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Though H2CO, H2CS, H2CCC, H2CCCC, H2CCO have been identified in cool interstellar molecular clouds, identification of H2CC is still awaited. To analyze its spectrum, collisional rate coefficients are required. We have calculated collisional rate coefficients for rotational transitions between 23 levels of ortho and para H2CC for kinetic temperatures 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 K. The scattering problem is analyzed using the computer code MOLSCAT where the colliding partner is He atom. The interaction between H2CC and He has been calculated with GAUSSIAN 2003. For the interaction potential obtained with GAUSSIAN 2003, MOLSCAT is used to derive the parameters q(L,M,M|E)q(L,M,M|E) as a function of energy E   of the colliding partner. After averaging the parameters q(L,M,M|E)q(L,M,M|E) over a Maxwellian distribution, the parameters Q(L,M,M|T)Q(L,M,M|T) as a function of the kinetic temperature T in the cloud are obtained. Finally, the collisional rate coefficients have been calculated.  相似文献   
The interior evolution of Mercury—the innermost planet in the solar system, with its exceptional high density—is poorly known. Our current knowledge of Mercury is based on observations from Mariner 10’s three flybys. That knowledge includes the important discoveries of a weak, active magnetic field and a system of lobate scarps that suggests limited radial contraction of the planet during the last 4 billion years. We review existing models of Mercury’s interior evolution and further present new 2D and 3D convection models that consider both a strongly temperature-dependent viscosity and core cooling. These studies provide a framework for understanding the basic characteristics of the planet’s internal evolution as well as the role of the amount and distribution of radiogenic heat production, mantle viscosity, and sulfur content of the core have had on the history of Mercury’s interior. The existence of a dynamo-generated magnetic field suggests a growing inner core, as model calculations show that a thermally driven dynamo for Mercury is unlikely. Thermal evolution models suggest a range of possible upper limits for the sulfur content in the core. For large sulfur contents the model cores would be entirely fluid. The observation of limited planetary contraction (∼1–2 km)—if confirmed by future missions—may provide a lower limit for the core sulfur content. For smaller sulfur contents, the planetary contraction obtained after the end of the heavy bombardment due to inner core growth is larger than the observed value. Due to the present poor knowledge of various parameters, for example, the mantle rheology, the thermal conductivity of mantle and crust, and the amount and distribution of radiogenic heat production, it is not possible to constrain the core sulfur content nor the present state of the mantle. Therefore, it is difficult to robustly predict whether or not the mantle is conductive or in the convective regime. For instance, in the case of very inefficient planetary cooling—for example, as a consequence of a strong thermal insulation by a low conductivity crust and a stiff Newtonian mantle rheology—the predicted sulfur content can be as low as 1 wt% to match current estimates of planetary contraction, making deep mantle convection likely. Efficient cooling—for example, caused by the growth of a crust strongly in enriched in radiogenic elements—requires more than 6.5 wt% S. These latter models also predict a transition from a convective to a conductive mantle during the planet’s history. Data from future missions to Mercury will aid considerably our understanding of the evolution of its interior.  相似文献   
A Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) instrument has been developed as part of the science payload for NASA’s Discovery Program mission to the planet Mercury. Mercury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) launched successfully in 2004 and will journey more than six years before entering Mercury orbit to begin a one-year investigation. The GRNS instrument forms part of the geochemistry investigation and will yield maps of the elemental composition of the planet surface. Major elements include H, O, Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Fe, K, and Th. The Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) portion detects gamma-ray emissions in the 0.1- to 10-MeV energy range and achieves an energy resolution of 3.5 keV full-width at half-maximum for 60Co (1332 keV). It is the first interplanetary use of a mechanically cooled Ge detector. Special construction techniques provide the necessary thermal isolation to maintain the sensor’s encapsulated detector at cryogenic temperatures (90 K) despite the intense thermal environment. Given the mission constraints, the GRS sensor is necessarily body-mounted to the spacecraft, but the outer housing is equipped with an anticoincidence shield to reduce the background from charged particles. The Neutron Spectrometer (NS) sensor consists of a sandwich of three scintillation detectors working in concert to measure the flux of ejected neutrons in three energy ranges from thermal to ∼7 MeV. The NS is particularly sensitive to H content and will help resolve the composition of Mercury’s polar deposits. This paper provides an overview of the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer and describes its science and measurement objectives, the design and operation of the instrument, the ground calibration effort, and a look at some early in-flight data.  相似文献   
In this study, observations from microwave satellites, visible and infrared instruments have been analyzed to detect dust storm over north and north–west part of India during 18–23 March 2012. This study investigated the approach to utilize the multi satellite data of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on-board the Terra and Aqua satellite and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on-board NOAA satellite to study the characteristics of dust storms from real time direct broadcast (DB) receiving system installed at three places of India Meteorological Department (IMD). The dust storm detection is based on the infrared brightness temperature (BT) difference between channels at 11 and 12 μm and polarized BT difference between two channels of 89 and 23.8 GHz. It is found that the significant differences between the BT of channel 89 and 23.8 can be used as a discriminator of identifying dust storm. The Total Ozone Mapping Spectroradiometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index (AI) and AMSU-A 23 GHz channel BT from NOAA satellite over the north and north-west part of India have also been analyzed. The result indicated the characteristic behavior between BT and AI during the different phases of the dust storm. Finally, the occurrence of dust outbreaks has also been validated with sky radiometer of IMD, which confirms the presence of a dust storm over the Indian region. Further, the findings of the study and its approaches apply to the other dust storm cases which occurred during the months of April and June 2012. The integrated approach suggested the potential to use high resolution data of microwave as well as thermal–infrared using multi-satellite observations from real time direct broadcast system for the detection of severe, moderate or weak dust storms very well. The approach is found to be promising for operational application.  相似文献   
