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The major goals of NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and the European Space Agency's Darwin missions are to detect terrestrial-sized extrasolar planets directly and to seek spectroscopic evidence of habitable conditions and life. Here we recommend wavelength ranges and spectral features for these missions. We assess known spectroscopic molecular band features of Earth, Venus, and Mars in the context of putative extrasolar analogs. The preferred wavelength ranges are 7-25 microns in the mid-IR and 0.5 to approximately 1.1 microns in the visible to near-IR. Detection of O2 or its photolytic product O3 merits highest priority. Liquid H2O is not a bioindicator, but it is considered essential to life. Substantial CO2 indicates an atmosphere and oxidation state typical of a terrestrial planet. Abundant CH4 might require a biological source, yet abundant CH4 also can arise from a crust and upper mantle more reduced than that of Earth. The range of characteristics of extrasolar rocky planets might far exceed that of the Solar System. Planetary size and mass are very important indicators of habitability and can be estimated in the mid-IR and potentially also in the visible to near-IR. Additional spectroscopic features merit study, for example, features created by other biosignature compounds in the atmosphere or on the surface and features due to Rayleigh scattering. In summary, we find that both the mid-IR and the visible to near-IR wavelength ranges offer valuable information regarding biosignatures and planetary properties; therefore both merit serious scientific consideration for TPF and Darwin.  相似文献   
Mass-independent fractionation (MIF) of sulfur isotopes has been reported in sediments of Archean and Early Proterozoic Age (> 2.3 Ga) but not in younger rocks. The only fractionation mechanism that is consistent with the data on all four sulfur isotopes involves atmospheric photochemical reactions such as SO2 photolysis. We have used a one-dimensional photochemical model to investigate how the isotopic fractionation produced during SO2 photolysis would have been transferred to other gaseous and particulate sulfur-bearing species in both low-O2 and high-O2 atmospheres. We show that in atmospheres with O2 concentrations < 10(-5) times the present atmospheric level (PAL), sulfur would have been removed from the atmosphere in a variety of different oxidation states, each of which would have had its own distinct isotopic signature. By contrast, in atmospheres with O2 concentrations > or = 10(-5) PAL, all sulfur-bearing species would have passed through the oceanic sulfate reservoir before being incorporated into sediments, so any signature of MIF would have been lost. We conclude that the atmospheric O2 concentration must have been < 10(-5) PAL prior to 2.3 Ga.  相似文献   
Variable-geometry truss structures are likely to be used extensively in the future for in-orbit space construction. This paper considers dynamics formulation and vibration control of such structures. The truss system is modelled as a collection of sub-structures consisting of truss booms, prismatic actuator elements, and in some cases a manipulator at the end. Each truss boom is treated as a separate ‘link’ and its flexibility is modelled using the finite element method. Equations of motion for individual sub-structures are obtained which are then assembled. The non-working constraint forces are eliminated to obtain the equations governing the constrained dynamics of the entire system. For vibration control, the singular perturbation method is employed to construct two reduced-order models, for quasi-static motion and for modal co-ordinates, respectively. Computed torque with PD control is applied to maintain the quasi-static motion, while an optimal LQR method is used for vibration control. Typical simulation results are presented for the planar case.  相似文献   
本文研究了关于旋转轴在贮箱的非对称轴上且远离贮箱的几何中心情况下,流体在微重力环境中由重力梯度加速度诱发的晃动特性。我们以精密X光光谱天文物理实验卫星(简称AXAF-S)作为研究对象,获得了由于旋转运动引起的重力梯度加速度的数学表达式。关于晃动问题的数值计算是用与卫星固连的非惯性坐标系为基础,目的是寻求一种较为易处理且适合于流体力学方程的边界和初始条件。通过数值计算获得了流体作用于卫星贮箱上的力和力矩。  相似文献   
Recent advances in materials technology have improved the performance capabilities of inflatable, flexible composite structures, which have increased their potential for use in numerous space applications. Space suits, which are comprised of flexible composite components, are a good example of the successful use of inflatable composite structures in space. Space suits employ inflatables technology to provide a stand alone spacecraft for astronauts during extra-vehicular activity. A natural extension of this application of inflatables technology is in orbital or planetary habitat structures. NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) is currently investigating flexible composite structures deployed via inflation for use as habitats, transfer vehicles and depots for continued exploration of the Moon and Mars.

Inflatable composite structures are being investigated because they offer significant benefits over conventional structures for aerospace applications. Inflatable structures are flexible and can be packaged in smaller and more complex shaped volumes, which result in the selection of smaller launch vehicles which dramatically reduce launch costs. Inflatable composite structures are typically manufactured from materials that have higher strength to weight ratios than conventional systems and are therefore lower in mass. Mass reductions are further realized because of the tailorability of inflatable composite structures, which allow the strength of the system to be concentrated where needed. Flexible composite structures also tend to be more damage tolerant due to their “forgiveness” as compared to rigid mechanical systems. In addition, inflatables have consistently proven to be lower in both development and manufacturing costs.

