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By the term "m-distributed optical signal" we mean a noise-like optical signal whose envelope (or intensity) fluctuation probability is modeled by Nakagami's "m-distribution." Using the m-distribution which has been widely used as an analytical model of the fading envelope in radio communications, it is shown that one can generally analyze the statistical properties such as the photoelectron count probabilities and error probabilities for the wider class of noise-like optical signals; some numerical results are also given.  相似文献   
On-Line Computer for Transient Turbine Cascade Instrumentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 32-channel computer based data acquisition and processing system em has been developed for use with the new type of transient cascade facility at Oxford. This is used for testing turbine blades and nozzle guide vanes at full-scale engine Reynolds and Mach numbers ers with correct wallto-flow temperature ratios. A novel technique for processing transient heat transfer data from thin film surface resistance thermometers has been developed. Measurements of surface ace pressure around blades, and of the upstream turbulence level have been made. The cascade and instrumentation are shown to have advantages both in cost and effectiveness over continuous running cascades.  相似文献   
A recursive method of computing values of the generalized Q function is described. The Q function is also interpreted in terms of noncentral chi-square distributed random variables, and in terms of the difference between Poisson random variables.  相似文献   
In the 18.5-day flight of the Soviet biosatellite Cosmos-936 (3-22, August 1977) com-parative investigations of the physiological effects of prolonged weightlessness (20 rats) and artificial gravity of 1 g (10 rats) were carried out. Throughout the flight artificial gravity was generated by means of animal rotation in two centrifuges with a radius of 320mm. Postflight examination of animals and treatment of the flight data were performed by Soviet scientists in collaboration with the specialists from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, France and the U.S.A. During the flight the total motor activity of the weightless rats was higher and their body temperature was lower than those of the centrifuged animals. Postflight examination of the weightless rats showed a greater percentage of errors during maze an increase in water intake and a decrease in diuresis; a fall of the resistance of peripheral red cells; an increase in the conditionally pathogenic microflora in the mouth; a decrease of oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and energy expenditures; a drop in the static physical endurance; a decline in the capacity to keep balance on the rail; an increase in the latent period of the lifting reflex, etc. The centrifugal animals displayed lesser or no change of the above type. These findings together with the biochemical and morphological data give evidence that during and after flight adaptive processes in the centrifuged rats developed better.  相似文献   
Attitude control techniques for the pointing and stabilization of very large, inherently flexible spacecraft systems are investigated. The attitude dynamics and control of a long, homogeneous flexible beam whose center of mass is assumed to follow a circular orbit is analyzed. In this study, first order effects of gravity-gradient are included, whereas external perturbations and related orbital station keeping maneuvers are neglected. A mathematical model which describes the system deflections within the orbital plane has been developed by treating the beam as having a maximum of three discretized mass particles connected by massless, elastic structural elements. The uncontrolled dynamics of this system are simulated and, in addition, the effects of the control devices are considered. The concept of distributed modal control, which provides a means for controlling a system mode independently of all other modes, is examined. The effect of varying the number of modes in the model as well as the number and location of the control devices are also considered.  相似文献   
The paper has studied the accuracy of the technique that allows the rotational motion of the Earth artificial satellites (AES) to be reconstructed based on the data of onboard measurements of angular velocity vectors and the strength of the Earth magnetic field (EMF). The technique is based on kinematic equations of the rotational motion of a rigid body. Both types of measurement data collected over some time interval have been processed jointly. The angular velocity measurements have been approximated using convenient formulas, which are substituted into the kinematic differential equations for the quaternion that specifies the transition from the body-fixed coordinate system of a satellite to the inertial coordinate system. Thus obtained equations represent a kinematic model of the rotational motion of a satellite. The solution of these equations, which approximate real motion, has been found by the least-square method from the condition of best fitting between the data of measurements of the EMF strength vector and its calculated values. The accuracy of the technique has been estimated by processing the data obtained from the board of the service module of the International Space Station (ISS). The reconstruction of station motion using the aforementioned technique has been compared with the telemetry data on the actual motion of the station. The technique has allowed us to reconstruct the station motion in the orbital orientation mode with a maximum error less than 0.6° and the turns with a maximal error of less than 1.2°.  相似文献   
The paper has presented a study of the dependence of the H+ ions concentration in the plasmasphere on geographic longitude. A vast database of measurements of the cold plasma density by the Alpha-3 instrument on board the INTERBALL-1 satellite has been used for the study. Based on these measurements, a dependence of the H+ ions concentration in the filled magnetic flux tube in the plasmasphere in the equatorial plane under quiet geomagnetic conditions has been obtained as a function of geographic longitude. Studies have been performed for two seasons, summer and winter. It has been shown that, during the summer in the near-midnight sector, the minimum in the H+ concentration falls within geographic longitudes of 270°–315°. The ratio of the concentration of H+ ions at various longitudes could reach a factor of three. During the winter, in the near-noon sector, the maximum of the H+ ions concentration falls within longitudes of 180°–225°, whereas the concentration ratio could reach a factor of 2.2.  相似文献   
Hippocampal place cells are thought to form the neural substrate of a global cognitive map. However, in multicompartment mazes, these cells exhibit locally repeating representations, undermining the global cognitive map view of place cells. This phenomenon appears to be related to the repetitive layout of these mazes, but still no hypothesis adequately explains it. Here, we use a boundary vector cell (BVC) model of place cell firing to model the activity of place cells in numerous multicompartment environments. The activity of modeled place cells bears a striking resemblance to experimental data, replicating virtually every major experimental result. Our results support the BVC model and indicate that locally repeating place cell firing could result purely from local geometry.  相似文献   
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