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Direct Broadcast Satellites covering large countries such as Canada, require more than one spacecraft, located at different orbital positions, as well as the use of multiple shaped beams. This would minimize eclipse requirements over several time zones, provide increased capacity by frequency reuse and permit the use of cost effective ground receivers.Two such satellites are envisaged, one covering Eastern Canada, the other Western Canada, using two different sets of three highly shaped beams. This paper is the result of a feasibility study of a satellite antenna designed such that while at either orbital location it can be reconfigured in orbit, by ground command and hence can save the cost of one additional spare spacecraft.An offset parabolic reflector is proposed for the 12 GHz downlink, with a switched “dual feed” structure, consisting of two separate but contiguous sets of pyramidal horns and their associated beam forming networks (BFN). Only one BFN set is used at any one orbital location. Detailed radiation patterns demonstrate good beamshaping capabilities, with coverage efficiencies of the order of 94%. Other considerations such as the effect of orbital locations, gain equalization and TWTA standardization are discussed.It is concluded that a satellite, reconfigurable in orbit with a “dual feed” antenna, is feasible and cost effective, for a DBS spare as well as for the main spacecraft.  相似文献   
The transport characteristics of macroparticles, charged by the solar radiation under microgravity conditions, were investigated by analyzing the videorecords of experiments carried out onboard the Mirorbital station. The temperature, distributions of velocities, charge, friction coefficient, and diffusion coefficient were obtained for bronze particles.  相似文献   
One of the Skylab experiments dealt with motion sickness, comparing susceptibility in the workshop aloft with susceptibility preflight and postflight. Tests were conducted on and after mission-day 8 (MD 8) by which time the astronauts were adapted to working conditions. Stressful accelerations were generated by requiring the astronauts, with eyes covered, to execute standardized head movements (front, back, left, and right) while in a chair that could be rotated at angular velocities up to 30 rpm. The selected endpoint was either 150 discrete head movements or a very mild level of motion sickness. In all rotation experiments aloft, the five astronauts tested (astronaut 1 did not participate) were virtually symptom free, thus demonstrating lower susceptibility aloft than in preflight and postflight tests on the ground when symptoms were always elicited. Inasmuch as the eyes were covered and the canalicular stimuli were the same aloft as on the ground, it would appear that lifting the stimulus to the otolith organs due to gravity was an important factor in reducing susceptibility to motion sickness even though the transient stimuli generated under the test conditions were substantial and abnormal in pattern. Some of the astronauts experienced motion sickness under operational conditions aloft or after splashdown, but attention is centered chiefly on symptoms manifested in zero gravity. None of the Skylab-II crew (astronauts 1 to 3) was motion sick aloft. Astronaut 6 of the Skylab-III crew (astronauts 4 to 6) experienced motion sickness within an hour after transition into orbit; this constitutes the earliest such diagnosis on record under orbital flight conditions. The eliciting stimuli were associated with head and body movements, and astronaut 6 obtained relief by avoiding such movements and by one dose of the drug combination 1-scopolamine 0.35 mg + d-amphetamine 5.0 mg. All three astronauts of Skylab-III experienced motion sickness in the workshop where astronaut 6 was most susceptible and astronaut 4, least susceptible. The higher susceptibility of SL-III crewmen in the workshop, as compared with SL-II crewmen, may be attributable to the fact that they were based in the command module less than one-third as long as SL-II crewmen. The unnatural movements, often resembling acrobatics, permitted in the open spaces of the workshop revealed the great potentialities in weightlessness for generating complex interactions of abnormal or unusual vestibular and visual stimuli. Symptoms were controlled by body restraint and by drugs, but high susceptibility to motion sickness persisted for 3 days and probably much longer; restoration was complete on MD 7. From the foregoing statements it is clear that on and after MD 8 the susceptibility of SL-II and SL-III crewmen to motion sickness under experimental conditions was indistinguishable. The role played by the acquisition of adaptation effects prior to MD 8 is less clear and is a subject to be discussed.  相似文献   
If life ever existed, or still exists, on Mars, its record is likely to be found in minerals formed by, or in association with, microorganisms. An important concept regarding interpretation of the mineralogical record for evidence of life is that, broadly defined, life perturbs disequilibria that arise due to kinetic barriers and can impart unexpected structure to an abiotic system. Many features of minerals and mineral assemblages may serve as biosignatures even if life does not have a familiar terrestrial chemical basis. Biological impacts on minerals and mineral assemblages may be direct or indirect. Crystalline or amorphous biominerals, an important category of mineralogical biosignatures, precipitate under direct cellular control as part of the life cycle of the organism (shells, tests, phytoliths) or indirectly when cell surface layers provide sites for heterogeneous nucleation. Biominerals also form indirectly as by-products of metabolism due to changing mineral solubility. Mineralogical biosignatures include distinctive mineral surface structures or chemistry that arise when dissolution and/or crystal growth kinetics are influenced by metabolic by-products. Mineral assemblages themselves may be diagnostic of the prior activity of organisms where barriers to precipitation or dissolution of specific phases have been overcome. Critical to resolving the question of whether life exists, or existed, on Mars is knowing how to distinguish biologically induced structure and organization patterns from inorganic phenomena and inorganic self-organization. This task assumes special significance when it is acknowledged that the majority of, and perhaps the only, material to be returned from Mars will be mineralogical.  相似文献   
