A number of new high efficiency optical coatings have recently been developed at wavelengths in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet for use in space science experiments. The development of these coatings has resulted in the design and manufacture of wavelength selective filters used in reflectance at near normal incidence that have high VUV reflectance with little near-UV and visible reflectance. Very narrow band transmission filters are now available at wavelengths as short as 1500Å with bandwidths as narrow as 35–40Å. In addition, high efficiency anti-reflection coatings as well as neutral density filters are now available at many wavelengths in this region.Material limitations, more severe than those in the visible, place certain restrictions on the size, wavelength, and degree of selectivity that is achievable with present technology. A summary of the current commercial technology along with the material limitations is presented. 相似文献
A sequence of six well defined interplanetary structures (magnetic clouds) was identified in the solar wind and magnetic field measurements of Helios-1 from 29 June-01 July, 1980. (location 0.64–0.67 AU, C. Long. ~165°, C. Lat. ~5.8°). These structures were characterized by a large northward directed solar wind flow; by well defined directional discontinuities of mainly the ‘tangential-type’ at their beginnings and ends; by some increase in proton and by very pronounced increases in alpha particle number densities - each accompanied by sudden temperature decreases (or in one case by an increase); by some times an increase in magnetic field strength and by values of Nα/Np typical of the inner solar atmosphere. These structures are suggested to have been ejections from a succession (27–29 June, 1980) of Type II producing flares in Hale Region 16923 which coronagraph and X-ray (GOES) data indicate constituted a family of transient producing events. Only two interplanetary shocks were identified in the relevant Helios-1 records. It is suggested on the basis of observations of the directionality of certain of the flare related Type II bursts that some of these shocks could have been missed by the spacecraft. This implies that, in the absence of directional information, correlation of an observed interplanetary shock wave with a solar Type II burst may not always lead to a unique result. 相似文献
Flux variations of 1 – 5 MeV protons are studied in energetic storm particle events with respect to the preshock solar wind plasma parameters and to the thickness of the collisionless interplanetary shock wave. It is found that the peak intensity in ESP events depends on pre-shock plasma density and on the thickness of the transition region. These relations predict, in agreement with recent observations, the increase of ESP events at larger heliocentric distances. 相似文献
Comet Halley studies indicate most of the nucleus is covered by an insulating crust, presumed of pyrolysed organic material. The subcrust is warmed and percolated by gases within 2AU, so provides one habitat for primitive replicating organisms. Cracks and crevices within contaminated ice in the craters provides a habitat for photosynthesising organisms. Subsurface lakes on the Europa model, though insulated by some metres of ice, would require a trigger (perhaps meteorite impact and energy source (chemical or metabolic energy) to initiate and maintain a suitable-habitat on short period comets. Constraints on transfer between comets and other planetary bodies implies that radiation-resistant species with lengthy hibernation potential would be expected. 相似文献
The Planetary Radio Astronomy instruments on Voyager 1 and 2 provided new, highly detailed measurements of several different kinds of strong, nonthermal radiation generated in the inner magnetospheres and upper ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. At Jupiter, an intense decameter-wavelength component (between a few tenths of a MHz and 39.5 MHz) is characterized by complex, highly organized structure in the frequency-time domain and by a strong dependence on the longitude of the observer and, in some cases, of Io. At frequencies below about 1 MHz there exists a (principally) kilometer-wavelength component of emission that is bursty, relatively broadbanded (typically covering 10 to 1000 kHz), and strongly modulated by planetary rotation. The properties of this component are consistent with a source confined to high latitudes on the dayside hemisphere of Jupiter. A second kilometric component is narrow-banded, relatively weak and exhibits a spectral peak near 100 kHz. The narrowband component also occurs periodically but at a repetition rate that is a few percent slower than that corresponding to the planetary rotation rate. This component is thought to originate at a frequency near the electron plasma frequency in the outer part of the Io plasma torus (8 to 10 RJ) and to reflect the small departures from perfect corotation experienced by plasma there.The Voyager instruments also detected intense, low frequency, radio emissions