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The results of investigation of dynamic system sensitivity to parametric variations in the channel of flight vehicle lateral motion are presented using the notion of infinitesimal transformation. The exact relationships establishing a link between the structure of parameter deviation and that of system phase coordinate deviation are obtained.  相似文献   
The Mercury Magnetopsheric Orbiter (MMO) is one of the spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission; the mission is scheduled for launch in 2014 and plans to revisit Mercury with modern instrumentation. MMO is to elucidate the detailed plasma structure and dynamics around Mercury, one of the least-explored planets in our solar system. The Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) on board MMO is a comprehensive instrument package for plasma, high-energy particle, and energetic neutral particle atom measurements. The Mercury Ion Analyzer (MIA) is one of the plasma instruments of MPPE, and measures the three dimensional velocity distribution of low-energy ions (from 5 eV to 30 keV) by using a top-hat electrostatic analyzer for half a spin period (2 s). By combining both the mechanical and electrical sensitivity controls, MIA has a wide dynamic range of count rates for the proton flux expected around Mercury, which ranges from 106 to 1012 cm−2 s−1 str−1 keV−1, in the solar wind between 0.3 and 0.47 AU from the sun, and in both the hot and cold plasma sheet of Mercury’s magnetosphere. The geometrical factor of MIA is variable, ranging from 1.0 × 10−7 cm2 str keV/keV for large fluxes of solar wind ions to 4.7 × 10−4 cm2 str keV/keV for small fluxes of magnetospheric ions. The entrance grid used for the mechanical sensitivity control of incident ions also work to significantly reduce the contamination of solar UV radiation, whose intensity is about 10 times larger than that around Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   
This paper reports on experimental aerodynamic investigations on a high-speed missile with side jet control especially with regard to the interaction of cold and hot side jets with supersonic cross-flow. The hot jets were generated with solid propellants. To analyze the effect of the hot jet in relation to side jet control, wall pressure distributions were measured in the area of jet interaction. As a test parameter, the jet pressure ratio was varied and schlieren images were taken to visualize the shocks. In addition, the development of large-scale vortex structures on hot gas jets was detected with high-speed videos. The frame sequences show periodical turbulent jet structures and permit the manual evaluation of their spatial distribution. Analyzing the images, the convection velocities of the large-scale structures and their convection angles were determined. The convection velocities reach the magnitude of cross-flow velocity shortly behind the hot jet exit.  相似文献   
A mixed crop consisting of cowpeas, pinto beans and Apogee ultra-dwarf wheat was grown in the Laboratory Biosphere, a 40 m3 closed life system equipped with 12,000 W of high pressure sodium lamps over planting beds with 5.37 m2 of soil. Similar to earlier reported experiments, the concentration of carbon dioxide initially increased to 7860 ppm at 10 days after planting due to soil respiration plus CO2 contributed from researchers breathing while in the chamber for brief periods before plant growth became substantial. Carbon dioxide concentrations then fell rapidly as plant growth increased up to 29 days after planting and subsequently was maintained mostly in the range of about 200–3000 ppm (with a few excursions) by CO2 injections to feed plant growth. Numerous analyses of rate of change of CO2 concentration at many different concentrations and at many different days after planting reveal a strong dependence of fixation rates on CO2 concentration. In the middle period of growth (days 31–61), fixation rates doubled for CO2 at 450 ppm compared to 270 ppm, doubled again at 1000 ppm and increased a further 50% at 2000 ppm. High productivity from these crops and the increase of fixation rates with elevated CO2 concentration supports the concept that enhanced CO2 can be a useful strategy for remote life support systems. The data suggests avenues of investigation to understand the response of plant communities to increasing CO2 concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere. Carbon balance accounting and evapotranspiration rates are included.  相似文献   
The calculation of the design parameters of lifting airscrew systems with fixed and tilted rotor, including the investigation of the operation schemes of actuators for the propeller control system, is carried out.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the equatorial F-region zonal plasma drift during post-sunset period have been investigated using the multi-frequency HF Doppler radar. The pattern of the zonal plasma drift is such that it starts with a westward drift during the pre-sunset hours, followed by an eastward drift shortly after the E-region sunset. The zonal plasma drift is characterized by the presence of a positive vertical shear around the post-sunset period and maximum shear is observed at the time of the peak of the pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical drift. The presence of vertical shear in the zonal drift is associated with the post-sunset velocity vortex existing at the equatorial F-region.  相似文献   
The methodical grounds for helicopter operation with respect to the technical condition for the state of the art of aeronautical engineering are analyzed and generalized. The most essential engineering solutions on developing the systems for monitoring the helicopter operating conditions are considered. The promising lines for further development of these systems are designated.  相似文献   
Recent variations in normal meteorological conditions indicate the earth’s climate is changing in ways that may impact delicate ecological balances in sensitive regions. Identifying how those changes are affecting the biosphere is essential if we are going to be able to adapt to those changes and to potentially mitigate their harmful consequences. This paper presents a time series study of an alpine ecosystem in the Big Pine Creek watershed in California’s Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountain’s. Raw Landsat data covering the years 1984 through 2011 is converted to observed surface reflectance and analyzed for trends that would indicate a change in the ecosystem. We found that over the time period of the study, observed surface reflectance shows a general decline across the spectrum while our analysis of environmental data demonstrates statistically significant increases in temperatures. While declining reflectance in the visible and short wave bands are indicators of increased surface cover, the fact that the IR band also shows declines is consistent with a decline in tree density. This study provides a useful insight into the ecological response of the Big Pine Creek watershed to recent climate change. These findings suggest that alpine ecosystems are particularly sensitive to increasing temperatures. If these results are replicated in other alpine watersheds it will demonstrate that the biosphere is already showing the effects of a warmer environment.  相似文献   
A novel modular multistep algorithm is proposed for multi-criteria analysis of fracture of aircraft structures with complex geometries. In order to evaluate the algorithm, the crack growth analysis is realized by the following three criteria, namely, the stress intensity factor, the strain energy release rate, and the J-integral. The algorithm implementation by the finite element method is considered and prospects of alternative implementation based on the meshfree methods are assigned.  相似文献   
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