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Fox GE  Tran Q  Yonath A 《Astrobiology》2012,12(1):57-60
The emergence of an RNA entity capable of synthesizing peptides was a key prebiotic development. It is hypothesized that a precursor of the modern ribosomal exit tunnel was associated with this RNA entity (e.g., "protoribosome" or "bonding entity") from the earliest time and played an essential role. Various compounds that can bind and activate amino acids, including extremely short RNA chains carrying amino acids, and possibly di- or tripeptides, would have associated with the internal cavity of the protoribosome. This cavity hosts the site for peptide bond formation and adjacent to it a relatively elongated feature that could have evolved to the modern ribosomal exit tunnel, as it is wide enough to allow passage of an oligopeptide. When two of the compounds carrying amino acids or di- or tripeptides (to which we refer, for simplicity, as small aminoacylated RNAs) were in proximity within the heart of the protoribosome, a peptide bond could form spontaneously. The growing peptide would enter the nearby cavity and would not disrupt the attachment of the substrates to the protoribosome or interfere with the subsequent attachment of additional small aminoacylated RNAs. Additionally, the presence of the peptide in the cavity would increase the lifetime of the oligopeptide in the protoribosome. Thus, subsequent addition of another amino acid would be more likely than detachment from the protoribosome, and synthesis could continue. The early ability to synthesize peptides may have resulted in an abbreviated RNA World.  相似文献   
This paper concerns optimal trajectory generation and nonlinear tracking control for stratospheric airship platform of VIA-200. To compensate for the mismatch between the point-mass model of optimal trajectory and the 6-DOF model of the nonlinear tracking problem, a new matching trajectory optimization approach is proposed. The proposed idea reduces the dissimilarity of both problems and reduces the uncertainties in the nonlinear equations of motion for stratospheric airship. In addition, its refined optimal trajectories yield better results under jet stream conditions during flight. The resultant optimal trajectories of VIA-200 are full three-dimensional ascent flight trajectories reflecting the realistic constraints of flight conditions and airship performance with and without a jet stream. Finally, 6-DOF nonlinear equations of motion are derived, including a moving wind field, and the vectorial backstepping approach is applied. The desirable tracking performance is demonstrated that application of the proposed matching optimization method enables the smooth linkage of trajectory optimization to tracking control problems.  相似文献   
The Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) region hosts satellites for navigation, communication, and geodetic/space environmental science, among which are the Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS). Safe and efficient removal of debris from MEO is problematic due to the high cost for maneuvers needed to directly reach the Earth (reentry orbits) and the relatively crowded GNSS neighborhood (graveyard orbits). Recent studies have highlighted the complicated secular dynamics in the MEO region, but also the possibility of exploiting these dynamics, for designing removal strategies. In this paper, we present our numerical exploration of the long-term dynamics in MEO, performed with the purpose of unveiling the set of reentry and graveyard solutions that could be reached with maneuvers of reasonable ΔV cost. We simulated the dynamics over 120–200?years for an extended grid of millions of fictitious MEO satellites that covered all inclinations from 0 to 90°, using non-averaged equations of motion and a suitable dynamical model that accounted for the principal geopotential terms, 3rd-body perturbations and solar radiation pressure (SRP). We found a sizeable set of usable solutions with reentry times that exceed 40 years, mainly around three specific inclination values: 46°, 56°, and 68°; a result compatible with our understanding of MEO secular dynamics. For ΔV?300 m/s (i.e., achieved if you start from a typical GNSS orbit and target a disposal orbit with e<0.3), reentry times from GNSS altitudes exceed 70 years, while low-cost (ΔV?535 m/s) graveyard orbits, stable for at lest 200?years, are found for eccentricities up to e0.018. This investigation was carried out in the framework of the EC-funded “ReDSHIFT” project.  相似文献   
