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Understanding properties of solar energetic particle (SEP) events associated with coronal mass ejections has been identified as a key problem in solar-terrestrial physics. Although recent CME shock acceleration models are highly promising, detailed agreement between theoretical predictions and observations has remained elusive. Recent observations from ACE have shown substantial enrichments in the abundances of 3He and He+ ions which are extremely rare in the thermal solar wind plasma. Consequently, these ions act as tracers of their source material, i.e., 3He ions are flare suprathermals and He+ ions are interstellar pickup ions. The average heavy ion composition also exhibits unsystematic differences when compared with the solar wind values, but correlates significantly with the ambient suprathermal material abundances. Taken together these results provide compelling evidence that CME-driven shocks draw their source material from the ubiquitous but largely unexplored suprathermal tail rather than from the more abundant solar wind peak. However, the suprathermal energy regime has many more contributors and exhibits much larger variability than the solar wind, and as such needs to be investigated more thoroughly. Answers to fundamental new questions regarding the preferred injection of the suprathermal ions, the spatial and temporal dependence of the various sources, and the causes of their variability and their effects on the SEP properties are needed to improve agreement between the simulations and observations.  相似文献   
The ChemCam instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity will use laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to analyze major and minor element chemistry from sub-millimeter spot sizes, at ranges of ~1.5–7?m. To interpret the emission spectra obtained, ten calibration standards will be carried on the rover deck. Graphite, Ti?metal, and four glasses of igneous composition provide primary, homogeneous calibration targets for the laser. Four granular ceramic targets have been added to provide compositions closer to soils and sedimentary materials like those expected at the Gale Crater field site on Mars. Components used in making these ceramics include basalt, evaporite, and phyllosilicate materials that approximate the chemical compositions of detrital and authigenic constituents of clastic and evaporite sediments, including the elevated sulfate contents present in many Mars sediments and soils. Powdered components were sintered at low temperature (800?°C) with a small amount (9?wt.%) of lithium tetraborate flux to produce ceramics that retain volatile sulfur yet are durable enough for the mission. The ceramic targets are more heterogeneous than the pure element and homogenous glass standards but they provide standards with compositions more similar to the sedimentary rocks that will be Curiosity’s prime targets at Gale Crater.  相似文献   
喷流对飞机尾流涡影响的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
飞机产生的尾流涡,特别是大尺度的翼尖涡,对尾随其后的飞行器是非常有害的,本文旨在探索利用飞机发动机产生的喷流加速尾流涡消亡的方法。试验采用简化的飞机模型(有尾翼),建立了包含一对翼尖涡及一对反向旋转的尾翼涡(通过以负迎角安装尾翼得到)的4涡尾流系统。在无外来扰动的情况下,不同的尾翼设置下得到的尾翼涡对翼尖涡的作用效果不同,有的能导致翼尖涡提前消亡,有的则不能。考察了不同强度的喷流对不同4涡尾流系统的影响,且作为对比,对无尾翼(2涡系统)及无喷流下的各种情况也分别作了观测。试验在拖曳水槽中进行,运用体视粒子图像测速(SPIV)技术,观测了与模型拖曳方向垂直的、从机翼后缘到下游约45翼展间均布的一系列切面。结果表明:当喷流直接作用于涡时,其效果主要取决于两者之间的初始距离及相对强度;而当喷流作用于整个4涡尾流系统时,其引入的扰动对不同的系统均能起到一定程度的改善作用,这种作用的关键在于利用喷流优化对翼尖涡进行扰动的机制,而不仅仅取决于喷流的强度。  相似文献   
We present optical spectroscopy and photometry of 4U 1258-61 obtained over the course of six years. Evidence for the evolution of a circumstellar envelope throughout the course of the observations is presented.  相似文献   
Theoretical pressure balance arguments have implied that steady convection is hardly possible in the terrestrial magnetotail and that steady energy input necessarily generates a cyclic loading-unloading sequence, i.e., repetitive substorms. However, observations have revealed that enhanced solar wind energy input to the magnetospheric system may either lead to substorm activity or enhanced but steady convection. This topic is reviewed with emphasis on several recent case studies of the Steady Magnetospheric Convection (SMC) events. In these cases extensive data sets from both satellite and ground-based instruments from various magnetospheric and ionospheric regions were available.Accurate distinction of the spatial and temporal scales of the magnetospheric processes is vital for correct interpretation of the observations during SMC periods. We show that on the large scale, the magnetospheric configuration