Several inflatable habitat development programs are discussed with their increasing maturation toward use on a flight mission. Selected development programs being discussed include several NASA Langley Research Center habitat programs that were conducted in the 1960s, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory inflatable space station study, the NASA JSC deployable inflatable Lunar habitat study, and the inflatable Mars TransHab study and test program currently ongoing at NASA JSC. Relevant technology developments made by ILC Dover are also presented.  相似文献   

During previous long-term manned missions, more than 100 species of microorganisms have been identified on surfaces of materials (bacteria and fungi). Among them were potentially pathogenic ones (saprophytes) which are capable of active growth on artificial substrates, as well as technophilic bacteria and fungi causing damages (destruction and degradation) to various materials (metals and polymers), resulting in failures and disruptions in the functioning of equipment and hardware.

Aboard a space vehicle some microclimatic parameters are optimal for microorganism growth: the atmospheric fluid condensate with its specific composition, chemical and/or antropogenic contaminants (human metobolic products, etc.) all are stimulating factors for the development of bacteria and mould fungi on materials of the interior and equipment of an orbital station during its operational phase(s).

Especially Russian long-term missions (SALJUT, MIR) have demonstrated that uncontrolled interactions of microorganisms with materials will ultimately lead to the appearence of technological and medical risks, significantly influencing safety and reliability characteristics of individual as well as whole systems and/ or subsystems.

For a first conclusion, it could be summarized, that countermeasures and anti-strategies focussing on Microbial Contamination Management (MCM) for the International Space Station (ISS, next long-term manned mission) at least require a new materials test approach.

Our respective concept includes a combined age-ing/biocorrosion test sequence. It is represented here, as well as current status of MCM program, e.g. continuous monitoring (microbiological analyses), long-term disinfection, frequent cleaning methods, mathematical modeling of ISS, etc.  相似文献   

Major X-33 flight hardware has been delivered, and assembly of the vehicle is well underway in anticipation of its flight test program commencing in the summer of 1999. Attention has now turned to the operational VentureStarTM, the first single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) reusable launch vehicle. Activities are grouped under two broad categories: (1) vehicle development and (2) market/business planning, each of which is discussed. The mission concept is presented for direct payload delivery to the International Space Station and to low Earth orbit, as well as payload delivery with an upper stage to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and other high energy orbits. System requirements include flight segment and ground segment. Vehicle system sizing and design status is provided including the application of X-33 traceability and lessons learned. Technology applications to the VentureStarTM are described including the structure, propellant tanks, thermal protection system, aerodynamics, subsystems, payload bay and propulsion. Developing a market driven low cost launch services system for the 21st Century requires traditional and non-traditional ways of being able to forecast the evolution of the potential market. The challenge is balancing both the technical and financial assumptions of the market. This involves the need to provide a capability to meet market segments that in some cases are very speculative, while at the same time providing the financial community with a credible revenue stream. Furthermore, the market derived requirements need to be assessed so as not to impose unnecessary requirements on the vehicle design that add unreasonable cost to the development of the system, yet provides the right capabilities for new markets that could be triggered by dramatically lower space transportation prices.  相似文献   
The US spent all of the funds originally estimated for the initial development of its orbital space station without producing any significant amount of flight hardware. This article shows how a project with large design costs and significant “non-prime” outlays can quickly deplete program funds. The authors recount the way in which budgetary politics, congressional micro-management, and technological risk conspired to produce this result.  相似文献   
文章介绍了法国宇航环境工程试验中心(INTESPACE)为满足阿里安娜-V的需要所准备进行的一系列改造.这些工作主要有:增建一个适合大型容器用的空气锁,保持厅内连续的10万级洁净度,建立一个紧凑试验区域,建造一面强效吸波墙,扩展振动设备能力以及改造原热真空设备.这些工作计划于2001年初全部完成.改造工作的完成将保证INTESPACE在独立的欧洲试验中心中继续处于领先地位.  相似文献   
Experiments on chemical disinfection by iodinated resins were conducted on STS 50 (USML-1), which flew a 13 day mission during 1992. Fluid processing apparatus containing microorganisms and iodinated resins was assembled in either Manhattan, Kansas, or Boulder, Colorado, and loaded on-board the Space Shuttle for the mission. Pentaiodide resin was more effective than the triiodide resin against Escherichia coli. Both resins were more effective bactericides at unit gravity than microgravity because of cosedimentation of bacteria and iodinated resin beads. In bacteriophage experiments, the triiodide resin reduced the viable titer of MS-2 by nine logs. The few viable phage surviving chemical disinfection were associated with precipitant formation in the fluid processing apparatus.  相似文献   
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