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Aero-engine gas path health monitoring plays a critical role in Engine Health Management(EHM). To achieve unbiased estimation, traditional filtering methods have strict requirements on measurement parameters which sometimes cannot be measured in engineering. The most typical one is the High-Pressure Turbine(HPT) exit pressure, which is vital to distinguishing failure modes between different turbines. For the case of an abrupt failure occurring in a single turbine component, a model-based sensor measurement reconstruction method is proposed in this paper. First,to estimate the missing measurements, the forward algorithm and the backward algorithm are developed based on corresponding component models according to the failure hypotheses. Then,a new fault diagnosis logic is designed and the traditional nonlinear filter is improved by adding the measurement estimation module and the health parameter correction module, which uses the reconstructed measurement to complete the health parameters estimation. Simulation results show that the proposed method can well restore the desired measurement and the estimated measurement can be used in the turbofan engine gas path diagnosis. Compared with the diagnosis under the condition of missing sensors, this method can distinguish between different failure modes, quantify the variations of health parameters, and achieve good performance at multiple operating points in the flight envelope.  相似文献   
基于直接蒙特卡洛(DSMC)算法、浸入式有限元算法(IFE)、粒子云及蒙特卡洛碰撞(PIC-MCC)算法以及Ammosov-Delone-Krainov(ADK)隧穿电离模型建立了碳纳米管阵列推力器工质气体和CNT场电离过程的三维仿真模型。利用文献中的实验数据对本文仿真模型的有效性进行了验证,结果表明本文仿真模型与实验结果基本一致。针对碳纳米管阵列推力器的放电特性进行了研究,并重点分析了离子与原子碰撞过程对碳纳米管阵列推力器放电特性的影响。结果表明CNT可以极大地增强局部电场,稳态时场增强因子约为1308;与原子的碰撞使得离子在CNT附近更加集中,降低了局部电场,进而降低了其场增强能力。  相似文献   
近年来,各航天大国对空间轨道资源的挖掘与应用不断拓展.超低轨道、椭圆轨道、坟墓轨道、拉格朗日点等,因其在快速重访、定点观测、空间攻防、科学探索等方面的优势,逐步纳入各国防灾减灾、战事快响、导弹预警、空间突防和太阳观测等应用领域.随着卫星在轨经历的空间环境变得更加复杂,空间环境效应引发的卫星故障和异常情况日益突出.本文围...  相似文献   
直线模拟加载系统是一种用于在实验室条件下模拟承载对象工作时所受直线负载力的半实物仿真系统,可用于模拟各类飞行器关键部件在工作过程中所受的气体阻力载荷。针对目前常用的机械式、电液式和电动式直线模拟加载系统,分析其基本加载原理和研究进展,结合自行研制的电动式直线模拟加载系统进行了深入探讨。针对多余力抑制方法的关键问题,详细论述了直线负载模拟器的结构补偿方法和控制策略。最后,展望了直线模拟加载系统的发展趋势,归纳了电动式直线模拟加载系统的高精度、大载荷发展方向。  相似文献   
试验研究了模拟空间环境对聚氨酯涂覆织物力学性能的影响。结果表明:单面涂覆聚氨酯芳纶复合材料力学性能在高温、低温下降低;湿热、高低温交变和复合环境对其力学性能影响不明显。双面涂覆聚氨酯尼龙纤维力学性能在低温下明显增强,在高温、湿热环境下降低;高低温交变和复合环境对其力学性能影响不明显。  相似文献   
The tooth surface friction stiffness and friction torque coefficient equations of cylindrical gear are derived.On the basis of factors such as time-varying friction coefficient and mesh stiffness,support stiffness,torsional stiffness and comprehensive error,the dynamic equations of the gear trains with bending-torsional coupling are established.Using the Fourier series method,the total response of the system is obtained,and the influence of friction on it is analyzed. The results show that when the spur gear enters the meshing,the frictional amplitude of the tooth surface is larger than that of the gear when it is withdrawn from engagement,and the meshing force fluctuates greatly. The frictional force and dynamic meshing force of the herringbone gear tooth surface are relatively stable,and the fluctuation amplitude is much smaller than that of the spur gear. The amplitude of the bearing vibration is not affected by the friction,but the friction has a certain influence on the bearing force of the output shaft. The first-order natural frequency of the split stage and the power confluence stage has a large influence on the vibration of the bearing force.In general,the natural frequency of the power confluence stage has a large proportion of influence.  相似文献   
石文泽  陈巍巍  卢超  程进杰  陈尧 《航空学报》2020,41(12):423854-423854
针对高温铝合金在线检测条件下,温度对铝合金电磁超声检测回波特性的影响规律尚不明确、高温检测时缺陷定量/定位补偿困难这一难题,以螺旋线圈电磁超声换能器(EMAT)为例,建立了高温铝合金EMAT检测过程的场路耦合有限元模型;研究了温度对EMAT激励/接收换能效率、EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性、超声传播过程中的扩散/介质衰减特性、回波幅值和超声声速等因素的影响规律;研制了耐高温EMAT探头,对20~500℃高温铝合金试样进行了检测实验,并测定了高温铝合金的超声介质衰减系数和超声声速。在仿真和实验相结合的基础上,分析了高温检测时超声回波幅值变化特性及其影响因素。结果表明:对于铝合金这类非铁磁性金属材料,导致高温时超声回波幅值下降的主要原因是超声介质衰减系数随着温度的升高而增大,其次为高温时EMAT激励/接收电路的功率分配特性的改变。在激励EMAT在试样表面形成的洛伦兹力不变的条件下,其所激励的超声波回波幅值具有随着温度的增加而增加的特点,可以有效减缓超声回波幅值下降的趋势。  相似文献   
吕蓉  曹志刚 《宇航学报》2006,27(3):507-512
针对采用自适应前向差错控制(AFEC)的卫星异步传递模式(ATM)网络,研究了两种有效带宽估计方法。由于AFEC码率的动态特性使业务实际的传输速率具有不固定性,因此估计有效带宽时要考虑AFEC的影响。首先针对一般卫星时变信道和多码率AFEC情况下的卫星ATM,应用流体近似方法分析了有效带宽的计算,然而该方法要求的条件及计算复杂度均比较高,应用中有局限性。以此方法为基础,提出了采用修正因子的估计方法。数值结果表明采用修正因子的有效带宽估计方法比较简单可靠,适用面较广。  相似文献   
卢珍珠  李征航  刘万科  陈锴 《宇航学报》2006,27(6):1397-1400
研究了利用星间距离观测值或速度观测值进行导航卫星自主定轨时存在的卫星星座整体旋转的问题,并提出了消除该系统误差的地面校正法。利用含有系统误差△Ω的卫星星历进行单点定位时,求得的点位大地经度也会产生△L的偏差,且△L=△Ω,因此,由点位大地经度差△L即可确定卫星星座整体旋转误差。试验结果表明,△Ω与AL的差值不到10^-5秒,从而证实该方法是有效的。  相似文献   
神舟号载人飞船船载测控通信分系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了神舟号载人飞船船载测控通信分系统中统-S波段(USB)、C波段、遥测、遥控、图像、话音、超短波(VHF)、短波(HF)和天线等子系统的组成、主要功能与特点,以及跟踪测轨、话音通信、遥控、遥测和天线等的可靠性设计。地面试验和飞行试验结果表明,该测控通信分系统都完成了测量任务,完全能满足载人航天工程的高要求。  相似文献   
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