and plasma convection are stable during SMC events, but that both reveal considerable differences from their quiet-time assemblies. On a shorter time scale, there are numerous transient activations which are similar to those found during substorms, but which presumably originate from a more distant tail reconnection process, and map to the poleward boundary of the auroral oval. The available observations and the unresolved questions are summarized here.The tail magnetic field during SMC events resembles both substorm growth and recovery phases in the neartail and midtail, respectively, but this configuration may remain stable for up to ten hours. Based on observations and model results we discuss how the magnetospheric system avoids pressure balance problems when the plasma convects earthward.Finally, the importance of further coordinated studies of SMC events is emphasized. Such studies may shed more light on the substorm dynamics and help to verify quantitatively the theoretical models of the convecting magnetosphere.  相似文献   
The simple tilted dipole picture of Corotating Interaction Regions which prevailed during the first polar pass of Ulysses no longer applies since the Sun entered a more active phase. Recent observations show that CIRs still persist, though the large polar coronal holes of solar minimum shrink to smaller areas and move to lower latitudes. We present 3-D simulations for the cosmic-ray intensity variations in a model with non-polar high speed streams. Latitudinal and recurrent time-variations are discussed, but more detailed and realistic simulations are required before quantitative comparisons with observations can be made. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
SAR ATR performance using a conditionally Gaussian model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A family of conditionally Gaussian signal models for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is presented, extending a related class of models developed for high resolution radar range profiles. This signal model is robust with respect to the variations of the complex-valued radar signals due to the coherent combination of returns from scatterers as those scatterers move through relative distances on the order of a wavelength of the transmitted signal (target speckle). The target type and the relative orientations of the sensor, target, and ground plane parameterize the conditionally Gaussian model. Based upon this model, algorithms to jointly estimate both the target type and pose are developed. Performance results for both target pose estimation and target recognition are presented for publicly released data from the MSTAR program  相似文献   
To determine the orbital parameters of a satellite using star occultations, it is necessary to measure the intensity of stars as they occult. The accuracy of the intensity measurements is reduced by interfering sources of light and internal noise, and is expressed in terms of the magnitude of various sources of interference. Subsequently, a specific system is analyzed in detail. Moonlit cloud tops introduce the largest systematic error. Photon noise from the star radiation, airglow, and moonlit cloud tops are the largest sources of random errors.  相似文献   
A New Mathematical Formulation for Strapdown Inertial Navigation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A differential equation is developed for the orientation vector relating the body frame to a chosen reference frame. The time derivative of this vector is the sum of the inertially measurable angular velocity vector and of the inertially nonmeasurable noncommutativity rate vector. It is precisely this noncommutativity rate vector that causes the computational problems when numerically integrating the direction cosine matrix. The orientation vector formulation allows the noncommutativity contribution to be isolated and, therefore, treated separately and advantageously. An orientation vector mechanization is presented for a strap down inertial system. Further, an example is given of the applica tion of this formulation to a typical rigid body rotation problem.  相似文献   
A direction-finding technique is presented that is capable of simultaneously estimating the arrival angles of multiple signals. Pulsed as well as continuous signals can be handled with the signal form only approximately specified. An adaptive antenna array is used as a processing device in the estimation technique. The effect of input signal and feedback loop parameters upon estimate bias is discussed.  相似文献   
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