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作为当代社会一个重要的理论范式,新自由主义是在与凯恩斯主义的论战中逐步发展起来的。在政治经济领域内,它拒绝国家的干预和控制;在社会福利领域内,它反对福利思想的传播和福利国家的构建,主张通过自由市场机制和个人的自我负责来取代长期由国家提供的社会福利,借以减轻国家的负担,激发个人的进取精神。在新自由主义思想的指引下,英国和美国分别实施了社会福利改革,短期内在减少社会福利开支的同时,也导致了社会福利水平的下降,从长期看,新自由主义的社会福利政策存在着缺陷。  相似文献   
范周伟  余雄庆  王朝  钟伯文 《航空学报》2021,42(4):524353-524353
飞机总体主要设计参数敏感性分析揭示了总体主要设计参数对飞机特性指标的影响,有助于总体设计方案的决策。针对宽体客机总体主要设计参数敏感性问题,根据其总体主要设计参数和特性指标的特点,以及多学科间的耦合关系,建立了深度神经网络模型。该深度神经网络模型以客机总体主要设计参数为输入,对特性指标进行预测。在深度神经网络模型中,设置了多个输入层、多个输出层以及多个分块的隐藏层,从而模拟客机总体主要设计参数对特性指标的影响以及不同特性指标之间的相互作用。测试结果表明,与传统代理模型相比,深度神经网络模型对客机特性指标的预测精度更高,多参数适应性更好。利用该深度神经网络模型对客机总体主要设计参数进行敏感性分析。分析结果表明,机翼1/4弦线后掠角在30°~31.5°时,有利于减少最大起飞重量和起飞平衡场长;发动机海平面最大静推力和机翼面积对客机直接使用成本、最大起飞重量等特性指标的影响最为显著。  相似文献   
The plausible mechanisms of cooling of the nightside Venus' thermosphere are analysed with the aid of the model of the atmospheric heat budget that incorporates, in addition to thermal conduction and IR radiation in the 15 μ band of CO2, heating and cooling due to global scale winds, eddy turbulence, and IR radiation in the rotational bands of H2O and CO, as well as the 63 μ line of atomic oxygen. The H2O mixing ratio and parameters of turbulence required for cooling of the thermosphere down to the observed low temperatures are evaluated.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that the transgenic microorganism Escherichia coli Z905/pPHL7 (AprLux+) can exist for a long time at an elevated concentration of mineral salts. The microorganism was introduced into microcosms with sterile brackish water (salinity variable from 21 to 22 g l-1) taken from Lake Shira (Khakasia, Russia). The survival of the microorganism was estimated both by measuring the growth of the colonies on solid nutrient media and by the bioluminescence exhibited by the transgenic strain in samples from the microcosms and in the enrichment culture with the added selective factor-ampicillin (50 micrograms/ml). In the enrichment culture, the bioluminescent signal was registered through the 160-day experiment. It has been shown that in the closed microcosms with brackish water the E. coli strain becomes heterogeneous in its ampicillin resistance. The populations of the transgenic strain were mainly represented by isolates able to persist in the medium containing 50 micrograms/ml, but there were also the cells (about 10%) with the threshold of ampicillin resistance not more than 0.05 micrograms/ml. Thus, it was shown that in the microcosms with brackish water and in the absence of the selective factor the transgenic strain survives and retails the recombinant plasmid.  相似文献   
The LIULIN-3M instrument is a further development of the LIULIN dosimeter-radiometer, used on the MIR spacestation during the 1988-1994 time period. The LIULIN-3M is designed for continuous monitoring of the radiation environment during the BION-12 satellite flight in 1999. A semiconductor detector with 1 mm thickness and cm2 area is contained in the instrument. Pulse high analysis technique is used to determine the energy losses in the detector. The final data from the instrument are the flux and the dose rate for the exposure time and 256 channels of absorbed dose spectra based on the assumption that the particle flux is normal to the detector. The LIULIN-3M instrument was calibrated by proton fluxes with different energies at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility in June 1997 and had been used for radiation measurements during commercial aircraft flights. The calibration procedure and some flight results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   
虽然“自由伊拉克作战”(Operation Iraqi Freedom)已经告一段落,但是美军在伊拉克所面对的问题却是有增无减,其中又以伊拉克反美武装所实施的攻击为甚,虽然美军、联军和伊拉克过渡政府的保安部队坐拥15万兵力,但是却无法避免伊拉克反美武装对美军接二连三攻击所造成的有生力量伤亡,截至2005年2月18日为止,美军总计有1462名官士兵阵亡(含军方雇员),10968人负伤,换言之,美军在2003年5月15日结束“自由伊拉克作战”之后,在作战行动中阵亡的官兵仅仅只有109名,但是在战后因为伊拉克伊拉克反美武装攻击而阵亡的官士兵却已经堂堂突破1000大关,足足是作战阵亡人数的10倍,更不用提上万名的负伤者。[编者按]  相似文献   
基于局部Neymark分解的混沌信号与噪声的分离方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从动力系统和几何的观点出发,提出了基于局部Neymark分解的混沌信号与噪声的分离方法。该方法在一个局部的轨道空间内进行Neymark分解,重构时消除由噪声引起的在某些方向上的错误分量,接着进行反嵌入,使得这一由于噪声影响而发生畸变的局部轨道得以纠正,达到混沌信号与噪声分离(以下简称混沌滤波)的目的,并对其中的反嵌入问题作了较为深入的讨论,仿真实验表明了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   
首先介绍了实信号的多相滤波信道化体制,讨论了该体制下宽带信号跨信道接收时的信号检测技术以及邻信道虚假信号消除技术。然后详细讨论了各种跨信道宽带信号恢复算法,考虑到可行性和FPGA的硬件可实现性,选用综合滤波器算法进行宽带接收。最后通过MATLAB仿真验证算法的有效性。  相似文献   
塞式喷管效率高度特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过理论分析,结合塞式喷管具有高度补偿特性的特点,根据气流流动的情况,将塞式喷管的推力分为两部分,建立了两个不同的塞锥表面压力分布的数学模型,来分析塞式喷管发动机效率的高度特性非单调性变化的规律以及塞锥表面压力分布对其的影响。结果表明,在高的环境压强下工作时,由塞式喷管的高度补偿能力所获得的推力是引起效率高度特性曲线非单调变化的原因;在低的环境压强下工作时,由于塞锥的截短,效率高度特性曲线在设计点之前达到最大值。   相似文献   
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