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非线性逆在ASTOVL控制系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了先进短距起飞垂直着陆飞机(ASTOVL)的飞行/推进控制系统的控制律,基于解和掌握气动舵面和推力矢量舵面控制下的飞机数学模型,应用非线性动态逆理论,为ASTOVL飞机从巡航到悬停阶段的飞行,设计了推力矢量控制器和俯仰控制器,以合理地分配飞机上的力和力矩,使得俯仰姿态速度和法向速度的控制在推进系统性能包括线范围内是近似线性和解耦的,最后以ASTOVL飞机悬停阶段的数字仿真曲线为例,证明了所设计的两个控制器是可行的,基本上达到了设计要求。  相似文献   
针对可利用部分冲压、带前输出轴直升机进气道结构特点 ,实验研究了在侧滑角从 0~ 1 35°状态下的直升机进气道流场特性 ,分析了沿程静压分布、进气道出口截面流场畸变指数、总压恢复系数等进气道性能参数。研究表明 ,该类进气道在各种侧滑状态下总压恢复系数较高。当侧滑角大于 90°时总压恢复系数随着来流速度的增加而减小 ;进气道内气流分离的区域和出口截面流场畸变指数与侧滑角和来流速度的大小有关。其中在侧滑角小于 90°时 ,进气道出口截面流场品质较好。当侧滑角大于90°时 ,随着来流速度或侧滑角的增加出口流场迅速恶化  相似文献   
机载蒸发循环系统结构的疲劳寿命易受外界和内部环境的影响,导致无法满足设计要求。采用随机有限元法,参照设计变量和随机变量的变异性,建立机载蒸发循环系统结构疲劳寿命稳健性优化的数学模型;通过引入权因子α,将稳健性优化问题转化为结构疲劳寿命均值和标准差的双目标优化问题。结果表明:合理设置疲劳寿命均值和标准差的权因子,可有效降低设计变量和随机变量对变异的敏感性,进而提高机载蒸发循环系统结构疲劳寿命的稳健性。  相似文献   
微波辐射特性研究概览   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微波辐射特性的研究为被动微波遥感和制导等提供基础的理论、方法、实验数据和结果。系统地阐述了微波辐射特性研究的两种方法 ,重点讨论了亮度温度的各种反演方法 ,最后指出了微波辐射特性研究的其它一些值得注意的问题  相似文献   
郭淑芬  肖陵 《推进技术》1998,19(6):80-82
成功建立数据库的关键是根据数据模型分析,研究结果进行数据库逻辑结构的设计。经过分析和研究,采用关系数据理论,使航空发动机、数据库具有合理的逻辑结构。  相似文献   
介绍了需求开发和需求管理的基本概念,说明了需求捕获、需求分析、需求定义、需求确认以及需求管理的具体内容。结合大型客机的设计研制特点,阐述了在大型客机设计中开展需求管理工作的重要作用与意义,重点介绍大型客机需求管理流程定义、需求管理策略、需求确认与验证等内容。实践证明,在大型客机设计中实施需求管理工作、实现需求的规范化与精细化管理,可有效提高需求的正确性、完整性和协调性,并确保设计结果与需求之间的一致性,促进大型客机的研制、市场和商业成功。  相似文献   
文章概述了“神舟号”飞船回收着陆系统研制过程中,在可靠性分析方面所作的部分研究工作.其中包括系统的可靠性建模、系统可靠性评估方法、降落伞可靠性评估方法和验证方法、火工装置可靠性评估方法及验证方法等内容。  相似文献   
汽车车身板用6022铝合金组织及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过金相观察、能谱分析以及力学性能分析,研究了Mg,Si等合金元素对汽车车身板用6022铝合金的显微组织、力学性能的影响,探讨了热处理工艺对板材力学性能的影响规律.实验结果表明:Mg,Si含量的增加可以促使合金中的一次相增多,提高合金的强度,但含量过多时会降低合金的塑性;Mg/Si比控制在合适的范围内才能使合金获得较好的强度和延伸率的匹配.时效处理有助于合金中Mg2Si等强化相的析出,改善板材强度和延伸率.固溶后立即进行人工时效可明显提高强度,但延伸率有所降低.适当地延长自然时效时间,可在提高合金强度的同时保持较高的延伸率.  相似文献   
Ionospheric inhomogeneous plasma produced by single point chemical release has simple space-time structure, and cannot impact radio wave frequencies higher than Very High Frequency (VHF) band. In order to produce more complicated ionospheric plasma perturbation structure and trigger instabilities phenomena, multiple-point chemical release scheme is presented in this paper. The effects of chemical release on low latitude ionospheric plasma are estimated by linear instability growth rate theory that high growth rate represents high irregularities, ionospheric scintillation occurrence probability and high scintillation intension in scintillation duration. The amplitude scintillations and the phase scintillations of 150?MHz, 400?MHz, and 1000?MHz are calculated based on the theory of multiple phase screen (MPS), when they propagate through the disturbed area.  相似文献   
The GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) monthly gravity models have been independently produced and published by several research institutions, such as Center for Space Research (CSR), GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and Delft Institute of Earth Observation and Space Systems (DEOS). According to their processing standards, above institutions use the traditional variational approach except that the DEOS exploits the acceleration approach. The background force models employed are rather similar. The produced gravity field models generally agree with one another in the spatial pattern. However, there are some discrepancies in the gravity signal amplitude between solutions produced by different institutions. In particular, 10%–30% signal amplitude differences in some river basins can be observed. In this paper, we implemented a variant of the traditional variational approach and computed two sets of monthly gravity field solutions using the data from January 2005 to December 2006. The input data are K-band range-rates (KBRR) and kinematic orbits of GRACE satellites. The main difference in the production of our two types of models is how to deal with nuisance parameters. This type of parameters is necessary to absorb low-frequency errors in the data, which are mainly the aliasing and instrument errors. One way is to remove the nuisance parameters before estimating the geopotential coefficients, called NPARB approach in the paper. The other way is to estimate the nuisance parameters and geopotential coefficients simultaneously, called NPESS approach. These two types of solutions mainly differ in geopotential coefficients from degree 2 to 5. This can be explained by the fact that the nuisance parameters and the gravity field coefficients are highly correlated, particularly at low degrees. We compare these solutions with the official and published ones by means of spectral analysis. It is found that our solutions are, in general, consistent with others in the spatial pattern. The water storage variations of the Amazon, Chari and Ganges river basins have also been computed. The variations computed with the NPARB approach are closer to those produced by JPL and DEOS solutions, while the variations produced with the NPESS approach are in good agreement with those produced by the CSR and GFZ solutions. A simulation study is implemented with considering realistic noise and low-frequency error. The two approaches are used to recover the true model. The NPESS solution appears closer to the true one. Therefore we are inclined to estimate the nuisance parameters simultaneously with the geopential coefficients.  相似文献   
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