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飞行器红外隐身效能工程评价方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
韦第升  王小群  杜善义 《航空学报》2008,29(6):1592-1597
 针对飞行器的红外隐身问题,推导出红外辐射对比度与作用距离的理论关系,采用指数拟合获得大气透过率与作用距离的近似关系表达式,简化了对作用距离的计算,并通过实际算例考察了目标表面温度、目标发射率和飞行速度对红外辐射对比度及作用距离的影响。结果表明:对比度和作用距离随目标表面温度、发射率及飞行速度的下降趋势基本一致;在一定条件下,对比度可代替作用距离作为评价目标红外隐身效果的简单、快速的参数,对比度越小目标的红外隐身效果越好。对比度的计算快速、准确、灵活性强和适用范围广,为今后进一步对飞行器的红外隐身研究提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   
The paper explores a method to obtain accurate lake surface heights using measurements of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase reflected from the lake surface. The method is referred to as Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflection (GNSS-R) open-loop difference phase altimetry method. It consists of two key technologies: one is the open-loop tracking method to track the GNSS-R signals, where the direct GNSS signal’s frequency is used as a reference frequency to obtain the carrier phases of the GNSS-R signals; the other key technology is time difference phase altimetry method to invert the lake surface heights using two or more carrier phases of GNSS-R signals received simultaneously. A validation experiment is carried out on the SANYING bridge over GUANTING lake using a GNSS-R receiver developed by the Center for Space Science and Applied Research (CSSAR), processing the data with GNSS-R open-loop difference phase altimetry method. The lake surface height results are consistent with the height results of GPS dual-frequency differential positioning altimetry. The results show that we can achieve centimeter level height in one minute average, by using 11 minutes carrier phase data of three GNSS-R signals received simultaneously.  相似文献   
一个长寿命卫星需要有高可靠性和安全性。由于单个元件的寿命期有限,通常利用冗余备份技术。这样就出现了故障检测问题。本文利用统计摸式识别中的wald序贯判决法对卫星敏感器系统进行故障检测。对一个具体的系统模拟表明,这种方法是可行的。  相似文献   
Slope correction is important to improve the accuracy of satellite radar elevation measurements by mitigating the slope-induced error (SE), especially over uneven ground surfaces. Although several slope correction methods have been proposed, guidance in the form of stepwise algorithm on how to implement these methods in processing radar altimetric data at the coding level, and the differences among these methods need to be presented and discussed systematically. In this paper, three existing types of slope correction methods—the direct method (DM), intermediate method (IM), and relocation method (RM, further divided into RM1 and RM2)—are described in detail. In addition, their main differences and features for various scientific applications are analyzed. We conduct a systematic experiment with CryoSat-2 Low Resolution Mode (LRM) data in a physically stable area around Dome Argus in East Antarctica, where in-situ measurements were available for comparison. The slope correction is implemented separately using the three methods, with the latest high-accuracy Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) as the a-priori topography model. The bias and precision of the slope-corrected CryoSat-2 data results from the RM2 is ?0.18 ± 0.86 m based on the comparison with the field Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data. The results from the RM2 indicate higher precision compared to those from the RM1. According to the correlation analysis of the slope-corrected CryoSat-2 data results (RM1 and RM2), the bias enlarges and the precision becomes worse when the surface slope increases from 0 to 0.85°. After a comprehensively comparative analysis, we find that the results from the RM1 and RM2 are superior in precision (0.93 m and 0.86 m) with respect to the GNSS data. The relatively low precision (1.22 m) from the IM is due to the potential error from the a-priori digital elevation model (DEM). The DM has the lowest precision (2.66 m). Another experiment over rough topography in West Antarctica is carried out for comparison, especially between the RM1 (precision of 15.27 m) and RM2 (precision of 16.25 m). In general, the RM is recommended for the SE elimination among the three methods. Moreover, the RM2 is firstly considered over smooth topography due to the superior performance in bias and precision, while the RM1 is more suggested over the rough topography because of the slightly smaller bias and better precision. The IM relies much on the accuracy of the a-prior DEM and is not usually recommended, because of the strict requirement in the sampling time between the radar altimetry data and the a-priori DEM to avoid any surface change over time.  相似文献   
提出了一种旅客音频控制组件测试台的研制方案。该方案以AVR系列单片机ATxmega64为核心,测量测试电路板的当前温度和旅客音频控制组件的电阻及电压值,控制旅客音频控制组件、液晶显示屏及音频播放器之间的通信。经试验证明该测试台能完成对旅客音频控制组件的测试功能,且具有实时性好、准确率高、操作方便等特点。  相似文献   
板间摩擦对航空连接件疲劳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某型飞机外翼下壁板典型连接件结构,建立了三维有限元接触模型,对其细节弹塑性应力进行了分析,并利用局部应力应变法估算了其疲劳寿命.研究发现,连接件的疲劳性能对搭接板之间的摩擦条件是较为敏感的,随着摩擦系数的减少,板之间的摩擦力下降,孔边局部应力增大,连接件的疲劳性能下降.最后,对不同摩擦条件下的航空模拟搭接试件进行疲劳试验,试验结果与寿命估算结果较为一致,验证了分析方法的有效性.  相似文献   
传统延时估计方法的精度受采样间隔的限制。为提高精度,提出一种新的适用于宽带信号的分数延时估计方法。该方法将周期图法与抛物线插值应用于带限随机信号的互相关谱,可以获得连续的延时估计。文中通过一系列仿真实验对该方法与其他分数延时估计方法的性能进行比较。结果表明,该方法的性能优于其他估计方法,在信噪比较高的情况下,可以接近克拉美罗下界。由于发射信号具有宽带和随机的特点,该方法适用于低截获概率雷达。  相似文献   
航空定向技术在地下水流速流向中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将高科技的航空定向技术与同位素稀释测井技术相结合,研制出一种智能化的地下水动态参数测量仪。在天然流场下的单井中测量了地下渗透流速、流向;垂向流速、流向,并对仪器的结构、原理、工作过程作了详细的讨论,该测量仪可广泛地应用于堤坝渗漏路径的探测、水源地的地下水勘察、煤矿涌水预测、环境保护、农田地下水溶质运移等。  相似文献   
互操作性是当前软件最重要的特性之一.通过分析问题域,结合贝叶斯网的特征域,提出使用贝叶斯网来解决基础软件平台的互操作性评估问题.首先根据问题域选取贝叶斯算法,并收集实际数据以引入与问题相关的领域知识.根据所选取的算法构造互操作性的贝叶斯网结构,并且进一步学习此结构的参数.在此过程中,对选取的K2算法进行改进.然后,利用贝叶斯推理来根据互操作性的结构和参数得出评估对象的互操作性等级.最后,一个实例讲述了方法具体的应用过程.实验结果证明了方法的合理性.  相似文献   
介绍一种新型常温快速磷化液的配制和使用方法。经大量的试验研究表明:该磷化液克服了一般常温磷化泛黄、挂灰和耐蚀性差的缺点,在常温下,磷化15分钟,生成的磷化膜更加细致、抗蚀性能好且和漆膜有较强的附着力。  相似文献   
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