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利用MMS观测数据,对磁层顶通量绳内离子惯性尺度(di)的结构进行分析研究.结果发现,许多不同尺度(约1di至数十di)的通量绳内都存在具有di尺度的电流 j m,其方向在磁层顶局地坐标系的-M方向,即与磁层顶查普曼-费拉罗电流同向,由电子在+M方向的运动( v em)携带.这些电流结构具有以下特征:磁鞘与磁层成分混合,磁场为开放形态;离子去磁化,电子与磁场冻结;N方向(即垂直于磁层顶电流片方向)的电场 E n显著增大,幅度达到约20mV·m-1,并伴有明显的尖峰状起伏,该增强和尖峰状起伏的电场对应于霍尔电场.分析表明,电流、电子与离子运动的偏离以及霍尔电场之间遵从广义欧姆定律,三者密切关联.进一步对磁层顶磁重联的探测数据进行分析发现,在很多重联区内也存在与通量绳内相似的结构,其尺度约为di量级,其中霍尔电场 E N、电流 j M和电子速度 v eM均与通量绳内对应物理量的方向相同且幅度相近.基于上述观测事实,采用经典FTE通量绳模型,对通量绳内电流、电子运动和霍尔电场的起源进行了初步探讨,认为其来源于磁层顶无碰撞磁重联区内的相应结构,并且后者在离子尺度通量绳的形成过程中起到重要作用.  相似文献   
The Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) is a six satellite radio occultation mission that was launched in April 2006. The close proximity of these satellites during some months after launch provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the precision of Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) retrievals of ionospheric electron density from nearly collocated and simultaneous observations. RO data from 30 consecutive days during July and August 2006 are divided into ten groups in terms of daytime or nighttime and latitude. In all cases, the best precision values (about 1%) are found at the F peak height and they slightly degrade upwards. For all daytime groups, it is seen that electron density profiles above about 120 km height exhibit a substantial improvement in precision. Nighttime groups are rather diverse: in particular, the precision becomes better than 10% above different levels between 120 and 200 km height. Our overall results show that up to 100–200 km (depending on each group), the uncertainty associated with the precision is in the order of the measured electron density values. Even worse, the retrieved values tend sometimes to be negative. Although we cannot rely directly on electron density values at these altitudes, the shape of the profiles could be indicative of some ionospheric features (e.g. waves and sporadic E layers). Above 200 km, the profiles of precision are qualitatively quite independent from daytime or latitude. From all the nearly collocated pairs studied, only 49 exhibited a difference between line of sight angles of both RO at the F peak height larger than 10°. After analyzing them we find no clear indications of a significant representativeness error in electron density profiles due to the spherical assumption above 120 km height. Differences in precision between setting and rising GPS RO may be attributed to the modification of the processing algorithms applied to rising cases during the initial period of the COSMIC mission.  相似文献   
对航空电子强实时网络,提出了一种广播选择型和波长路由型混合波分复用体系结构和其调度结构模型.针对航电多信道强实时消息,提出了多信道负载比例轮转调度方法,以消息的负载比例在多信道上分配权值.分析了子系统内部消息和子系统外部消息在体系结构中调度模式的不同,推导了经过单次调度的子系统内部消息和经多次调度的子系统外部消息的多信道强实时调度约束条件,从而满足了航电系统所有消息的端对端的实时传输.针对航电实际系统,从系统资源和稳定性等角度提出了关键性参数的设计优化方法.最后用一个航电消息集实例进行具体说明.  相似文献   
The proton fluxes from the low-Earth orbital satellites databases (NPOES-17 and CORONAS-F) were analyzed for the quiet geomagnetic period in April 2005. The satisfactory consent was found between the experimental and the AP8 model fluxes of the trapped protons with energy more than ∼10 MeV. At the same time, trapped proton fluxes with energy less than 10 MeV measured by LEO satellites were higher than the ones predicted by the AP8 model in the region of the SAA (drift shell L < 1.5).  相似文献   
