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In this paper, a novel hybrid of a three-element interferometer comprised of multimode antennas is analyzed. The phase ambiguities associated with the long baselines of the interferometer are resolved using the \"coarse\" angle estimates provided by the multimode antenna. This results in the elimination of the short baseline interferometers of the conventional five-element interferometer. It is shown here that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) must be above a threshold value to resolve the phase ambiguities with a high degree of probability. An expression that shows the dependence of this threshold SNR on the interferometer spacing and the variance of the angle estimates provided by the multimode antenna is derived. A single three-element wideband multimode antenna interferometer can replace several five-element conventional interferometers, each covering a separate frequency band.  相似文献   
Pollock  C.J.  C:son-Brandt  P.  Burch  J.L.  Henderson  M.G.  Jahn  J.-M.  McComas  D.J.  Mende  S.B.  Mitchell  D.G.  Reeves  G.D.  Scime  E.E.  Skoug  R.M.  Thomsen  M.  Valek  P. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):155-182
Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imaging has contributed substantially to substorm research. This technique has allowed significant advances in areas such as observation and quantification of injected particle drift as a function of energy, observation of dynamics in the tail that are directly related to the effects of imposed (growth phase) and induced (expansion phase) electric fields on the plasma, the prompt extraction of oxygen from the ionosphere during substorms, the relationship between storms and substorms, and the timing of substorm ENA signatures. We present discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of the ENA technique for studying space plasmas. Although the technique is in its infancy, it is yielding results that enrich our understanding of the substorm process and its effects.  相似文献   
Moore  T.E.  Collier  M.R.  Fok  M.-C.  Fuselier  S.A.  Khan  H.  Lennartsson  W.  Simpson  D.G.  Wilson  G.R.  Chandler  M.O. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):351-371
Development of the low energy neutral atom (LENA) imager was originally motivated by a need to remotely sense plasma heating in the topside ionosphere, with the goal of greatly enhanced temporal resolution of an otherwise familiar phenomenon. During ground test and calibration, the LENA imager was found to respond to neutral atoms with energies well above its nominal energy range of 10–750 eV, up to at least 3–4 keV, owing to sputtering interactions with its conversion surface. On orbit, LENA has been found to respond to a ubiquitous neutral atom component of the solar wind, to the neutral atoms formed by magnetosheath interactions with the geocorona during periods of high solar wind pressure, and to the interstellar neutral atoms flowing through the heliosphere during the season of maximal relative wind velocity between spacecraft and interstellar medium. LENA imaging has thus emerged as a promising new tool for studying the interplanetary medium and its interaction with the magnetosphere, in addition to the ionospheric heating and outflow that result from this interaction. LENA emissions from the ionosphere consist of a fast component that can be observed at high altitudes, and slower components that evidently create a quasi-trapped extended superthermal exosphere. The more energetic emissions are responsive to solar wind energy inputs on time scales of a few minutes.  相似文献   
The steady-state weight vector derived by either the least mean square (LMS) or normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithms has random deviations from the optimum values. These deviations increase the steady-state residue power. A previous paper derived the LMS weight noise effects for a multiple sidelobe canceller (MSLC) application. This paper describes the NLMS weight noise effects. It is shown that for a thermal noise environment, the weight noise effect for the LMS algorithm is insignificant but is quite significant for the NLMS algorithm. Calculations for example noise plus interference environments imply that the NLMS weight noise effects are always larger than that for LMS.  相似文献   
