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针对空中交通管制员人因失误问题,首先分析了管制员人因失误的类型,然后利用核工业领域中的认知可靠性(HCR)理论对管制工作中的典型人机界面进行了研究。在DRS-98雷达模拟机上采集了短期冲突(STCA)告警环境下管制员反应时间,并利用SPSS软件进行数据分析,得出了不响应概率与规范化响应时间的概率分布拟合曲线。结果表明,在STCA告警界面下不响应概率与规范化响应时间服从3参数的威布尔分布,验证了HCR理论在空中交通管制领域的适用性。 相似文献
为获得火星探测器物伞系统动力学仿真中需要使用的降落伞轴向力、法向力、俯仰力矩系数,开展了火星探测降落伞模型高速风洞变迎角试验技术研究,研制了火星探测降落伞模型高速风洞变迎角试验装置,进行了火星探测降落伞模型高速风洞变迎角试验,获得了火星探测降落伞模型在马赫数范围0.4~0.8、迎角范围0°~25°时的轴向力、法向力和俯仰力矩系数,并对支撑干扰及洞壁干扰影响进行了扣除修正。试验结果表明:火星探测降落伞模型的轴向力系数随迎角变化较小;常规透气伞的法向力系数随迎角增大而增大,在马赫数为0.4和0.6时,低透气伞的法向力系数在小迎角时随迎角增大而减小;在马赫数范围0.4~0.8时,常规透气伞静稳定,低透气伞的静稳定性较常规透气伞减小,在马赫数为0.4和0.6时,低透气伞在零迎角时静不稳定,出现了非零配平 迎角。 相似文献
长征五号(CZ-5)火箭是我国研制的首个大型低温运载火箭,填补了我国大型运载火箭的空白,大幅提升了我国进入空间的能力,带动了我国运载火箭技术的整体进步。本文全面总结了长征五号火箭研制中,以全新火箭构型及总体优化设计、5 m直径箭体结构设计制造与试验、高性能低温火箭发动机与先进动力、高可靠控制与大容量遥测、全新测试发射模式与发射支持技术等为代表的240余项核心关键技术的突破与创新情况,分析了我国运载火箭技术与国外先进水平存在的差距与不足,对我国运载火箭技术的未来发展进行了展望,提出了火箭总体多专业协同精细化设计、重复使用、智能飞行与评估、先进材料及制造工艺、高性能火箭动力、智能化无人测试发射技术等未来重点发展方向。 相似文献
针对前件推理规则未知的目标身份识别问题,考虑到目标信息量测的多源异质特点,利用模糊集对目标速度和图像等多维度特征信息进行统一的抽象化描述。借助遗传算法对模糊推理规则进行优化,在确定模糊划分区间的前提下,通过训练得到最优隶属度函数,并建立最优推理规则库。此外,针对因传感器探测精度有限带来的量测不确定性问题,引入区间型样本数据的模糊分类思想,在完成一型模糊系统构建的基础上,提出了一种基于二型模糊推理系统的遗传优化算法。给出了由三角型隶属度函数嵌入构造对应二型模糊集的推导过程,设计了满足点值与区间型数值复合输入的二型模糊推理系统,并通过仿真验证了该推理系统的可行性。 相似文献
SU Dong 《中国航天(英文版)》2018,(2)
正China successfully launched newtechnology experimental twin satellites with the LM-2C carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at11:30 Beijing time on June 27,2018.The new-technology experimental twin satellites were developed by the 相似文献
Electromagnetic cloaking based on the scattering cancellation method have been reviewed. The possibility of designing the tunable electromagnetic cloaking is analytically suggested with a single cloak composed of homoge- neous materials, including semiconductor, superconductor, ferrite and ferroelectrics by using Mie scattering theo- ry. The simulated results demonstrate that the cloaks with these homogeneous materials can drastically reduce the total scattering cross sections of the cloaked system by using the finite element method. These cloaking frequencies can be controlled by external field through tuning the permittivity or permeability of these materials by the applied field, such as temperature, magnetic field and electric field. These may provide some potential ways to design tunable cloaking with considerable flexibility. 相似文献
A constrained adaptive neural network control scheme is proposed for a multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) aeroelastic system in the presence of wind gust, system uncertainties, and input nonlinearities consisting of input saturation and dead-zone. In regard to the input nonlinear-ities, the right inverse function block of the dead-zone is added before the input nonlinearities, which simplifies the input nonlinearities into an equivalent input saturation. To deal with the equiv-alent input saturation, an auxiliary error system is designed to compensate for the impact of the input saturation. Meanwhile, uncertainties in pitch stiffness, plunge stiffness, and pitch damping are all considered, and radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) are applied to approximate the system uncertainties. In combination with the designed auxiliary error system and the backstep-ping control technique, a constrained adaptive neural network controller is designed, and it is pro-ven that all the signals in the closed-loop system are semi-globally uniformly bounded via the Lyapunov stability analysis method. Finally, extensive digital simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme towards flutter suppression in spite of the integrated effects of wind gust, system uncertainties, and input nonlinearities. 相似文献