Heavy ions are more efficient in producing complex-type chromosome exchanges than sparsely ionizing radiation, and this can potentially be used as a biomarker of radiation quality. We measured the induction of complex-type chromosomal aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed in vitro to accelerated H-, He-, C-, Ar-, Fe- and Au-ions in the LET range of approximately 0.4-1400 keV/micrometers. Chromosomes were analyzed either at the first post-irradiation mitosis, or in interphase, following premature condensation by phosphatase inhibitors. Selected chromosomes were then visualized after FISH-painting. The dose-response curve for the induction of complex-type exchanges by heavy ions was linear in the dose-range 0.2-1.5 Gy, while gamma-rays did not produce a significant increase in the yield of complex rearrangements in this dose range. The yield of complex aberrations after 1 Gy of heavy ions increased up to an LET around 100 keV/micrometers, and then declined at higher LET values. When mitotic cells were analyzed, the frequency of complex rearrangements after 1 Gy was about 10 times higher for Ar- or Fe- ions (the most effective ions, with LET around 100 keV/micrometers) than for 250 MeV protons, and values were about 35 times higher in prematurely condensed chromosomes. These results suggest that complex rearrangements may be detected in astronauts' blood lymphocytes after long-term space flight, because crews are exposed to HZE particles from galactic cosmic radiation. However, in a cytogenetic study of ten astronauts after long-term missions on the Mir or International Space Station, we found a very low frequency of complex rearrangements, and a significant post-flight increase was detected in only one out of the ten crewmembers. It appears that the use of complex-type exchanges as biomarker of radiation quality in vivo after low-dose chronic exposure in mixed radiation fields is hampered by statistical uncertainties.  相似文献   
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft was designed and constructed to withstand the harsh environments associated with achieving and operating in Mercury orbit. The system can be divided into eight subsystems: structures and mechanisms (e.g., the composite core structure, aluminum launch vehicle adapter, and deployables), propulsion (e.g., the state-of-the-art titanium fuel tanks, thruster modules, and associated plumbing), thermal (e.g., the ceramic-cloth sunshade, heaters, and radiators), power (e.g., solar arrays, battery, and controlling electronics), avionics (e.g., the processors, solid-state recorder, and data handling electronics), software (e.g., processor-supported code that performs commanding, data handling, and spacecraft control), guidance and control (e.g., attitude sensors including star cameras and Sun sensors integrated with controllers including reaction wheels), radio frequency telecommunications (e.g., the spacecraft antenna suites and supporting electronics), and payload (e.g., the science instruments and supporting processors). This system architecture went through an extensive (nearly four-year) development and testing effort that provided the team with confidence that all mission goals will be achieved. Larry E. Mosher passed away during the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   
为了提高水晶生长的质量,我们研制了一种为水晶生长专用的电脑控温系统,该系统可同时测控三台水晶釜的温度,在一定的周期内,依次循环显示各釜上、下点的温度,并作出相应的输出调节。输入输出采用了新颖的“飞容”隔离电路、PID调节使比例乘法器高精度分配过零冲电路、光耦隔离输出可控硅触发电路,消除了传统的调相控制造成的电网污染,提高了系统的抗干扰能力和可靠性。  相似文献   
Light is being used as a pre-launch countermeasure to circadian and sleep disruption in astronauts. The effect of light on the circadian system is readily monitored by measurement of plasma melatonin. Our group has established an action spectrum for human melatonin regulation and determined the region of 446-477 nm to be the most potent for suppressing plasma melatonin. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of 460 and 555 nm for suppressing melatonin using a within-subjects design. Subjects (N=12) were exposed to equal photon densities (7.18 x 10(12) photons/cm2/s) at 460 and 555 nm. Melatonin suppression was significantly stronger at 460 nm (p<0.02). An extension to the action spectrum showed that 420 nm light at 16 and 32 microW/cm2 significantly suppressed melatonin (p<0.04 and p<0.002). These studies will help optimize lighting countermeasures to circadian and sleep disruption during spaceflight.  相似文献   
The Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI) comprises the hardware and accompanying science investigation on the New Horizons spacecraft to measure pick-up ions from Pluto’s outgassing atmosphere. To the extent that Pluto retains its characteristics similar to those of a “heavy comet” as detected in stellar occultations since the early 1980s, these measurements will characterize the neutral atmosphere of Pluto while providing a consistency check on the atmospheric escape rate at the encounter epoch with that deduced from the atmospheric structure at lower altitudes by the ALICE, REX, and SWAP experiments on New Horizons. In addition, PEPSSI will characterize any extended ionosphere and solar wind interaction while also characterizing the energetic particle environment of Pluto, Charon, and their associated system. First proposed for development for the Pluto Express mission in September 1993, what became the PEPSSI instrument went through a number of development stages to meet the requirements of such an instrument for a mission to Pluto while minimizing the required spacecraft resources. The PEPSSI instrument provides for measurements of ions (with compositional information) and electrons from 10 s of keV to ~1 MeV in a 160°×12° fan-shaped beam in six sectors for 1.5 kg and ~2.5 W.  相似文献   
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