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Discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole of three inclination angles and three spacing between holes are presented which described the discharge behavior of a row of holes. The inlet and outlet of the 3-in-1 hole both have a 15° lateral expansion. The flow conditions considered are mainstream turbulence intensities and density ratios of secondary flow to mainstream. The momentum flux ratios varied in the range from 1 to 4. The comparison is made of the discharge coefficients of three shaped holes to find an optimal hole with low flow loss. The results show that the discharge coefficients of 3-in- 1 hole are highest in three shaped holes and therefore this article is focused on the measurements of discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole for various geometries and aerodynamic parameters. The measured results of 3-in-1 hole indicate that turbulence intensities, density ratios and momentum flux ratios have weak influence on discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 20°. The high turbulence intensity yields the small discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased both momentum flux ratios and density ratios lead to the increased discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased inclination angle causes the rapidly increased discharge coefficients. There is a weak dependence of discharge coefficients on hole pitches.  相似文献   
针对小鹰500飞机的设计和使用特点,选用了FAA推荐的通用飞机实测载荷谱数据,按照民机的TWIST编谱原则编制出用重心过载表示的“飞-续-飞”随机疲劳试验载荷谱,用于小鹰-500飞机机翼疲劳试验,并参照国外文献中有关尾翼载荷谱的保守处理方法,采用了从重心载荷谱计算出配套平衡的平尾机动载荷,将其幅值放大1.2倍和频次放大3倍的做法,编制出了平尾疲劳试验载荷谱。  相似文献   
论述了艇弹协调仪硬件系统的设计方法及基本原理,并给出了系统运行的软件流程框图。  相似文献   
针对某直升机专用交流地面电源车系统,建立了PSPICE软件的仿真模型,且进行了系统仿真,研究了基于独立源及受控源的SPWM波产生方法,分析了滤波器参数分布对于系统性能的影响。仿真结果表明该电源系统对于雷达、吊声类冲击性负载有较好的适应性。  相似文献   
研究了截除低载对全机结构各部位裂纹扩展寿命的影响,导出寿命误差与裂纹扩展比的关系,并指出寿命误差主要取决于开裂结构的材料参数,而开裂部位的影响则可忽略不计。  相似文献   
在飞机显示器的水平导航区域上需要为飞行员实时显示最新的航线信息,航线中的每个航路点均有不同的转弯方式,目前国内正在研发的飞机采用旁切转弯和飞越转弯两种方式,若错过了预计的转弯起始点,则需要重新进行航线解算,这被定义为超调转弯,给出三类转弯航线的解算方法。  相似文献   
数控车削加工仿真系统结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据实际加工情况提出了一种虚拟NC车削加工的仿真系统的设计及实现原理。在Visual C++平台上利用OpenGL技术建立虚拟加工机床数字化模型,用C++语言实现物理仿真相关的各个数学模型的建立,进行虚拟环境下数控车削加工的几何仿真及物理仿真,实现产品的虚拟车削制造。  相似文献   
先进工艺在飞机起落架制造中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国飞机起落架制造技术的发展概况及先进工艺在起落架制造过程中的应用。  相似文献   
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