The results of measurements of fluxes and spectra carried out using the RELEC (relativistic electrons) equipment onboard the VERNOV satellite in the second half of 2014 are presented. The VERNOV satellite was launched on July 8, 2014 in a sun-synchronous orbit with an altitude from 640 to 830 km and an inclination of 98.4°. Scientific information from the satellite was first received on July 20, 2014. The comparative analysis of electron fluxes using data from RELEC and using experimental data on the electron detection by satellites Elektro-L (positioned at a geostationary orbit) and Meteor-M no. 2 (positioned at a circular polar orbit at an altitude of about 800 km as the VERNOV satellite) will make it possible to study the spatial distribution pattern of energetic electrons in near-Earth space in more detail. 相似文献
Future space exploration may involve communications between spacecraft moving at relativistic velocities. One of the significant problems associated with such communication is spectral distortion of signals which are propagated between relativistic frames. This distortion is generated by both changing propagation distances and purely relativistic electromagnetic field transformations. In this paper a linear integral transformation is formulated for relating the Fourier spectra of the source antenna excitation current and the resulting incident electric field at the receiving antenna. The kernel of the transformation is evaluated for the case of a steerable source antenna tracking on the advanced receiver position. The transformation is then applied to the case of an ideal thin-wire half-wave dipole source antenna excited by a narrowband, double-sideband modulated current. The specific distortions of spectral spreading and translation are then related to increased bandwidth and upper cutoff frequency requirements of receiving systems in relativistic applications. 相似文献
Previous attempts to identify aircraft stability and control derivatives from flight test data, using three-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) longitudinal or lateral-directional perturbation equation-of-motion models, suffer from the disadvantage that the coupling between the longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics has been ignored. In this paper, the identification of aircraft stability parameters is accomplished using a more accurate 6-DOF model which includes this coupling. Hierarchical system identification theory is used to reduce the computational effort involved. The 6-DOF system of equations is first decomposed into two 3-DOF subsystems, one for the longitudinal dynamics and the other for the lateral-directional dynamics. The two subsystem parameter identification processes are then coordinated in such a way that the overall system parameter identification problem is solved. Next, a six-subsystem decomposition is considered. Computational considerations and comparison with the unhierarchically structured problem are presented. 相似文献
Radio direction finders based on the principles of interference measurement provide increased angular resolution as the number of bearing ambiguities increase. In spite of the diversity of interference direction finder design, the resolution of bearing ambiguities reduces to a simple relative phase measurement on crossed baselines less than ?/2 long. This principle is applied in a review of current interference direction finder (DF) designs from the Adcock to the multiwavelength interferometer including both analog and digital bearing computation and display. Analysis shows that simple digital logic circuits may be used to resolve bearing ambiguities in multichannel DF rather than the "sense" displays of conventional analog design. This technique has the advantage of keeping direction finding and sense finding functions simultaneous but separate so that the DF information is not degraded by the injection of the ambiguity resolving sense signal. 相似文献
Comet 19P/Borrelly was observed by Deep Space One spacecraft on September 22, 2001 (Soderblom et al., 2002).The DS1 images show a very dark and elongate nucleus with a complex topography; the IR spectra show a strong red-ward slope consistent with a very hot and dry surface (345K to 300K). During DS1 encounter the comet coma was dominated by a prominent jet but most of the comet was inactive, confirming the Earth-based observations that <10% of the surface is actively sublimating. We have developed a thermal evolution model of comet PBorrelly, using a numerical code that is able to solve the heat conduction and gas diffusion equations at the same time across an idealized spherical nucleus ( De Sanctis et al., 1999, 2000; Capria et al., 2000; Coradini et al., 1997a,b). The comet nucleus is composed by water, volatiles ices and dust in different proportions. The refractory component is made by grains that are embedded in the icy matrix. The code is able to account for the dust release, contributing to the dust flux, and the formation of dust mantles on the comet surface. The model was applied to a cometary nucleus with the estimated physical and dynamical characteristics of P/Borrelly in order to infer the status and activity level of a body on such an orbit during the DS1 observation. The comet gas flux, differentiation and thermal behavior were simulated and reproduced. The model results are in good agreement with the DS1 flyby results and the ground based observations, in terms of activity, dust coverage and temperatures of the surface. 相似文献
A new summer temperature proxy was built for northern Fennoscandia in AD 1000–2004 using parameters of tree growth from a large region, extending from the Swedish Scandes to the Kola Peninsula. It was found that century-scale (55–140 year) cyclicity is present in this series during the entire time interval. This periodicity is highly significant and has a bi-modal structure, i.e. it consists of two oscillation modes, 55–100 year and 100–140 year variations. A comparison of the century-long variation in the northern Fennoscandian temperature proxy with the corresponding variations in Wolf numbers and concentration of cosmogenic 10Be in glacial ice shows that a probable cause of this periodicity is the modulation of regional climate by the secular solar cycle of Gleissberg. This is in line with the results obtained previously for a more limited part of the region (Finnish Lapland: 68–70° N, 20–30° E). Thus the reality of a link between long-term changes in solar activity and climate in Fennoscandia has been confirmed. Possible mechanisms of solar influence on the lower troposphere are discussed. 相似文献
The basic physical processes that lead to the long-term modulation of cosmic rays by the solar wind have been known for many years. However our knowledge of the structure of the heliosphere, which determines which processes are most important for the modulation, and of the variation of this structure with time and solar activity level is still incomplete. Study of the modulation provides a tool for probing the scale and structure of the heliosphere. While the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are surveying the radial structure and extent of the heliosphere at modest heliographic latitudes, theUlysses mission is the first to undertake a nearly complete scan of the latitudinal structure of the modulated cosmic ray intensity in the inner heliosphere (R<5.4 AU).Ulysses will reach latitudes of 80°S in September 1994 and 80°N in July 1995 during the approach to minimum activity in the 11 year solar cycle. We present a first report of measurements extending to latitudes of 52°S, which show surprisingly little latitudinal effect in the modulated intensities and suggest that at this time modulation in the inner heliosphere may be much more spherically symmetric than had generally been believed based upon models and previous observations. 相似文献
MUSES-C, a Japanese sample return mission, is targeting a small near Earth asteroid, 1998SF36, which is considered an S-type asteroid and is similar in spectroscopy to LL class ordinary chondrite meteorite ([Binzel et al., 2001]). Although this mission will bring us detailed photometric data, that is, disk-resolved bidirectional reflectance data of the asteroid, there were few bidirectional reflectance data of ordinary chondrite meteorites. For the purpose of comparison with the data obtained by the in-situ observation, we have performed measurements of bidirectional reflectance of ordinary chondrite samples.
Here we summarize the result of our laboratory measurements of the bidirectional reflectance and compare them with the scattering property of 1998SF36. Although the geometric albedo of 1998SF36 is higher than the typical value of S-type asteroids, however, the laboratory data of ordinary chondrite are similar to or brighter than the model disk-resolved reflectance of 1998SF36 derived from disk-integrated ground-based data. We found in our laboratory data that there is a positive correlation between the surface roughness and the strength of the opposition effect. A stronger opposition effect in the reflectance of 1998SF36 than the laboratory data may therefore indicate that the surface of the asteroid has rougher structure than our laboratory samples. 相似文献