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The problem of earthquake prediction has stimulated the search for a correlation between seismic activity and ionospherical anomalies. We found observational evidence of possible earthquake effects in the near-equatorial and low latitude ionosphere; these ionospheric anomalies have been proposed by Gousheva et al. [Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov P., Hristov, P., Influence of earthquakes on the electric field disturbances in the ionosphere on board of the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 58 (8) 911–916, 2005a; Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov, P., Hristov, P., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K., Observation from the Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300 satellite of anomalies associated with seismic activity. In: Poster Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies: Space in the Service of Society, RAST ‘2005, June 9–11, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 119–123, 2005b; Gousheva, M., Glavcheva, R., Danov, D., Angelov, P., Hristov, P., Kirov, B., Georgieva, K., Satellite monitoring of anomalous effects in the ionosphere probably related to strong earthquakes. Adv. Space Res. 37 (4), 660–665, 2006]. This paper presents new results from observations of the quasi-static electric field and ion density on board INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite in the mid latitude ionosphere above sources of moderate earthquakes. Data from INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite and seismic data (World Data Center, Denver, Colorado, USA) for magnetically quiet and medium quiet days are juxtaposed in time-space domain. For satellite’s orbits in the time period 15.09–01.10.1981 an increase in the horizontal and vertical components of the quasi-static electric field and fluctuations of the ion density are observed over zones of forthcoming seismic events. Some similar post effects are observed too. The emphasis of this paper is put on the anomalies which specify the mid latitude ionosphere. The obtained results contain important information because they confirm our previous results for near-equatorial and low latitude regions.  相似文献   
The RESIK is a high sensitivity, uncollimated bent crystal spectrometer which successfully operated aboard Russian CORONAS-F solar mission between 2001 and 2003. It measured for the first time in a systematic way solar soft X-ray spectra in the four wavelength channels from 3.3 Å to 6.1 Å. This range includes characteristic strong lines of H- and He-like ions of K, Ar, Cl, Si, S and Al in the respective spectral channels. A distinguishing feature of RESIK is its possibility of making reliable measurements of the continuum radiation in flares. Interpretation of line and the continuum intensities observed in vicinity of respective strong lines provides diagnostics of plasma temperature and absolute abundances of K, Ar, Cl, S, Si and Al in several flares. We analyzed the observed intensities of spectral lines and the nearby continuum using the CHIANTI v5.2 atomic data package. A specific, so-called “locally isothermal” approach has been used in this respect allowing us to make not only flare-averaged abundance estimates, but also to look into a possible variability of plasma composition during the course of flares.  相似文献   
This paper reports the spatial and temporal development of bursty bulk flows (BBFs) created by reconnection as well as current disruptions (CDs) in the near-Earth tail using our 3-D global electromagnetic (EM) particle simulation with a southward turning interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the context of the substorm onset. Recently, observations show that BBFs are often accompanied by current disruptions for triggering substorms. We have examined the dynamics of BBFs and CDs in order to understand the timing and triggering mechanism of substorms. As the solar wind with the southward IMF advances over the Earth, the near-Earth tail thins and the sheet current intensifies. Before the peak of the current density becomes maximum, reconnection takes place, which ejects particles from the reconnection region. Because of earthward flows the peak of the current density moves toward Earth. The characteristics of the earthward flows depend on the ions and electrons. Electrons flow back into the inflow region (the center of reconnection region), which provides current closure. Therefore the structure of electron flows near the reconnection region is rather complicated. In contrast, the ion earthward flows are generated far from the reconnection region. These earthward flows pile up near the Earth. The ions mainly drift toward the duskside. The electrons are diverted toward the dawnside. Due to the pile-up, dawnward current is generated near Earth. This dawnward current dissipates rapidly with the sheet current because of the opposite current direction, which coincides with the dipolarization in the near-Earth tail. At this time the wedge current may be created in our simulation model. This simulation study shows the sequence of the substorm dynamics in the near-Earth tail, which is similar to the features obtained by multisatellite observations. Identification of the timing and mechanism of triggering substorm onset requires further studies in conjunction with observations.  相似文献   
