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The maximum likelihood estimates of the elevation angles of two closely spaced targets within the beamwidth is considered. For an array divided into three subapertures, a simple, closed form solution is found whose accuracy compares favorably to the maximum likelihood estimate which uses all the individual elements. Simulation results are presented for the case of a radar target located over a smooth reflecting surface.  相似文献   
A dosimetry-radiometry system has been developed at the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Science to measure the fluxes and dose rates on the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut. The dosimetry system is designed for monitoring the different space radiations, such as solar cosmic rays, galactic cosmic rays and trapped particles in the earth radiation belts. The system consists of a battery operated small size detector unit and a "read-write" and telemetry microcomputer unit. The sensitivity of the instrument (3.67 x 10(-8) rad/pulse) permits high resolution measurements of the flux and dose rate along the track of the Mir space station. We report our initial results for the period of the flight between the 7th and 17th June 1988.  相似文献   
Ureilites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ureilites are a rare group of five stony meteorites — feldsparless achondrites containing diamonds of preterrestrial origin the total weight of them being 315 carats. The whole carbon content in ureilites makes up 1.5–4.1%. Ureilites substantially differ from the other stony meteorites. In comparison with chondrites they are enriched in Mg but depleted in metal, troilite, alkaline elements. All ureilites are very similar by their structure. They contain elongated cavities generally stretched in the same direction. The structure of ureilites is an achondritic porphyric one. These meteorites consist of large olivine grains, there is less clinopyroxene (pigeonite). They contain kamacite (Ni content being 1.5–4%), troilite FeS, chromite. Carbon material is represented by diamond, graphite and organic material being present in a disequilibrium state. Two ureilites (North Haig and Dingo Pup Donga) were considerably oxidized during terrestrial weathering and contain secondary iron oxides.Diamonds are present in ureilites in thin intergrowths with graphite being disposed between silicate grains more or less evenly in the meteorite. The sizes of such black diamond-graphite aggregates are 0.3–0.9 mm. The sizes of the micromonocrystals of diamond and graphite are less than 1. The diamond-graphite aggregates contain dispersed particles of kamacite, troilite, chromite, nickelchrome, being present in very thin intergrowths with one another. Besides the usual diamond there is an admixture of lonsdaleite in the aggregates representing a hexagonal diamond with a würtzite-like structure. Lonsdaleite has been identified in the ureilites Novo Urei, Goalpara, North Haig. The diamonds of ureilites are characterized by inhomogeneities in the crystalline structure which are at least partly caused by the presence of donor nitrogen. According to the isotopic carbon composition the diamond in the meteorite Novo Urei has the value C13 = -5.7.The structure peculiarities of ureilites bear witness of the fact that these meteorites had been subject to the action of dynamic pressure about 300–600 kbar. The impact had taken place in cosmic space. All ureilites subdivide into two types: the first type are Novo Urei, Dyalpur, Dingo Pup Donga, the second type are Goalpara, North Haig according to the following signs: (1) olivine grains are finer in ureilites of the second type; (2) twinning is more typical of clinopyroxenes of ureilites belonging to the first type; (3) in ureilites of the first type a net-like iron distribution is observed, in ureilites of the second type kamacite plates are chiefly present between silicate grains; (4) the size of diamondgraphite intergrowths in ureilites of the first type does not exceed 0.3 mm, in ureilites of the second type it reaches 0.9 mm. Ureilites of the first type have undergone a less intensive impact than ureilites of the second type. Certain similarity of the material composition of ureilites and of the material composition of carbonaceous chondrites, the distinction of these two groups of meteorites from all other meteorites bear witness of the fact that ureilites have formed from carbonaceous chondrites during a collision of asteroid bodies in cosmic space, diamonds having been formed from the carbon material of carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
A hardness assurance program suitable for a retaliatory or deterrent missile system is discussed. The program consists of three phases: the establishment of suitable controls and screens to ensure piece part hardness, a supplier data monitoring program to measure hardness related parameters in a timely fashion to obtain advanced warning of potential problems, and a hardness assurance verification testing (HAVT) program to periodically measure the radiation response of parts, circuits, subsystems, and systems on a sample basis to ensure proper functioning in simulated radiation environments. All of the data relevant to hardness assurance is stored in computer memory and routinely interrogated with programs which compare current results with the engineering baseline data and other data from preceding lots. Other computer programs enable statistical estimation of system response to the radiation environment with confidence based on the expanding data base provided by the HAVT program.  相似文献   
The BL Lac object Mkn 421 was observed by EXOSAT four times over a period of six days in February 1984. Significant X-ray variability was apparent on a timescale of less than a day, but with no accompanying spectral change. The source exhibited a very soft power law X-ray spectrum with an extremely low intrinsic column density (NH1020 cm–2). There was no evidence for an additional hard component attributable to synchrotron self-Compton emission. The observations when combined with other published data imply that significant changes occur in the form of the broad-band UV/X-ray continuum of this source.  相似文献   
One instrument of the Canadian Auroral Network for the Open Program Unified Study (CANOPUS) is a pulsed dual bistatic auroral radar system (BARS) for the mapping of ionospheric electric fields, using the STARE technique originated by R.A. Greenwald [14]. The Canadian system is presently in the specification and design phases, with the objective of being operational by mid-1984. This paper describes the geometry of the BARS system, the design considerations, and the planned data and control network.  相似文献   
The Pioneer 11 Infrared Radiometer instrument made observations of Saturn and its rings in broadband channels centered at 20 and 45 μm and obtained whole-disk information on Titan. A planetary average effective temperature of 96.5±2.5 K implies a total emission 2.8 times the absorbed sunlight. Correlation with radio science results implies that the molar fraction of H2 is 90±3% (assuming the rest is He). Temperatures at the 1 bar level are 137 to 140 K; regions appearing cooler may be overlain by a cloud acting as a 124 K blackbody surface. A minimum temperature averaging 87 K is reached near 0.06 bars. Ring boundaries and optical depths are consistent with those at optical wavelengths. Ring temperatures are 64–86 K on the south (illuminated) side, ~54 K on the north (unilluminated) side, and at least 67 K in Saturn's shadow. There is evidence for a south to north drop in ring temperatures. Titan's 45 μm brightness temperature is 75±5 K.  相似文献   
Results on radar cross section (RCS) measurements and inverse synthetic aperture radar images of a Mooney 231 aircraft using a ground-to-air measurement system (GTAMS) and a KC-135 airplane using an airborne radar are presented. The Mooney 231 flew in a controlled path in both clockwise and counterclockwise orbits, and successively with the gear down, flaps in the take-off position and with the speed brakes up. The data indicates that RCS pattern measurements from both ground-based and airborne radar of flying aircraft are useful and that the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) images obtained are valuable for signature diagnostics  相似文献   
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