Permanent magnet generators are often used as the pilot exciters of three-stage generating units to provide an efficient and reliable source of electrical power. No external power supply is then necessary, and the problems associated with brushwear and with arcing at the rubbing contacts are eliminated. A technique is presented here by which the performance of a permanent magnet generator, when combined with a rectifier-fed d.c. load at its output terminals, may be accurately and efficiently computed. The machine model takes into account the magnetization characteristic of the permanent magnet rotor and involves only parameters which can be determined from terminal measurements on the machine at standstill. Both computed and measured characteristics for an experimental machine are presented, and a comparison of these characteristics shows that the model can predict accurately all the major characteristics of the machine, as well as its detailed internal performance, when supplying a typical resistiveinductive load.  相似文献   
In this paper we present new results from the Voyager ultraviolet spectrometers and the IUE spacecraft on V356 Sgr and Lyr. The V356 Sgr observations cover, in detail, two eclipses and include one IUE high dispersion SWP image. During both eclipses the total strength of the UV emission lines were found to be invariant. Also, an uneclipsed UV continuum was detected at wavelengths shorter than 1600 Å. The IUE high dispersion SWP spectrum revealed that the emission lines are extremely broad, almost symmetrical lines with weak, slightly blue shifted absorption components. No evidence of carbon is seen in the emission or absorption spectrum of V356 Sgr in eclipse. A model for the origin of the circumstellar matter in this binary system is presented. The Voyager ultraviolet observations of Lyr show a strong far-UV continuum that is detectable down to 912 Å The far-UV continuum flux level was variable on time scales shorter than the orbital period and displayed no obvious orbital modulation or eclipses. The spectral shape of the far-UV continuum closely resembles that of a UX UMa type cataclysmic variable. On 16 August 1985 an rapid brightening of the far-UV continuum was observed which was also reminiscent of cataclysmic variables. Analysis of the Lyr data suggest that the central object must be small, with a radius on the order of 1 R or less.This work is supported by NASA Grants NAGW-587 and NAG5-441.  相似文献   
In this paper we present new results from the Voyager ultraviolet spectrometers and the IUE spacecraft on V356 Sgr and β Lyr. The V356 Sgr observations cover, in detail, two eclipses and include one IUE high dispersion SWP image. During both eclipses the total strength of the UV emission lines were found to be invariant. Also, an uneclipsed UV continuum was detected at wavelengths shorter than 1600 Å. The IUE high dispersion SWP spectrum revealed that the emission lines are extremely broad, almost symmetrical lines with weak, slightly blue shifted absorption components. No evidence of carbon is seen in the emission or absorption spectrum of V356 Sgr in eclipse. A model for the origin of the circumstellar matter in this binary system is presented. The Voyager ultraviolet observations of β Lyr show a strong far-UV continuum that is detectable down to 912 Å The far-UV continuum flux level was variable on time scales shorter than the orbital period and displayed no obvious orbital modulation or eclipses. The spectral shape of the far-UV continuum closely resembles that of a UX UMa type cataclysmic variable. On 16 August 1985 an rapid brightening of the far-UV continuum was observed which was also reminiscent of cataclysmic variables. Analysis of the β Lyr data suggest that the central object must be small, with a radius on the order of 1 R or less.  相似文献   
The development of numerical methods for studying the transient nonstationary behavior of a delay line discriminator is presented. Expressions are developed for the mean and the variance of the output noise process. For the cases where the output is stationary, power density spectra are found.  相似文献   
We present optical spectroscopy and photometry of 4U 1258-61 obtained over the course of six years. Evidence for the evolution of a circumstellar envelope throughout the course of the observations is presented.  相似文献   
The Broad-Band X-Ray Telescope (BBXRT) has been designed to perform high sensitivity, moderate resolution spectrophototnetry of X-ray sources in the 0.3–12 keV band from the Shuttle. It consists of a coaligned pair of high throughput, conical X-ray imaging mirrors, with a cryogenically-cooled, multiple element, Si(Li) spectrometer at the focus of each. On axis, BBXRT will have an effective area of 580 cm2 at 2 keV and 250 cm2 at 7 keV, and a spectral resolution of 110 eV at 2 keV and 150 eV at 7 keV. A 104 s observation with BBXRT will allow a determination of the continuum spectral shape for sources near the Einstein deep survey limit.  相似文献   
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