Spatially distributed target detection in non-Gaussian clutter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two detection schemes for the detection of a spatially distributed, Doppler-shifted target in non-Gaussian clutter are developed. The non-Gaussian clutter is modeled as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV) distribution. For the first detector, called the non-scatterer density dependent generalized likelihood ratio test (NSDD-GLRT), the detector takes the form of a sum of logarithms of identical functions of data from each individual range cell. It is shown under the clutter only hypothesis, that the detection statistic has the chi-square distribution so that the detector threshold is easily calculated for a given probability of false alarm PF. The detection probability PD is shown to be only a function of the signal-to-clutter power ratio (S/C)opt of the matched filter, the number of pulses N, the number of target range resolution cells J, the spikiness of the clutter determined by a parameter of an assumed underlying mixing distribution, and PF. For representative examples, it is shown that as N, J, or the clutter spikiness increases, detection performance improves. A second detector is developed which incorporates a priori knowledge of the spatial scatterer density. This detector is called the scatterer density dependent GLRT (SDD-GLRT) and is shown for a representative case to improve significantly the detection performance of a sparsely distributed target relative to the performance of the NSDD-GLRT and to be robust for a moderate mismatch of the expected number of scatterers. For both the NSDD-GLRT and SDD-GLRT, the detectors have the constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) property that PF is independent of the underlying mixing distribution of the clutter, the clutter covariance matrix, and the steering vector of the desired signal  相似文献   
Dramatic reductions in size and weight have been achieved in the area of signal and information processing. Power conditioning circuits have not kept pace, primarily due to the relatively slow proggress ress in the passive energy storage and transformation devices. A novel converter topology is described that minimizes the task these components must perform and thereby achieve a significant improvement in power supply density.  相似文献   
The surface morphology of icy moons is affected by several processes implicating exchanges between their subsurfaces and atmospheres (if any). The possible exchange of material between the subsurface and the surface is mainly determined by the mechanical properties of the lithosphere, which isolates the deep, warm and ductile ice material from the cold surface conditions. Exchanges through this layer occur only if it is sufficiently thin and/or if it is fractured owing to tectonic stresses, melt intrusion or impact cratering. If such conditions are met, cryomagma can be released, erupting fresh volatile-rich materials onto the surface. For a very few icy moons (Titan, Triton, Enceladus), the emission of gas associated with cryovolcanic activity is sufficiently large to generate an atmosphere, either long-lived or transient. For those moons, atmosphere-driven processes such as cryovolcanic plume deposition, phase transitions of condensable materials and wind interactions continuously re-shape their surfaces, and are able to transport cryovolcanically generated materials on a global scale. In this chapter, we discuss the physics of these different exchange processes and how they affect the evolution of the satellites’ surfaces.  相似文献   
Clusters of galaxies are self-gravitating systems of mass ∼1014–1015 h −1 M and size ∼1–3h −1 Mpc. Their mass budget consists of dark matter (∼80%, on average), hot diffuse intracluster plasma (≲20%) and a small fraction of stars, dust, and cold gas, mostly locked in galaxies. In most clusters, scaling relations between their properties, like mass, galaxy velocity dispersion, X-ray luminosity and temperature, testify that the cluster components are in approximate dynamical equilibrium within the cluster gravitational potential well. However, spatially inhomogeneous thermal and non-thermal emission of the intracluster medium (ICM), observed in some clusters in the X-ray and radio bands, and the kinematic and morphological segregation of galaxies are a signature of non-gravitational processes, ongoing cluster merging and interactions. Both the fraction of clusters with these features, and the correlation between the dynamical and morphological properties of irregular clusters and the surrounding large-scale structure increase with redshift. In the current bottom-up scenario for the formation of cosmic structure, where tiny fluctuations of the otherwise homogeneous primordial density field are amplified by gravity, clusters are the most massive nodes of the filamentary large-scale structure of the cosmic web and form by anisotropic and episodic accretion of mass, in agreement with most of the observational evidence. In this model of the universe dominated by cold dark matter, at the present time most baryons are expected to be in a diffuse component rather than in stars and galaxies; moreover, ∼50% of this diffuse component has temperature ∼0.01–1 keV and permeates the filamentary distribution of the dark matter. The temperature of this Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) increases with the local density and its search in the outer regions of clusters and lower density regions has been the quest of much recent observational effort. Over the last thirty years, an impressive coherent picture of the formation and evolution of cosmic structures has emerged from the intense interplay between observations, theory and numerical experiments. Future efforts will continue to test whether this picture keeps being valid, needs corrections or suffers dramatic failures in its predictive power.  相似文献   
Since its discovery in 1867, periodic comet 9P/Tempel 1 has been observed at 10 returns to perihelion, including all its returns since 1967. The observations for the seven apparitions beginning in 1967 have been fit with an orbit that includes only radial and transverse nongravitational accelerations that model the rocket-like thrusting introduced by the outgassing of the cometary nucleus. The successful nongravitational acceleration model did not assume any change in the comet’s ability to outgas from one apparition to the next and the outgassing was assumed to reach a maximum at perihelion. The success of this model over the 1967–2003 interval suggests that the comet’s spin axis is currently stable. Rough calculations suggest that the collision of the impactor released by the Deep Impact spacecraft will not provide a noticeable perturbation on the comet’s orbit nor will any new vent that is opened as a result of the impact provide a noticeable change in the comet’s nongravitational acceleration history. The observing geometries prior to, and during, the impact will allow extensive Earth based observations to complement the in situ observations from the impactor and flyby spacecraft.  相似文献   
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