cases of Bayesian rule and Neyman-Pearson test for a system of independent detectors. Then we show a general result that any test function with a suitable Lipschitz property can be implemented with arbitrary precision, based on a training sample whose size is a function of the Lipschitz constant, number of parameters, and empirical measures. The general case subsumes the cases of nonindependent and correlated detectors.  相似文献   
We present our current knowledge of the solar chemical composition based on the recent significant downward revision of the solar photospheric abundances of the most abundant metals. These new solar abundances result from the use of a 3D hydrodynamic model of the solar atmosphere instead of the classical 1D hydrostatic models, accounting for departures from LTE, and improved atomic and molecular data. With these abundances, the new solar metallicity, Z, decreases to Z=0.012, almost a factor of two lower than earlier widely used values. We compare our values with data from other sources and analyse a number of impacts of these new photospheric abundances. While resolving a number of longstanding problems, the new 3D-based solar photospheric composition also poses serious challenges for the standard solar model as judged by helioseismology.  相似文献   
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