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In the present work, we analyzed the daytime vertical E × B drift velocities obtained from Jicamarca Unattended Long-term Ionosphere Atmosphere (JULIA) radar and ΔH component of geomagnetic field measured as the difference between the magnitudes of the horizontal (H) components between two magnetometers deployed at two different locations Jicamarca, and Piura in Peru for 22 geomagnetically disturbed events in which either SC has occurred or Dstmax < ?50 nT during the period 2006–2011. The ΔH component of geomagnetic field is measured as the differences in the magnitudes of horizontal H component between magnetometer placed directly on the magnetic equator and one displaced 6–9° away. It will provide a direct measure of the daytime electrojet current, due to the eastward electric field. This will in turn gives the magnitude of vertical E × B drift velocity in the F region. A positive correlation exists between peak values of daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and peak value of ΔH for the three consecutive days of the events. It was observed that 45% of the events have daytime vertical E × B drift velocity peak in the magnitude range 10–20 m/s and 20–30 m/s and 20% have peak ΔH in the magnitude range 50–60 nT and 80–90 nT. It was observed that the time of occurrence of the peak value of both the vertical E × B drift velocity and the ΔH have a maximum (40%) probability in the same time range 11:00–13:00 LT. We also investigated the correlation between E × B drift velocity and Dst index and the correlation between delta H and Dst index. A strong positive correlation is found between E × B drift and Dst index as well as between delta H and Dst Index. Three different techniques of data analysis – linear, polynomial (order 2), and polynomial (order 3) regression analysis were considered. The regression parameters in all the three cases were calculated using the Least Square Method (LSM), using the daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and ΔH. A formula was developed which indicates the relationship between daytime vertical E × B drift velocity and ΔH, for the disturbed periods. The E × B drift velocity was then evaluated using the formulae thus found for the three regression analysis and validated for the ‘disturbed periods’ of 3 selected events. The E × B drift velocities estimated by the three regression analysis have a fairly good agreement with JULIA radar observed values under different seasons and solar activity conditions. Root Mean Square (RMS) errors calculated for each case suggest that polynomial (order 3) regression analysis provides a better agreement with the observations from among the three.  相似文献   
Parameterization schemes of atmospheric normal modes (NMs) and orographic gravity waves (OGWs) have been implemented into the mechanistic Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model (MUAM) simulating atmospheric general circulation. Based on the 12-members ensemble of runs with the MUAM, a composite of the stratospheric warming (SW) has been constructed using the UK Met Office data as the lower boundary conditions. The simulation results show that OGW amplitudes increase at altitudes above 30 km in the Northern Hemisphere after the SW event. At altitudes of about 50 km, OGWs have largest amplitudes over North American and European mountain systems before and during the composite SW, and over Himalayas after the SW. Simulations demonstrate substantial (up to 50–70%) variations of amplitudes of stationary planetary waves (PWs) during and after the SW in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. Westward travelling NMs have amplitude maxima not only in the Northern, but also in the Southern Hemisphere, where these modes have waveguides in the middle and upper atmosphere. Simulated variations of PW and NM amplitudes correspond to changes in the mean zonal wind, EP-fluxes and wave refractive index at different phases of the composite SW events. Inclusion of the parameterization of OGW effects leads to decreases in amplitudes (up to 15%) of almost all SPWs before and after the SW event and their increase (up to 40–60%) after the SW in the stratosphere and mesosphere at middle and high northern latitudes. It is suggested that observed changes in NM amplitudes in the Southern Hemisphere during SW could be caused by divergence of increased southward EP-flux. This EP-flux increases due to OGW drag before SW and extends into the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
Self-organization is a property of dissipative nonlinear processes that are governed by a global driving force and a local positive feedback mechanism, which creates regular geometric and/or temporal patterns, and decreases the entropy locally, in contrast to random processes. Here we investigate for the first time a comprehensive number of (17) self-organization processes that operate in planetary physics, solar physics, stellar physics, galactic physics, and cosmology. Self-organizing systems create spontaneous “order out of randomness”, during the evolution from an initially disordered system to an ordered quasi-stationary system, mostly by quasi-periodic limit-cycle dynamics, but also by harmonic (mechanical or gyromagnetic) resonances. The global driving force can be due to gravity, electromagnetic forces, mechanical forces (e.g., rotation or differential rotation), thermal pressure, or acceleration of nonthermal particles, while the positive feedback mechanism is often an instability, such as the magneto-rotational (Balbus-Hawley) instability, the convective (Rayleigh-Bénard) instability, turbulence, vortex attraction, magnetic reconnection, plasma condensation, or a loss-cone instability. Physical models of astrophysical self-organization processes require hydrodynamic, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD), plasma, or N-body simulations. Analytical formulations of self-organizing systems generally involve coupled differential equations with limit-cycle solutions of the Lotka-Volterra or Hopf-bifurcation type.  相似文献   
The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) Science Ground Segment (SGS), comprised of payload Instrument Team, ESA and Russian operational centres, is responsible for planning the science operations of the TGO mission and for the generation and archiving of the scientific data products to levels meeting the scientific aims and criteria specified by the ESA Project Scientist as advised by the Science Working Team (SWT). The ExoMars SGS builds extensively upon tools and experience acquired through earlier ESA planetary missions like Mars and Venus Express, and Rosetta, but also is breaking ground in various respects toward the science operations of future missions like BepiColombo or JUICE. A productive interaction with the Russian partners in the mission facilitates broad and effective collaboration. This paper describes the global organisation and operation of the SGS, with reference to its principal systems, interfaces and operational processes.  相似文献   
