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J.S. Xu X.J. LiY.W. Liu M. Jing 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
Based on measurements of ground-based GPS station network, differences of the mid-latitude ionospheric TEC in the east and west sides of North America, South America and Oceania have been analyzed in this paper. Results show that for nearly all seasons from 2001 to 2010 and in both sides of the longitudes with zero declination, there exist systematic differences for the mid-latitude ionospheric TEC in the regions mentioned above and the features of these differences markedly depend upon the local time but less depend upon seasons and the level of solar activity. Theory analysis shows that the longitude variations of both declination and zonal thermospheric winds are one of important factors to cause differences of the mid-latitude ionospheric TEC in both sides of the longitudes with zero declination. 相似文献
利用简化的飞机模型,通过改变尾翼的迎角及展弦比,试图建立一种能加速自我消亡的尾流涡系统.该实验在拖曳水槽中进行,运用SPIV(体视粒子图像测速技术)系统进行测量,获得了一系列空间切面的2D/3C(二维/三分量)数据,给出了三种不同尾翼情况(两种有尾翼情况及一种无尾翼情况)下的SPIV观测结果,并将这几种情况作了对比. 相似文献
E. Tandberg-Hanssen C. C. Cheng 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1981,1(13):275-283
We describe the Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) spacecraft. The instrument, which operates in the wavelength range 1150 – 3600 Å, has a spatial resolution of 2–3 arc sec and a spectral resolution of 0.02 Å FWHM in second order. A Gregorian telescope, focal length 1.8 m, feeds a 1 m Ebert-Fastie spectrometer. A polarimeter comprising rotating Mg F2 waveplates can be inserted behind the spectrometer entrance slit and allows all four Stokes parameters to be determined. The observing modes include rasters, spectral scans, velocity measurements, and polarimetry. Finally, we present examples of initial observations made since launch. 相似文献
Human exposure to large solar particle events in space. 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
L W Townsend J W Wilson J L Shinn S B Curtis 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1992,12(2-3):339-348
Whenever energetic solar protons produced by solar particle events traverse bulk matter, they undergo various nuclear and atomic collision processes which significantly alter the physical characteristics and biologically important properties of their transported radiation fields. These physical interactions and their effect on the resulting radiation field within matter are described within the context of a recently developed deterministic, coupled neutron-proton space radiation transport computer code (BRYNTRN). Using this computer code, estimates of human exposure in interplanetary space, behind nominal (2 g/cm2) and storm shelter (20 g/cm2) thicknesses of aluminum shielding, are made for the large solar proton event of August 1972. Included in these calculations are estimates of cumulative exposures to the skin, ocular lens, and bone marrow as a function of time during the event. Risk assessment in terms of absorbed dose and dose equivalent is discussed for these organs. Also presented are estimates of organ exposures for hypothetical, worst-case flare scenarios. The rate of dose equivalent accumulation places this situation in an interesting region of dose rate between the very low values of usual concern in terrestrial radiation environments and the high dose rate values prevalent in radiation therapy. 相似文献
If life ever existed, or still exists, on Mars, its record is likely to be found in minerals formed by, or in association with, microorganisms. An important concept regarding interpretation of the mineralogical record for evidence of life is that, broadly defined, life perturbs disequilibria that arise due to kinetic barriers and can impart unexpected structure to an abiotic system. Many features of minerals and mineral assemblages may serve as biosignatures even if life does not have a familiar terrestrial chemical basis. Biological impacts on minerals and mineral assemblages may be direct or indirect. Crystalline or amorphous biominerals, an important category of mineralogical biosignatures, precipitate under direct cellular control as part of the life cycle of the organism (shells, tests, phytoliths) or indirectly when cell surface layers provide sites for heterogeneous nucleation. Biominerals also form indirectly as by-products of metabolism due to changing mineral solubility. Mineralogical biosignatures include distinctive mineral surface structures or chemistry that arise when dissolution and/or crystal growth kinetics are influenced by metabolic by-products. Mineral assemblages themselves may be diagnostic of the prior activity of organisms where barriers to precipitation or dissolution of specific phases have been overcome. Critical to resolving the question of whether life exists, or existed, on Mars is knowing how to distinguish biologically induced structure and organization patterns from inorganic phenomena and inorganic self-organization. This task assumes special significance when it is acknowledged that the majority of, and perhaps the only, material to be returned from Mars will be mineralogical. 相似文献