Within the analysis of space geodetic observations, errors of the applied subdaily Earth rotation model can induce systematic effects in different estimated parameters. In this paper, we focus on the impact of the subdaily Universal Time (UT1) model on the celestial pole offsets (CPO) estimated from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. We provide a mechanism that describes the error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO.In typical 24-h VLBI sessions the observed quasars are well distributed over the sky. But the observations, if looked at from the Earth-fixed frame, are not homogeneously distributed. The amount of observations performed in different terrestrial directions shows an irregularity which can be roughly compared to the case where the observations are collected in only one Earth-fixed direction. This peculiarity leads to artefacts in VLBI solutions, producing a correlation between the subdaily variations in UT1 and the position of the celestial pole. As a result errors in diurnal terms of the subdaily UT1 model are partly compensated by the estimated CPO. We compute for each 24-h VLBI session from 1990 until 2011 the theoretical response of the CPO to an error in the subdaily UT1 by setting up a least-squares adjustment model and using as input the coordinates of the observed quasars and observation epochs. Then real observed response of the estimated CPO derived from the VLBI session solutions is compared to the predicted one. A very good agreement between the CPO values estimated from VLBI and the predicted values was achieved. The presented model of error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO allows to predict and explain the behaviour of CPO estimates of VLBI solutions computed with different subdaily Earth rotation models, what can be helpful for testing the accuracy of different subdaily tidal models.  相似文献   
浮动壁火焰筒壁温试验和计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某浮动壁火焰筒的壁温进行了试验和计算分析。该火焰筒应用了新型的浮动壁结构和高效的冲击/发散复合冷却技术。壁温分布试验在全环形燃烧室试验台上进行,采用热电偶和示温漆测量。计算采用了稳态导热问题的有限元求解方法。研究分析表明,火焰筒壁温在材料的长期许用温度范围内,壁温计算反映了火焰筒壁温的分布规律和趋势。冲击/发散复合冷却方式的轴向壁温梯度小于缝槽气膜冷却方式,对降低热应力水平,延长火焰筒使用寿命有利。  相似文献   
The experiment with two-frequency radio occultation measurements of the Venusian nightside ionosphere using the Venera-9 and 10 orbiters is described. The experiment is the first of a kind in which the radio link to one of the spacecraft is used to probe the ionosphere, while the other is measuring the variations in the integral electron number density along the path of radio ray propagation. The experiment has been designed to achieve the maximum possible accuracies in determining the parameters of the probed ionosphere using the bistatic two-frequency radio occultation method.  相似文献   
导弹密封皮碗的可靠寿命试验与评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某型号导弹密封系统所用的橡胶材料进行了加速老化试验,通过分析给出贮存可靠及可靠寿命等性能指标随时间、温度的变化规律。并引进随温度变化的失效率与加速系数,来研究材料对贮存温度的敏感性,从而为确定最佳贮存温度提供依据。  相似文献   
支持分布式卫星系统(DSS)开发和实验的仿真平台是DSS技术发展的关键技术之一,本文对DSS仿真平台现状和关键技术进行了分析。首先对比分析了现有3种典型的仿真平台,认为为追求尽可能高的逼真度,实时分布式仿真成为必然。继而从分布式计算角度分析了实时分布式仿真面临的分布性、实时性、仿真部件互操作性和可重用性的问题,而中间件技术可以很好地解决这些问题。最后讨论了中间件实现模式,并分析了中间件在DSS仿真中3种可能的应用方式。  相似文献   
研制基于液压位移放大原理的压电陶瓷直接驱动伺服阀(PZT-DDV,Piezoelectric-Direct Drive Valve),实现大流量高频响的要求.分析其结构特点,建立系统数学模型,基于AMESim 和Simulink的协同仿真环境,对其进行仿真控制研究.采用AMESim建立了PZT-DDV的模型和虚拟液压测试系统,利用Simulink建立了数字控制器模型,通过接口组成协同仿真环境.针对PZT-DDV的迟滞、摩擦和液压位移放大结构的负载敏感特性,采用前馈控制改善迟滞,提高动态响应.基于LuGre摩擦力模型以及密闭腔压力监测,采用自适应backstepping方法实现摩擦及负载变化对放大机构输出位移的扰动补偿.仿真结果表明:前馈控制提高了系统的动态性能,自适应backstepping控制方法提高了系统的稳态控制精度.  相似文献   
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