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The equations derived by A. J. Rainal for the probability density function of the angle error output of a monopulse radar excited by a Gaussian signal and Gaussian thermal noise are generalized to include the presence of multiple targets. The examples given demonstrate the radar's behavior for various combinations of target and noise parameters.  相似文献   
A space diversity method of receiving and processing ILS localizer information has been developed and flight tested. Multiple lateral ly separated antennas are used which sense the ILS signal on and around the approach path. Combining these signals suppresses ILS beam distortion produced by multipath signal interference and provides much improved guidance information to the landing aircraft control system.  相似文献   
X-radiation from energetic electrons is the prime diagnostic of flare-accelerated electrons. The observed X-ray flux (and polarization state) is fundamentally a convolution of the cross-section for the hard X-ray emission process(es) in question with the electron distribution function, which is in turn a function of energy, direction, spatial location and time. To address the problems of particle propagation and acceleration one needs to infer as much information as possible on this electron distribution function, through a deconvolution of this fundamental relationship. This review presents recent progress toward this goal using spectroscopic, imaging and polarization measurements, primarily from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Previous conclusions regarding the energy, angular (pitch angle) and spatial distributions of energetic electrons in solar flares are critically reviewed. We discuss the role and the observational evidence of several radiation processes: free-free electron-ion, free-free electron-electron, free-bound electron-ion, photoelectric absorption and Compton backscatter (albedo), using both spectroscopic and imaging techniques. This unprecedented quality of data allows for the first time inference of the angular distributions of the X-ray-emitting electrons and improved model-independent inference of electron energy spectra and emission measures of thermal plasma. Moreover, imaging spectroscopy has revealed hitherto unknown details of solar flare morphology and detailed spectroscopy of coronal, footpoint and extended sources in flaring regions. Additional attempts to measure hard X-ray polarization were not sufficient to put constraints on the degree of anisotropy of electrons, but point to the importance of obtaining good quality polarization data in the future.  相似文献   
Medium PRF set selection using evolutionary algorithms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a new and novel method of selecting multiple pulse repetition frequency (PRF) sets for use in medium PRF pulsed-Doppler radars. Evolutionary algorithms are used to minimise the blind areas in the range/Doppler space. The evolutionary algorithm allows optimal solutions to be generated quickly, far faster than with exhaustive searches, and is fully automatic, unlike existing techniques. The evolved solutions compare very favorably against the results of both an exhaustive search and existing published PRF set selection methods. This evolutionary approach to generation of PRF sets is a major advance in medium PRF radar design.  相似文献   
Gaia is the most ambitious space astrometry mission currently envisaged and is a technological challenge in all its aspects. We describe a proposal for the payload data handling system of Gaia, as an example of a high-performance, real-time, concurrent, and pipelined data system. This proposal includes the front-end systems for the instrumentation, the data acquisition and management modules, the star data processing modules, and the payload data handling unit. We also review other payload and service module elements and we illustrate a data flux proposal.  相似文献   
Amphibians possess the ability to vomit in response to a variety of stimuli that provoke emesis in mammals. Pharmacological studies have establish that the ejection of gastric contents and the basic mechanism for vomiting have been phylogenetically conserved among these tetrapods. As part of on-going comparative studies on emesis in vertebrates, we previously documented that some postmetamorphic anurans and salamander larvae experience motion-induced emesis when exposed to the provocative stimulus of parabolic aircraft flight. However, more recent experiments suggest that there are strict conditions for inducing emesis in amphibians exposed to parabolic flight and that amphibians are not as sensitive to this stimulus as mammals. Further studies on emesis in lower vertebrates may help us understand the processes that cause emesis in abnormal gravitational regimes.  相似文献   
Experimental drop tube of the metallurgy department of Grenoble   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The drop tube which will be available in the “Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble” is described. Its main features are the following: - Dimensions : Drop height : 47.1 m Drop time : 3.1 s Tube inside diameter : 0.2 m - Experimental atmosphere : 1 Ultra-vacuum : 10−6 to 10−7 Pa - Residual gravity level : 10−8 to 10−9 g according to the vacuum level and drop diameter.

This facility is unique insofar as it enables experiments to be performed under ultra-vacuum conditions which, by delaying the formation of surface oxides, should contribute to improving maximum undercooling values.

The techniques used for obtaining small metallic drops (0.5 to 3 mm) are described. The availability of this instrument for the scientific community is also foreseen by the french sponsoring organizations (CEA, CNES, CNRS) ; some practicle informations will be given to potential experimenters.  相似文献   

For the case of Tycho’s supernova remnant (SNR), we present the relation between the blast wave and contact discontinuity radii calculated within the nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in SNRs. It is demonstrated that these radii are confirmed by recently published Chandra measurements which show that the observed contact discontinuity radius is very close to the shock radius. Therefore a consistent explanation of these observations can be given in terms of efficient CR acceleration which makes the medium more compressible.  相似文献   
This paper presents the European Space Operations Centre's orbit determination and prediction systems for the ERS-1 mission. The routine operational orbit determination and prediction subsystem is discussed briefly, and statistics of the accuracy compared to the requirements are given. The precise orbit determination subsystem is then described, and the accuracy of its results are compared to those of the operational orbit system and to the D-PAF preliminary orbit solutions. Some geophysical results from the altimeter data, processed in these orbit determinations, are also presented. The ESOC/OAD ‘ERS-1 Orbit Report’ is introduced as a document providing this information on a monthly basis. Finally, this paper describes how the experience gained with the precise orbit determination will be exploited to further improve the accuracy of the routine system that will be used for ERS-2, and provides an estimate of this accuracy.  相似文献   
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