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Active ionospheric experiments using high-power, high-frequency transmitters, “heaters”, to study plasma processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere continue to provide new insights into understanding plasma and geophysical proceses. This review describes the heating facilities, past and present, and discusses scientific results from these facilities and associated space missions. Phenomena that have been observed with these facilities are reviewed along with theoretical explanations that have been proposed or are commonly accepted. Gaps or uncertainties in understanding of heating-initiated phenomena are discussed together with proposed science questions to be addressed in the future. Suggestions for improvements and additions to existing facilities are presented including important satellite missions which are necessary to answer the outstanding questions in this field.  相似文献   
This paper is devoted to an experimental study of swept wing leading edge contamination by the turbulence emanating from the wing-wall junction. The main objective is to delay the contamination onset by applying surface suction along the attachment line. Two series of experiments are described; the first one was performed in a small wind tunnel at CERT ONERA, the second one was carried out in the F2 wind tunnel at Le Fauga Mauzac centre. Hot film measurements showed that leading edge contamination could be delayed up to very large Reynolds numbers. We also studied the behaviour of the relaminarized boundary layer downstream of the sucked region, along the span as well as in the chordwise direction.  相似文献   
We discuss the solar wind parameters measured in the distant heliosphere from the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Periodic variations in the speed of the wind observed at roughly the solar rotation period may correspond to interaction regions between slower and faster streams of wind. Since the interplanetary magnetic field is enhanced in such regions, they are important for the study of modulation of cosmic rays. Unfortunately, direct observation of the enhanced magnetic field from Voyager 2 has been made difficult by spacecraft-associated noise since 1989.  相似文献   
McComas  D.J.  Bame  S.J.  Barker  P.  Feldman  W.C.  Phillips  J.L.  Riley  P.  Griffee  J.W. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,86(1-4):563-612
The Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) experiment provides the bulk solar wind observations for the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). These observations provide the context for elemental and isotopic composition measurements made on ACE as well as allowing the direct examination of numerous solar wind phenomena such as coronal mass ejections, interplanetary shocks, and solar wind fine structure, with advanced, 3-D plasma instrumentation. They also provide an ideal data set for both heliospheric and magnetospheric multi-spacecraft studies where they can be used in conjunction with other, simultaneous observations from spacecraft such as Ulysses. The SWEPAM observations are made simultaneously with independent electron and ion instruments. In order to save costs for the ACE project, we recycled the flight spares from the joint NASA/ESA Ulysses mission. Both instruments have undergone selective refurbishment as well as modernization and modifications required to meet the ACE mission and spacecraft accommodation requirements. Both incorporate electrostatic analyzers whose fan-shaped fields of view sweep out all pertinent look directions as the spacecraft spins. Enhancements in the SWEPAM instruments from their original forms as Ulysses spare instruments include (1) a factor of 16 increase in the accumulation interval (and hence sensitivity) for high energy, halo electrons; (2) halving of the effective ion-detecting CEM spacing from ∼5° on Ulysses to ∼2.5° for ACE; and (3) the inclusion of a 20° conical swath of enhanced sensitivity coverage in order to measure suprathermal ions outside of the solar wind beam. New control electronics and programming provide for 64-s resolution of the full electron and ion distribution functions and cull out a subset of these observations for continuous real-time telemetry for space weather purposes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The OPAL monochromatic opacity tables are used to evaluate the impact of a non-standard chemical composition on solar models. A calibrated solar model with consistent diffusion including the effect of radiative forces and ionization on drift velocities is presented. It is shown that surface abundances are predicted to change slightly more than in traditional solar models where these refinements are not included. All elements included in the model settle at similar rates which is reflected in the relative variation in surface abundances ranging from 7.5% for calcium to 8.8% for argon. The structural difference between the consistent model and the traditional model is small, with a maximum effect of 0.3% for the isothermal sound speed at the base of the convection zone. The settling of CNO is only marginally affected. Opacity profiles have also been calculated with varying abundances for volatile elements, for which the abundances are poorly known, and other selected elements. It is shown that if one allows a 10% variation of these elements individually one can expect a peak Rosseland mean opacity variation of 3% for oxygen, a little less 2% for Si and Ne, and around 1% for Mg and S in the radiative zone. Other light metals and volatile elements have no significant impact on the opacity. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Based on radiation hydrodynamics modeling of stellar convection zones, a diffusion scheme has been devised describing the downward penetration of convective motions beyond the Schwarzschild boundary (overshoot) into the radiative interior. This scheme of exponential diffusive overshoot has already been successfully applied to AGB stars. Here we present an application to the Sun in order to determine the time scale and depth extent of this additional mixing, i.e. diffusive overshoot at the base of the convective envelope. We calculated the associated destruction of lithium during the evolution towards and on the main-sequence. We found that the slow-mixing processes induced by the diffusive overshoot may lead to a substantial depletion of lithium during the Sun's main-sequence evolution. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A study of the distribution of gain-to-noise-temperature (G/T) values for the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) satellite is described. The statistics of the G/T values are determined by a Monte Carlo simulation of the orbital geometry of the Sun and Moon, and the gain and noise temperature calculations is included. The results and their underlying assumptions are described  相似文献   
Battery charger design for the Columbus MTFF power system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) dc-dc converter topology is proposed for the battery charge regulator (BCR) of the Columbus Man-Tended Free-Flyer (MTFF) power system. The system is a regulated bus system. Bus voltage control is implemented at the input of the BCR. The use of a conventional buck topology with PWM conductance control at the input results in a second-order behavior. A study of new PWM dc-dc converter topologies has been made to attain a suitable topology. The proposed converter topology is designed and a breadboard including the control loop has been built and tested. The experimental results show that the converter operates according to the design constraints.  相似文献   
The problem of extracting multiple frequencies from phase-only data is addressed. Multiple frequency estimation is accomplished by reconstructing the Fourier transform of the complex-valued time signal and then finding peaks in the frequency domain. We present a set of conditions under which a discrete-time complex sequence can be completely specified by its phase-only information. Two candidate multiple frequency estimation schemes are introduced, one based on a closed-form least-squares inverse, the other an iterative reconstruction algorithm. The uniqueness of the closed-form solution and the convergence of the iterative scheme have been proven under certain conditions. Several examples are given, including the case where the phase is quantized as would happen in an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. Extensions to the multidimensional case, and to the case of real-part only reconstruction are straightforward.  相似文献   
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