Asteroids and comets are the remnants of the swarm of planetesimals from which the planets ultimately formed, and they retain records of processes that operated prior to and during planet formation. They are also likely the sources of most of the water and other volatiles accreted by Earth. In this review, we discuss the nature and probable origins of asteroids and comets based on data from remote observations, in situ measurements by spacecraft, and laboratory analyses of meteorites derived from asteroids. The asteroidal parent bodies of meteorites formed \(\leq 4\) Ma after Solar System formation while there was still a gas disk present. It seems increasingly likely that the parent bodies of meteorites spectroscopically linked with the E-, S-, M- and V-type asteroids formed sunward of Jupiter’s orbit, while those associated with C- and, possibly, D-type asteroids formed further out, beyond Jupiter but probably not beyond Saturn’s orbit. Comets formed further from the Sun than any of the meteorite parent bodies, and retain much higher abundances of interstellar material. CI and CM group meteorites are probably related to the most common C-type asteroids, and based on isotopic evidence they, rather than comets, are the most likely sources of the H and N accreted by the terrestrial planets. However, comets may have been major sources of the noble gases accreted by Earth and Venus. Possible constraints that these observations can place on models of giant planet formation and migration are explored.  相似文献   
A differential correction algorithm is presented to deliver an impulsive maneuver to a satellite to place it within a sphere, with a user defined radius, centered around a non-maneuvering satellite within a constrained time. The differential correction algorithm develops and utilizes the State Transition Matrix along with the Equations of Motion and multiple satellite?s state information to determine the optimum trajectory to achieve the desired results. The results from the differential correction algorithm are very accurate for prograde orbits, as presented. The results allow for orbit design trade-offs, including satellites? initial inclinations, semi-major axes, as well as the ballistic coefficients. The results also provide an empirical method to determine the optimum ΔVΔV solution for the provided problem. Understanding that the minimum fuel solution lies with a semi-major axis ratio of 1, a very accurate empirical approximation is presented for semi-major axis ratio values less than and greater than 1. This work ultimately provides the generalized framework for applying the algorithm to a unique user defined maneuvering spacecraft scenario.  相似文献   
One of the most important problems for performing a good design of the spacecraft attitude control law is connected to its robustness when some uncertainty parameters are present on the inertial and/or on the elastic characteristics of a satellite. These uncertainties are generally intrinsic on the modeling of complex structures and in the case of large flexible structures they can be also attributed to secondary effects associated to the elasticity. One of the most interesting issues in modeling large flexible space structures is associated to the evaluation of the inertia tensor which in general depends not only on the geometric ‘fixed’ characteristic of the satellite but also on its elastic displacements which of course in turn modify the ‘shape’ of the satellite. Usually these terms can be considered of a second order of magnitude if compared with the ones associated to the rigid part of a structure. However the increasing demand on the dimension of satellites due to the presence for instance of very large solar arrays (necessary to generate power) and/or large antennas has the necessity to investigate their effects on their global dynamic behavior in more details as a consequence. In the present paper a methodology based on classical Lagrangian approach coupled with a standard Finite Element tool has been used to derive the full dynamic equations of an orbiting flexible satellite under the actions of gravity, gravity gradient forces and attitude control. A particular attention has been paid to the study of the effects of flexibility on the inertial terms of the spacecraft which, as well known, influence its attitude dynamic behavior. Furthermore the effects of the attitude control authority and its robustness to the uncertainties on inertial and elastic parameters has been investigated and discussed.  相似文献   
Galileo operational orbits are slightly affected by the 3 to 5 tesseral resonance, an effect that can be much more important in the case of disposal orbits. Proceeding by canonical perturbation theory we show that the part of the long-term Hamiltonian corresponding to the non-centralities of the Earth's gravitational potential can be replaced by an intermediary that shows the pendulum dynamics of the 3 to 5 tesseral resonance problem. Inclusion of lunisolar perturbations requires a semi-analytical integration, which is compared with the corresponding results from the well-established Draper Semi-analytical Satellite Theory.  相似文献   
New one-axis magnetic attitude control is proposed. Only one attitude sensor providing any inertial direction measurements is necessary, magnetometer is not used. The control may be used as a backup capability in case main actuators or some attitude sensors fail. Sun pointing is achievable using only three-axis Sun sensor, so the control may be used to lower the power consumption during battery charging. Asymptotic stability of different equilibria depending on the satellite inertia tensor is summarized. In-flight results from “Chibis-M” microsatellite are provided proving general control performance.  相似文献   
In [1] expressions were constructed for the derivatives of all the orders of a planet’s gravitational potential with respect to the rectangular coordinates related to the gravity center of a planet. These expressions are series of spherical functions. The coefficients of the series of first-order derivatives depend on two Stokes constants, whereas the coefficients of next-order derivatives are linear combinations of the coefficients of preceding-order derivatives. In the present paper the derived expressions for the first and second potential derivatives are transformed into the form that is most convenient for solving the inverse problem, i.e., evaluating Stokes constants from satellite measurements of these derivatives. Each term of the new series for a derivative depends on a sum of two Stokes constants multiplied by linear combinations of several spherical functions. The new form of the expansions for the potential derivatives makes it possible to calculate Stokes constants by simultaneously applying satellite data either for all three first-order potential derivatives, or for all six second-order derivatives. The constructed series may be applied for modeling the Earth’s gravitational field from the satellite data obtained in the international CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE missions.  相似文献   
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