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The question of large angle pitch attitude maneuver of satellites using solar radiation pressure is considered. For pitch axis maneuver, two highly reflective control surfaces are used to generate radiation moment. Based on dynamic feedback linearization, a nonlinear control law is derived for large pitch attitude control. In the closed-loop system, the response characteristics of the pitch angle are governed by a fourth-order linear differential equation. Robustness of control system is obtained by the integral error feedback. Simulation results are presented to show that in the closed-loop system, attitude control of the satellite is accomplished in spite of the parameter uncertainty in the system  相似文献   
The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter is a practical alternative to the optimal Bayesian multi-target Alter based on finite set statistics. It propagates the PHD function, a first-order moment of the full multi-target posterior density. The peaks of the PHD function give estimates of target states. However, the PHD filter keeps no record of target identities and hence does not produce track-valued estimates of individual targets. We propose two different schemes according to which PHD filter can provide track-valued estimates of individual targets. Both schemes use the probabilistic data-association functionality albeit in different ways. In the first scheme, the outputs of the PHD filter are partitioned into tracks by performing track-to-estimate association. The second scheme uses the PHD filter as a clutter filter to eliminate some of the clutter from the measurement set before it is subjected to existing data association techniques. In both schemes, the PHD filter effectively reduces the size of the data that would be subject to data association. We consider the use of multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) for the purpose of data association. The performance of the proposed schemes are discussed and compared with that of MHT.  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze VLF signals received at Busan to study the the D-region changes linked with the solar eclipse event of 22 July 2009 for very short (∼390 km) transmitter–receiver great circle path (TRGCP) during local noon time 00:36–03:13 UT (09:36–12:13 KST). The eclipse crossed south of Busan with a maximum obscuration of ∼84%. Observations clearly show a reduction of ∼6.2 dB in the VLF signal strength at the time of maximum solar obscuration (84% at 01:53 UT) as compared to those observed on the control days. Estimated values of change in Wait ionospheric parameters: reflection height (h′) in km and inverse scale height parameter (β) in km−1 from Long Wave Propagation Capability (LWPC) model during the maximum eclipse phase as compared to unperturbed ionosphere are 7 km and 0.055 km−1, respectively. Moreover, the D-region electron density estimated from model computation shows 95% depletion in electron density at the height of ∼71 km. The reflection height is found to increase by ∼7 km in the D-region during the eclipse as compared to those on the control days, implying a depletion in the Lyman-α flux by a factor of ∼7. The present observations are discussed in the light of current understanding on the solar eclipse induced D-region dynamics.  相似文献   
Waves in the Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) band owe their existence to solar wind turbulence and transport momentum and energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere and farther down. Therefore an index based on ULF wave power could better characterize solar wind–magnetosphere interaction than KP, Dst, AE, etc. indices which described mainly quasi-study state condition of the system. We have shown that the ULF wave index accurately characterize relativistic electron dynamics in the magnetosphere as these waves are closely associated with circulation, diffusion and energization of relativistic electrons in the magnetosphere. High speed solar wind streams also act as a significant driver of activity in the Earth’s magnetosphere co-rotating interaction region and are responsible for geomagnetic activities. In the present paper, we have analyzed various cases related with very weak (quiet) days, weak days, storm days and eclipse events and discussed the utility of the ULF wave index to explain the magnetospheric dynamics and associated properties. We have tried to explain that the ULF wave index can equally be useful as a space weather parameter like the other indices.  相似文献   
Using the Lyapunov approach, the conditions are presented for the stability of the spin axis of a 2-degree-of-freedom gyro which is mounted in a spinning vehicle.  相似文献   
VLF emissions such as hiss, chorus, pulsing hiss, triggered emissions observed at Varanasi (geom. lat. = 14° 55′ N, long. = 153° 55′ E) are reported. An attempt has been made to explain the dynamic spectra in terms of the generation mechanism and propagation through the inhomogeneous magnetoplasma. It is noted that the reported events have propagated along different L-values in the magnetosphere, although they have been recorded at the same station. The ULF waves propagating along geomagnetic field lines modulate the growth rate of VLF waves, which results in the pulsation of VLF hiss intensity. The pulsating growth rate has been computed.  相似文献   