To study the variation of ionospheric electron and ion temperatures with solar activity the data of electron and ion temperatures were recorded with the help of Retarding Potential Analyzer payload aboard Indian SROSS-C2 satellite at an average altitude of ∼500 km. The main focuses of the paper is to see the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of electron and ion temperatures during periods of minimum to maximum solar activity. The ionospheric temperatures in the topside show strong variations with altitude, latitude, season and solar activity. In present study, the temperature variations with latitude, season and solar activity have been studied at an average altitude ∼500 km. The peak at sunrise has been observed during all seasons, in both electron and ion temperatures. Further, the ionospheric temperatures vary with latitude in day time. The latitudinal variation is more pronounced for low solar activity than for high solar activity.  相似文献   
In this paper, the design of an orbital space settlement named Lakshita located at L5 for 10,000 residents having area of 1 × 106 m2 has been proposed, with the aim of fulfilling mining activities and space research in micro – g. All calculations are made in the perspective of a dynamic demography which could lead to the doubling of the population in next 25 years with initial population of 4500. The settlement consists of one residential torus, one agricultural torus, industrial cylinder and two docking cylinders rotating coaxially at 1 rpm. 2.3% of the total volume of settlement is provided for two docking cylinders with 6 docking ports enabling the elastic flow of space traffic, thereby providing continuous loading and unloading of cargo and passengers. Four pressurized sliding cylinders with 5.7 × 105 m3 volume above the down surface area moving along the spokes fulfill the need of adaptation of visitors at half the gravity level of primary settlement volumes, as well provide wobble control. 1.1 × 105 torr of pressure is provided above the down surface area of the residential torus. The power generation of 400 Mw, required for the functional need of Lakshita, will be obtained through SPS located at L4. The 14 h day and 10 h night cycle will be maintained by four mirrors attached on either side from the central cylinder. The walls of the settlement will be made up of three consecutive layers of super adobe, Nextel and Kevler-49 respectively to provide radiation and debris protection. An assortment of various facilities like appropriate distribution and management of water through an intended network of pipelines, accurate management of waste within the settlement has been provided.  相似文献   
Despite more than 52 years of lunar exploration, a wide range of first-order scientific questions remain about the Moon’s formation, temporal evolution, and current surface and interior properties. Addressing many of these questions requires obtaining new in situ analyses or return of lunar surface or shallow subsurface samples, and hence rely on the selection of optimal landing sites. Here, we present an approach to optimize science-rich lunar landing site selection studies based on the integration of remote sensing observations. Currently available remote sensing data, as well as features of interest published in the recent literature, were integrated in a Geographic Information System. This numerical database contains geographic information about all these findings, which can be consulted and used to simultaneously display multiple features and parameters of interest. To illustrate our approach, we identified the optimal landing sites to address the two top priorities (or goals) relative to Concept 3 of the National Research Council of the National Academies (2007), namely to ‘Determine the extent and composition of the primary feldspathic crust, (ur)KREEP layer, and other products of differentiation’ and to ‘Inventory the variety, age, distribution and origin of lunar rock types’. We review site requirements and propose possible landing sites for both these goals. We identified 29 sites that best fulfill both these goals and compare them with the landing sites of planned future lunar lander missions. Finally, we detail two of these science-rich sites (Aristarchus and Theophilus craters) which are particularly accessible through their location on the nearside.  相似文献   
We suggest that superbursts from some low mass X-ray binaries may be due to breaking and re-formation of diquark pairs, on the surface of realistic strange stars. Diquarks are expected to break up due to the explosion and shock of the thermonuclear process. After a prolonged accretion when almost all pairs get broken, the subsequent production of copious diquarks may produce sufficient energy to produce the superbursts.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the impact of extensive anthropogenic activities associated with festivities and agricultural crop residues burning in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) on satellite-derived reflectance during November 2007. Intense smoke plumes were observed in the IRS-P4 OCM satellite data over IGP associated with agricultural crop residue burning during the study period. Terra-MODIS AOD and CALIPSO LIDAR backscatter datasets were analysed over the region to understand the spatial and temporal variation of the aerosol properties. Ground-based measurements on aerosol optical properties and black carbon (BC) mass concentration were carried out during 7–14 November 2007 over urban region of Hyderabad, India. Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance estimated from IRS-P4 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) data showed large variations due to anthropogenic activities associated with crop residue burning and fireworks. Atmospheric corrections to OCM satellite data using 6S radiative transfer code with inputs from ground and satellite measurements could account for the variations due to differential aerosol loading. Results are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
The High Energy X-ray spectrometer (HEX) on Chandrayaan-1 was designed to study the photon emission in the range of 30–270 keV from naturally occurring radioactive decay of 238U and 232Th series nuclides from the lunar surface. The primary objective of HEX was to study the transport of volatiles on the lunar surface using radon as a tracer and mapping the 46.5 keV line from 210Pb, a decay product of 222Rn. HEX was tested for two days during the commissioning phase of Chandrayaan-1 and performance of all sub systems was found to be as expected. HEX started collecting science data during the first non-prime imaging season (February–April, 2009) of Chandrayaan-1. Certain anomalies persisted in this data set and the early curtailment of Chandrayaan-1 mission in August, 2009, did not allow any further operation of HEX. Despite these issues, HEX provided the first data set for 30–270 keV continuum emission, averaged over a significant portion of the lunar surface, including the polar region.  相似文献   
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