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Comets are heterogeneous mixtures of interstellar and nebular materials. The degree of mixing of interstellar sources and nebular sources at different nuclear size scales holds the promise of revealing how cometary particles, cometesimals, and cometary nuclei accreted. We can ascribe cometary materials to interstellar and nebular sources and see how comets probe planet-forming process in our protoplanetary disk. Comets and cometary IDPs contain carbonaceous matter that appears to be either similar to poorly-graphitized (amorphous) carbon, a likely ISM source, or highly labile complex organics, with possible ISM or outer disk heritage. The oxygen fugacity of the solar nebula depends on the dynamical interplay between the inward migration of carbon-rich grains and of icy (water-rich) grains. Inside the water dissociation line, OH? reacts with carbon to form CO or CO2, consuming available oxygen and contributing to the canonical low oxygen fugacity. Alternatively, the influx of water vapor and/or oxygen rich dust grains from outer (cooler) disk regions can raise the oxygen fugacity. Low oxygen fugacity of the canonical solar nebula favors the condensation of Mg-rich crystalline silicates and Fe-metal, or the annealing of Fe-Mg amorphous silicates into Mg-rich crystals and Fe-metal via Fe-reduction. High oxygen fugacity nebular conditions favors the condensation of Fe-bearing to Fe-rich crystalline silicates. In the ISM, Fe-Mg amorphous silicates are prevalent, in stark contrast to Mg-rich crystalline silicates that are rare. Hence, cometary Mg-rich crystalline silicates formed in the hot, inner regions of the canonical solar nebula and they are the touchstone for models of the outward radial transport of nebular grains to the comet-forming zone. Stardust samples are dominated by Mg-rich crystalline silicates but also contain abundant Fe-bearing and Fe-rich crystalline silicates that are too large (?0.1 μm) to be annealed Fe-Mg amorphous silicates. By comparison with asteroids, the Stardust Fe-bearing and Fe-rich crystalline silicates suggests partial aqueous alteration in comet nuclei. However, aqueous alteration transforms Fe-rich olivine to phyllosilicates before Mg-rich olivine, and Stardust has Mg-rich and Fe-rich olivine and no phyllosilicates. Hence, we look to a nebular source for the moderately Fe-rich to nearly pure-Fe crystalline silicates. Primitive matrices have Mg-Fe silicates but no phyllosilicates, supporting the idea that Mg-Fe silicates but not phyllosilicates are products of water-rich shocks. Chondrule-formation is a late stage process in our protoplanetary disk. Stardust samples show comet 81P/Wild 2 formed at least as late to incorporate a few chondrules, requiring radial transport of chondrules out to perhaps >20 AU. By similar radial transport mechanisms, collisional fragments of aqueously altered asteroids, in particular achondrites that formed earlier than chondrules, might reach the comet-forming zones. However, Stardust samples do not have phyllosilicates and chondrules are rare. Hence, the nebular refractory grains in comet 81P/Wild 2, as well as other comets, appear to be pre-accretionary with respect to asteroid parent bodies. By discussing nebular pathways for the formation of Fe-rich crystalline silicates, and also phyllosilicates and carbonates, we put forth the view that comets contain both the interstellar ingredients for and the products of nebular transmutation.  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to an experimental study of swept wing leading edge contamination by the turbulence emanating from the wing-wall junction. The main objective is to delay the contamination onset by applying surface suction along the attachment line. Two series of experiments are described; the first one was performed in a small wind tunnel at CERT ONERA, the second one was carried out in the F2 wind tunnel at Le Fauga Mauzac centre. Hot film measurements showed that leading edge contamination could be delayed up to very large Reynolds numbers. We also studied the behaviour of the relaminarized boundary layer downstream of the sucked region, along the span as well as in the chordwise direction.  相似文献   
The limiting performance of the generalized sign test detector as the number M of target returns becomes infinite has been derived by Hansen and Olsen [1]. Simple expressions are derived herein for the limiting performance for finite M as K, the number of noise samples in the reference set, becomes infinite. Curves are presented which indicate how this limiting performance is approached as K is increased for both constant target returns and fluctuating target returns.  相似文献   
We consider the function, the problems being solved and the construction principles for a starting system of warning the critical regimes for a single-rotor helicopter at parking, taxiing and maneuvering on the ground, takeoff and landing as well as at descending and hovering regimes. The structural-functional scheme and the algorithms of system channel warning are presented.  相似文献   
In this paper, a mathematical model of labor-intensity and a method of searching for optimal control of operating conditions in machining arbitrarily configurated parts with the use of CNC machines are considered. Also given is an example of the process optimization..  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of three-dimensional numerical studies of hydrodynamics and heat exchange on the models of flat plates in the jet airflow. These results are compared with the experimental data. A three-dimensional model for determining the thermal condition of the nozzle clusters in the conjugated formulation is proposed. Also presented are the data on optimization of the system used for the jet airflow around the duct platforms of the nozzle clusters.  相似文献   
lt is possible that usable combination codes can be obtained if Barker and Huffman sequences are chosen as the inner and outer codes. lt is shown that an improvement in either energy efficiency or time sidelobe structure will result either from a modification of a Huffman sequence or from a modification of a Barker sequence. Results are given for a combination code of length 91, with inner and outer codes of length 7 and 13.  相似文献   
Steady-state flow of viscous lubrication fluid in the nonsymmetrical clearance between two out-of-line cylinders of the bearing unit in the aircraft electric motor is discussed. An analytical solution of the task based on application of the perturbation theory is presented.  相似文献   
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