Nonlinear isolated electrostatic solitary waves (ESWs) are observed routinely at many of Earth’s major boundaries by the Wideband Data (WBD) plasma wave receivers that are mounted on the four Cluster satellites. The current study discusses two aspects of ESWs: their characteristics in the magnetosheath, and their propagation in the magnetosheath and in the auroral acceleration (upward current) region. The characteristics (amplitude and time duration) of ESWs detected in the magnetosheath are presented for one case in which special mutual impedance tests were conducted allowing for the determination of the density and temperature of the hot and cold electrons. These electron parameters, together with those from the ion experiment, were used as inputs to an electron acoustic soliton model as a consideration for the generation of the observed ESWs. The results from this model showed that negative potential ESWs of a few Debye lengths (10–50 m) could be generated in this plasma. Other models of ESW generation are discussed, including beam instabilities and spontaneous generation out of turbulence. The results of two types of ESW propagation (in situ and remote sensing) studies are also presented. The first involves the propagation of bipolar type ESWs from one Cluster spacecraft to another in the magnetosheath, thus obtaining the velocity and size of the solitary structures. The structures were found to be very flat, with large scale perpendicular to the magnetic field (>40 km) and small scale parallel to the field (<1 km). These results were then discussed in terms of various models which predict such flat structures to be generated. The second type of propagation study uses striated Auroral Kilometric Radiation (SAKR) bursts, observed on multiple Cluster satellites, as tracers of ion solitary waves in the upward current region. The results of all studies discussed here (pulse characteristics and ESW velocity, lifetime, and size) are compared to in situ measurements previously made on one spacecraft and to theoretical predictions for these quantities, where available. The primary conclusion drawn from the propagation studies is that the multiple spacecraft technique allows us to better assess the stability (lifetime) of ESWs, which can be as large as a few seconds, than can be achieved with single satellites.  相似文献   
The variable-structure multiple-model particle filtering approach for state estimation of road-constrained targets is addressed. The multiple models are designed to account for target maneuvers including "move-stop-move" and motion ambiguity at an intersection; the time-varying active model sets are adaptively selected based on target state and local terrain condition. The hybrid state space is partitioned into the mode subspace and the target subspace. The mode state is estimated based on random sampling; the target state as well as the relevant likelihood function associated with a mode sample sequence is approximated as Gaussian distribution, of which the conditional mean and covariance are deterministically computed using a nonlinear Kalman filter which accounts for road constraints in its update. The importance function for the sampling of the mode state approximates the optimal importance function under the same Gaussian assumption of the target state.  相似文献   
A comprehensive model is developed using the updated rate coefficients and transition probabilities to study the redline dayglow emission of atomic oxygen. The solar EUV fluxes are obtained from the Solar Irradiance Platform (SIP), and incorporated into the model successfully. All possible production and loss mechanisms of O(1D) are considered in the model. The neutral number densities and temperature are adopted from the NRLMSISE-00 model. The ion and electron densities, and electron temperature are adopted from the IRI-07 model. The model results are validated with the help of measurements as provided by the Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) on board Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The present results are found in better agreement with the measurements in comparison with the earlier model. The measured volume emission rate profiles are reproduced quite well by the present model. The model results show that the updated rate coefficients and transition probabilities are quite consistent and may be used in the aeronomical studies.  相似文献   
Back propagation artificial natural network (BPANN) is a well known and widely used machine learning methodology in the field of remote sensing. In this paper an attempt is made to retrieve the spinach crop parameters like biomass, leaf area index, average plant height and soil moisture content by using the X-band scattering coefficients with BPANN at different growth stages of this crop. The maturity age of this crop was found to be 45 days from the date of sowing. After 45 days from the date of sowing, this crop was cut at a certain height for production. Then, it is a point of interest to investigate the microwave response of variation in production. Significant variations in all the crop parameters were observed after cutting the crop and consequently made the problem more critical. Our work confirms the utility of BPANN in handling such a non-linear data set. The BPANN is essentially a network of simple processing nodes arranged into different layers as input, hidden and the output. The input layer propagates components of a particular input vector after weighting these with synaptic weights to each node in the hidden layer. At each node, these weighted input vector components are added. Each hidden layer computes output corresponding to these weighted sum through a non-linear/linear function (e.g. LOGSIG, TANSIG and PURLIN). These functions are known as transfer functions. Thus, each of the hidden layer nodes compute output values, which become inputs to the nodes of the output layer. At nodes of output layer also a weighted sum of outputs of previous layer (hidden layer) are obtained and processed through a transfer function. Thus, the output layer nodes compute the network output for the particular input vector. In this paper, output nodes use linear transfer function. Different transfer functions e.g. TANSIG, LOGSIG and PURELIN were used and the performance of the ANN was optimized by changing the number of neurons in the hidden layers. The present analysis suggests the need of critical analysis of the BPANN in terms of selection of the best transfer function and other network parameters for the better results.  相似文献   
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