from the Saturn system. The Saturnian kilometric radiation is observed in a relatively narrow frequency band between 3 kHz and 1.2 MHz, is elliptically or circularly polarized, and is strongly modulated in intensity at Saturn's 10.66-hr rotation period. This emission is believed to be emitted in the right-hand extraordinary mode from regions near or in Saturn's dayside, polar, magnetospheric cusps. Variations in intensity at Saturn's rotation period may correspond to the rotation of a localized magnetic anomaly into the vicinity of the ionospheric footprint of the polar cusp. Variations in activity on time scales of a few days and longer seem to indicate that both the solar wind and the satellite Dione can also influence the generation of the radio emission. 相似文献
Two special measurements of the energy exchange between earth and space were made in connection with the FGGE. A global monitoring program using wide-field-of-view and scanner detectors from NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite successfully returned measurements during the entire FGGE. This experiment system also used a black cavity detector to measure the total energy output of the sun to very high precision. A second set of high frequency time and space estimates of the radiation budget were determined from selected geostationary satellite data. Preliminary results from both radiation budget data sets and the solar “constant” measurements will be presented. 相似文献
The chemistry in a supersonic plasma source flow was studied as a laboratory model for interstellar chemical evolution. It is important to match the similarity parameters for cosmic and laboratory conditions, which connect the temporal and spatial scales of the two cases. The apparatus simulated the conditions in a molecular cloud with respect to molecular-ionic reaction fraction, temperature, and non-equilibrium kinetics. The plasma flow was found to be cold enough, by the radical expansion, to produce polyatomic molecules. From the simple atomic plasma as reactant, cyanopolyyne and unsaturated hydrocarbons were synthesized in the present experiment. These molecules are also inherent in molecular clouds. The reaction mechanism is discussed. 相似文献
World-ocean distribution of the crossover altimetry data from Geosat, TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and the ERS 1 missions have provided strong independent evidence that NASA's/CSR's JGM 2 geopotential model (70 × 70 in spherical harmonics) yields accurate radial ephemerides for these satellites. In testing the sea height crossover differences found from altimetry and JGM 2 orbits for these satellites, we have used the sea height differences themselves (of ascending minus descending passes averaged at each location over many exact repeat cycles) and the Lumped Latitude Coefficients (LLC) derived from them. For Geosat we find the geopotential-induced LLC errors (exclusive of non-gravitational and initial state discrepancies) mostly below 6 cm, for TOPEX the corresponding errors are usually below 2 cm, and for ERS 1 (35-day cycle) they are generally below 5 cm. In addition, we have found that these observations agree well overall with predictions of accuracy derived from the JGM 2 variance-covariance matrix; the corresponding projected LLC errors for Geosat, T/P, and ERS 1 are usually between 1 and 4 cm, 1 – 2 cm, and 1 – 4 cm, respectively (they depend on the filtering of long-periodic perturbations and on the order of the LLC). This agreement is especially impressive for ERS 1 since no data of any kind from this mission was used in forming JGM 2.
The observed crossover differences for Geosat, T/P and ERS 1 are 8, 3, and 11 cm (rms), respectively. These observations also agree well with prediction of accuracy derived from the JGM 2 variance-covariance matrix; the corresponding projected crossover errors for Geosat and T/P are 8 cm and 2.3 cm, respectively. The precision of our mean difference observations is about 3 cm for Geosat (approx. 24,000 observations), 1.5 cm for T/P (approx. 6,000 observations) and 5 cm for ERS 1 (approx. 44,000 observations). Thus, these “global” independent data should provide a valuable new source for improving geopotential models. Our results show the need for further correction of the low order JGM 2 geopotential as well as certain resonant orders for all 3 satellites. 相似文献
Two different processes play an important role during emission of pulsed electron beam from a satellite: the positive charging of the spacecraft by emitted electron current and the body neutralization by ambient plasma electrons (mainly in pauses between electron pulses).
The injection of modulated electron beam (pulses of 2μs duration, E=8keV, I=0.1A and 25μs repetition) was carried on in the APEX Project. A simple computer model of this process for APEX scenario was performed.
The results show that after primary positive charging (during gun operation) a significant negative charging (in pauses between pulses) caused by neutralization process by ambient plasma with fp>2MHz takes place. 相似文献