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The influence of cosmic radiation and/or microgravity on insect development was studied during the 7 day German Spacelab Mission D1. Eggs of Carausius morosus of five stages differing in sensitivity to radiation and in capacity to regeneration were allowed to continue their development in the BIORACK 22°C incubator, either at microgravity conditions or on the 1 g reference centrifuge. Using the Biostack concept - eggs in monolayers were sandwiched between visual track detectors - and the 1 g reference centrifuge, we were able to separate radiation effects from microgravity effects and also from combined effects of these two factors in space. After retrieval, hatching rates, growth kinetics and anomaly frequencies were determined in the different test samples. The early stages of development turned out to be highly sensitive to single hits of cosmic ray particles as well as to the temporary exposure to microgravity during their development. In some cases, the combined action of radiation and microgravity even amplified the effects exerted by the single parameters of space. Hits by single HZE particles caused early effects, such as body anomalies, as well as late effects, such as retarded growth after hatching. Microgravity exposure lead to a reduced hatching rate. A synergistic action of HZE particle hits and microgravity was established in the unexpectedly high frequency of anomal larvae. However, it cannot be excluded, that cosmic background radiation or low LET HZE particles are also causally involved in damage observed in the microgravity samples.  相似文献   
The composition of anomalous cosmic rays (ACR), is thought to reflect that of the neutral atoms in the very local interstellar medium, such as helium, nitrogen and neon. Recent observations in the outer heliosphere have provided the first unambiguous evidence for ACR argon, carbon and hydrogen, as well, and a method has been developed to relate the ACR abundances to those of the interstellar medium. The observations also indicate persistent negative latitudinal gradients, opposite to that observed by Pioneer 11 during the previous minimum in solar activity. These and other results are consistent with the presence of gradient and curvature drift during solar minimum periods when the tilt of the interplanetary neutral sheet is small.  相似文献   
The new zonal mean COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-86) of temperature, zonal wind, and geopotential/geometric height is presented. This data can be used as a function of altitude or pressure and has nearly pole-to-pole coverage (80°S-80°N) extending from the ground to approximately 120 km. Data sources and methods of computation are described; in general, hydrostatic and thermal wind balance are maintained at all levels and latitudes. As shown by a series of cross sectional plots, the new CIRA accurately reproduces most of the characteristic features of the atmosphere such as the equatorial wind and the general structure of the tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause.  相似文献   
Spores of Bacillus subtilis were exposed to selected factors of space (vacuum, solar UV radiation, heavy ions of cosmic radiation), and their response was studied after recovery. These investigations were supplemented by ground-based studies under simulated space conditions. The vacuum of space did not inactivate the spores. However, vacuum-induced structural changes in the DNA, and probably in the proteins, caused a supersensitivity to solar UV radiation. This phenomenon is caused by the production of specific photoproducts in DNA and protein, which cannot be removed by normal cellular repair processes. In vegetative bacterial cells, exposed to vacuum, cell dehydration led to damage of the cell membrane, which could be partly repaired during subsequent incubation. The high local effectiveness of the cosmic heavy ions further decreases the chance that spores can survive for any length of time in space. Nonetheless, a spore travelling through space and protected from ultraviolet radiation could possibly survive an interplanetary journey. Such a situation favors panspermia as a possible explanation for the origin of life.  相似文献   
The possibility of explaining the continuous emission of active galactic nuclei in the frame of a model of spherical accretion onto a massive black hole is discussed. Cool inhomogeneities (T 104°K) within the accretion flow could be responsible for the broad line emission if half of the accreting matter is in the dense phase. A crucial test of this hypothesis is the expected correlation between the ratio of the luminosity in lines to the total luminosity and the hardness of the continuous spectrum.  相似文献   
描述并确定具有明显纹理粗糙表面均方根斜率的光散射技术(均方根斜率是联合表面轮廓高度和波长特性的混合参数)。称为散射光锥法(The scattered light-conemethod)的该技术是基于激光角散射检测阵列(DALLAS——Defector Array for Laser LishtAngular Scattering),它用于测量粗糙表面散射光角分布的仪器。均方根斜率是从DALLAS光散射图象的角宽得到的。一般可以发现角宽(即估计的均方根斜率)对光的入射角和散射角变化相当大时是不敏感的。这些结果与表面材料无关,并且对正弦和随机粗糙表面都是有效的。介绍了散射光锥法的测量原理、实验、数据分析和几点结论。  相似文献   
After more than two years of operation, the imaging γ-ray SIGMA telescope has accumulated several days of observation toward well known X-ray binaries. Four bright sources falling in this category have been detected so far: The pulsar GX 1+4 near the center of our galaxy, the stellar wind accreting system 4U 1700-377, and the black hole candidates Cygnus X-1 and GX 339-4. Moreover, SIGMA have observed three transients sources, which turned out to be also hard X-ray sources : The burster KS 1731-260, Tra X-1, and the Musca Nova. The properties of these systems in the SIGMA domain will be reviewed and a spectral distinction between black holes and neutron stars will be sketched.  相似文献   
The Galactic plane was scanned nearly three times by the UCSD/MIT Hard X-Ray and Low Energy Gamma-Ray Experiment on HEAO-1 from August 1977 through September 1978. Its Medium Energy Detectors were of the NaI/CsI phoswich type and operated over the 100 keV to 2 MeV range, with a 17° FWHM field of view and a 9% energy resolution at 511 keV. Sky maps for each epoch of observation were constructed in several energy bands. After subtraction of known point sources, a component associated with the galactic plane remains, whose spectrum is consistent with a power law and a positron annihilation spectrum. In the 333 to 583 keV energy band the flux is concentrated within ±35° of the galactic center, and the ratio of flux/radian (anticenter) is high, with a 2σ lower limit of 13. The parameters of the galactic center region's annihilation spectrum are positronium fraction of 0.9±0.1 and 511 keV flux of (2.0±0.7)×10−3 photons/cm2-sec-rad.  相似文献   
惩罚函数法在发动机性能计算中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
按照涡喷发动机工作时遵守的气动热力学定律,建立了发动机的稳定数学模型,并针对双轴涡轮发动机性能计算的非线性数学模型,利用优化和最优控制理论中的惩罚函数法,对发动机性能进行了基于约束的最优求解程序设计,利用程序对某型发动机的稳定飞行特性进行了计算,计算结果表明,使用惩罚函数法求出的特性曲线变化规律正确,发动机平衡方程的解的精度更高,在此基础上得出的发动机飞行特性也更准确。另外惩罚函数法对初值的要求很低,迭代运算不易发散。  相似文献   
基于市场的最适宜质量水平模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以企业利润最大化为目标,引入效用的概念,提出了一个基于市场的最适宜质量水平模型。该模型突破了现有的质量经济学理论仅以质量成本确定最适宜质量水平的模式,将质量水平与产品成本,效用和市场绩效联系起来,使模型具有更为方法的适用性,本文还就市场不确定性,消费者偏好,技术进步,市场竞争等因素对模型的影响展开了讨论,揭示了质量,销量,价格,成本,技术与竞争之间的关系,为企业产品决策,技术改造决策和质量策划提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
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