J.S. Mandeep 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
Fade duration database was built to enhance the study of propagation characterises in the Equatorial region. The data was measured via a beacon receiver Ku-band whereby the antenna was directed to a SUPERBIRD-C2 satellite at 12.255 GHz. The performance of the measured data has been compared with ITU-R model, Kormanyos et al. and Paulson–Gibbins. The results show that the Paulson–Gibbins fits well with measured data with a low RMS error of 0.2 dB. The number of statistics available for the equatorial is small and the periods of measurement are short compared to those for temperate regions. 相似文献
R.D. Strauss M.S. PotgieterS.E.S. Ferreira 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
The propagation of Jovian electrons in interplanetary space was modelled by solving the relevant transport equation numerically through the use of stochastic differential equations. This approach allows us to calculate, for the first time, the propagation time of Jovian electrons from the Jovian magnetosphere to Earth. Using observed quiet-time increases of electron intensities at Earth, we also derive values for this quantity. Comparing the modelled and observed propagation times we can gauge the magnitude of the transport parameters sufficiently to place a limit on the 6 MeV Jovian electron flux reaching Earth. We also investigate how the modelled propagation time, and corresponding Jovian electron flux, varies with the well-known ∼13 month periodicity in the magnetic connectivity of Earth and Jupiter. The results show that the Jovian electron intensity varies by a factor of ∼10 during this cycle of magnetic connectivity. 相似文献
B. Rizk C. Drouet dAubigny C.W. Hergenrother B.J. Bos D.R. Golish R. Malhotra D.S. Lauretta J. Butt J. Patel M. Fitzgibbon C. May E.B. Bierhaus S. Freund M. Fisher S. Cambioni C.A. Bennett S.S. Balram-Knutson K. Harshman M. Moreau 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2019,63(1):672-691
We analyzed high-angular rate streaks first recorded by OSIRIS-REx’s MapCam during a 2017 search for Earth Trojan asteroids. We interpret them as water-ice particles that translated across the imager’s field of view, originating from the spacecraft itself. Their translation velocities approximated 0.1–1?m/s based on reasonable conclusions about their range. Pursuing several lines of investigation to seek a coherent hypothesis, we conclude that the episodic releases of the water ice particles are associated with spacecraft attitudes that resulted in solar illumination of previously shadowed regions. This correlation suggests that the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft itself possesses micro-climatic zones consisting of hot regions and cold traps that may temporarily potentially pass volatiles back and forth before losing most of them. 相似文献
Cylindrical heterogeneous detonation waves 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Further experimental studies of blast wave initiated cylindrical heterogeneous (liquid fuel drops, gas oxidizer) detonation waves are described. A pie-shaped shock tube, used for these studies, was altered in certain ways so as to improve the modeling of cylindrical waves. These modifications, along with some operational aspects, are briefly discussed. The breech of the facility, where the blast wave is generated by an explosive, became distorted with usage. Results are presented which show that lower detonation velocities are realized with the damaged breech (other conditions being the same). A photographic and pressure switch wave time of arrival study was made to ascertain the wave shape. Photographs are shown which show that the waves, blast as well as detonation, are close to cylindrical. However, in some cases there is appreciable distortion of the wave front by debris ahead of the wave. Presumably this debris comes from the blasting cap used to ignite the condensed explosive. A series of experiments was conducted using kerosene drops of 388 μm diameter dispersed in air through use of a large number of hypodermic needles. Radial fuel void regions were established by cutting off the fuel flow to a number of needles. Preliminary results relating to the effect of the size of the cloud gap on detonation velocity, quenching, and the initiator energy levels required for detonation are discussed. 相似文献
46 magnetosheath crossing events from the two years (2001.2-2003.1) of Cluster magnetic field measurements are identified and used to investigate the characters of the magnetic field fluctuations in the regions of undisturbed solar wind, foreshock, magnetosheath. The preliminary results indicate the properties of the plasma turbulence in the magnetosheath are strongly controlled by IMF orientation with respect to the bow shock normal. The amplitude of the magnetic field magnitude and direction variations behind quasi-parallel bow shock are larger than those behind quasi-perpendicular bow shock. Almost purely compressional waves are found in quasi-perpendicular magnetosheath. 相似文献