In 1996 the NASA Advisory Council asked for a comprehensive look at future launch projections out to the year 2030 and beyond. In response to this request NASA sponsored a study at The Aerospace Corporation to develop long-range space transportation models for future commercial and government applications, and to analyze the design considerations and desired characteristics for future space transportation systems. Follow-ons to present space missions as well as a wide array of potential new space applications are considered in the study. This paper summarizes the space transportation system characteristics required to enable various classes of future missions. High reliability and the ability to achieve high flight rates per vehicle are shown to be key attributes for achieving more economical launch systems. Technical, economic and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   
The data of measuring the plasma density in the topside ionosphere for the South-Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly region are presented. It is shown that irregular plasma structures with a wide spectrum of irregularity scale (including large-scale structures with a dimension of order of some hundred kilometers) can be generated in the fields of electrostatic turbulence in inhomogeneous plasma.  相似文献   
The results of processing and interpreting the data of joint Russian–French experiments for studying the heat and mass transfer in near-critical fluids are presented. The experiments were carried out with the ALICE-1 instrument during an orbital flight of the Mirstation from September 30 to October 2, 1995 [1]. For such fluids with a point-like source of heat, when they are placed in the field of uncontrolled inertial accelerations of the spacecraft, the influence of thermovibrational and thermogravitational mechanisms of convection on the propagation of the region of optical irregularity is investigated. It is shown that, near the thermodynamic critical point, local heating of the medium leads to generation of either intense thermogravitational convection or averaged vibroconvective flow, depending on the frequency of variations of the microaccelerations. The structure and characteristics of discovered motions are studied. The results of numerical simulations are presented that confirm the conclusion about a possibility of generation of an averaged convective flow of a vibrational type by the high-frequency component of microaccelerations.  相似文献   
Two bed rest analog studies of space flight were performed; one 14 d and the other 28 d in duration. Exercise response was studied in detail during the 28 d study and following both the 14 d and 28 d studies. This paper relates the results of these studies to physiologic changes noted during and following space flight. The most consistent change noted after both bed rest and space flight is an elevated heart rate during exercise. A second consistent finding is a postflight or postbed rest reduction in cardiac stroke volume. Cardiac output changes were variable. The inability to simulate inflight activity levels and personal exercise makes a direct comparison between bed rest and the results from specific space flights difficult.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that a daily intake of fluid and salt supplements may be used to prevent bone demineralization in human subjects after prolonged exposure to hypokinesia (diminished muscular activity). Thus, the objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of fluid and salt supplementation in the prevention of development of osteoporosis in 64 Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 339-345 g, after exposure to 90 days of hypokinesia. They divided into 4 equal groups: the first group of rats placed under ordinary vivarium conditions and served as vivarium control; the second group were also placed under ordinary vivarium conditions but received daily fluid and salt supplements; the third group were subjected to pure hypokinesia, i.e. without the use of any preventive measures; and the fourth group were submitted to hypokinesia and received daily fluid and salt supplements. For the simulation of the hypokinetic effect the experimental group of rats were kept in small, individual, wooden cages. Through the experimental period the second and fourth group of rats received 8 ml/100 g body wt water and 5 ml 100 g body wt NaCl daily. By the end of the experimental period the animals were decapitated and the spongy matter of tibia and vertebrae of the rats were examined for changes referable to osteoporosis. It was found that the daily intake of fluid and salt supplements caused an increase in the volume density of primary spongiosa of bones. It was concluded that a daily intake of fluid and salt supplements may be used to prevent the development of osteoporosis in rats subjected to prolonged motor activity restriction.  相似文献   
The National Space Research Institute (INPE) is developing the first Brazilian Scientific Microsatellite (SACI-1) based on the vanguard technology and on the experience acquired through projects developed by Brazilian Space Program. The SACI-1 is a 750km polar orbit satellite. The spacecraft will combine spin stabilization with geomagnetic control and has a total mass of 60 kg. The overall dimensions are 640×470×470 mm. The SACI-1 satellite shall be launched together with CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite). Its platform is being designed for multiple mission applications. The Brazilian Academy of Sciences has selected four scientific payloads that characterize the mission. The scientific experiments are: ORCAS (Solar and Anomalous Cosmic Rays Observation in the Magnetosphere), PLASMEX (Study of Plasma Bubbles), FOTSAT (Airglow Photometer), and MAGNEX (Geomagnetic Experiment).  相似文献   
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