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高峰  傅岚  汤兰祥  黄志德 《宇航学报》2004,25(4):364-369
在引入五个假设条件的基础上,通过分析压力应急返回再入过程座舱复压的物理模型,建立了压力应急返回再入过程中座舱大气环境参数变化的亚临界流复压和超临界流复压数学模型。并利用某航天器的标准返回弹道参数,对该模型进行了验算。地面模拟试验数据与利用该模型进行的理论计算数据误差小于3%,满足工程精度要求。  相似文献   
喷射成形技术在涡轮盘高温合金中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喷射成形是一种新型快速凝固技术,采用这项技术制备的镍基合金,具有细小、球状的晶粒和均一的组织,从而提高其性能。本文综述了喷射成形技术在涡轮盘用镍基高温合金中的应用及其发展与研究现状。  相似文献   
提出了一种针对展成法加工的弧齿锥齿轮几何建模方法.该方法有两个步骤:(1)通过模仿弧齿锥齿轮加工中的切齿建立参考模型;(2)从参考模型上选择数据点,将这些数据点拟合为NURBS曲面,从而建立最终的实体模型.该方法中,通过模仿切削可以避免深奥的数学理论和复杂的方法,方便地在齿轮制造出来之前(设计阶段)得到复杂齿面上的数据点,并有效提高实体模型的精度.另外,最终得到的模型齿面统一由NURBS曲面函数表示,NURBS曲面连续和光滑,可为CAD/CAE广泛使用.实验表明,通过该方法能够精确建立一对弧齿锥齿轮模型,为CAD/CAE建模提供了一种可行有效的思路.  相似文献   
基于现有的非定常雷诺平均N-S方程的求解方法,研究与发展了脱体涡模拟方法(DES)。在紊流附面层内用RANS方法,湍流模型采用S-A模型,在其他区域结合S-A模型运用Smagorinski的LES模型,并将S-A模型中的物面耗散项进行适当的改进,使得改进的模型既充当了RANS中的S-A紊流模型,又充当了Smagorinski大涡模拟模型。为验证所发展方法的有效性,将研究的DES方法应用到一些典型流场计算中,并与已有结果或实验结果进行比较。  相似文献   
Within the next decade, there will be a number of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) available, i.e. modernized GPS, Galileo, restored GLONASS, BeiDou and many other regional GNSS augmentation systems. Thus, measurement redundancies and geometry of the satellites can be improved. GDOP (Geometric Dilution of Precision) and PDOP (Position Dilution of Precision) are associated with the constellation geometry of satellites, and they are the geometrically determined factors that describe the effect of geometry on the relationship between measurement error and position error. GDOP and PDOP are often used as standards for selecting good satellites to meet the desired positioning precision. In this paper, the related conclusions of minimum of GDOP which was discussed are given, and it is used to study the minimum of PDOP for two cases that the receiver is on the earth’s surface and the receiver is on satellite. The corresponding theorem and constructive solutions of minimum of PDOP are given. Then, the rationality of the ISL (inter-satellite link) establishment criteria in Walker-δ constellation is discussed by using the theory of minimum of PDOP. Finally, the minimum of PDOP is calculated when the number of satellites is 4–10, and these results are verified by using Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   
对GLONASS-M卫星进行多方面的分析与描述,探讨它在原有GNSS接收机上新的应用并进行了试验验证。试验结果表明,GLONASS-M卫星从总体上提升了GLONASS系统的工作性能,包括精度与功能,揭开了卫星导航发展史上新的一页。  相似文献   
李可  蓝焦 《西南航空》2006,(6):32-38
这是阳光舒展,慵懒无谓的古镇,是月郎风清。今夕何夕的古镇,是烟雨蒙蒙、遁入诗情的古镇,是酒旗夕阳、芳草古道的古镇,是午夜梦回、桨声橹声飘飘洒洒的古镇…… 行走在西南的水乡古镇,可独自倾听青石板上自己的脚步声,可沉迷于随着叶子烟圈晕开再消逝的古老传说,可湮没在俚语风趣的喧嚣集市里,可慢慢品味古镇建筑,也可让烦忧在奔流不息的河水中涤荡而去……[编按]  相似文献   
本文阐述了风机噪声产生的原因,着重对空气动力噪声进行了机理分析。以此为根据,作者在风机设计与研究中,采用了航空上的一些先进技术,并提出了一些切实可行的降噪方法,其中有的已通过实验验证,具有良好的降噪效果。文中着重分析了风机叶片叶型对噪声的影响,并根据理论分析和实验结果,找到了精选低噪声风机叶片的主要原则。  相似文献   
谐波平衡法在低速非定常流模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谐波平衡法是一种有效的周期性非定常流的计算方法.采用基于可压缩流的谐波平衡方程在计算低速不可压流动时,会由于对流通量计算格式中的数值粘性污染,降低解的精度和收敛性.采用预处理技术,使得基于可压缩流的谐波平衡方程可以直接用于低速周期性非定常流的计算中.选取典型的不可压方腔驱动流和低雷诺数圆柱绕流为例进行了时间推进法和谐波平衡法的计算对比.计算结果表明预处理后的谐波平衡方程适合于低速流的计算,在谐波平衡法中采用较少阶数的谐波计算就可以还原出几乎准确的非定常流场.  相似文献   
The paper explores a method to obtain accurate lake surface heights using measurements of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase reflected from the lake surface. The method is referred to as Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflection (GNSS-R) open-loop difference phase altimetry method. It consists of two key technologies: one is the open-loop tracking method to track the GNSS-R signals, where the direct GNSS signal’s frequency is used as a reference frequency to obtain the carrier phases of the GNSS-R signals; the other key technology is time difference phase altimetry method to invert the lake surface heights using two or more carrier phases of GNSS-R signals received simultaneously. A validation experiment is carried out on the SANYING bridge over GUANTING lake using a GNSS-R receiver developed by the Center for Space Science and Applied Research (CSSAR), processing the data with GNSS-R open-loop difference phase altimetry method. The lake surface height results are consistent with the height results of GPS dual-frequency differential positioning altimetry. The results show that we can achieve centimeter level height in one minute average, by using 11 minutes carrier phase data of three GNSS-R signals received simultaneously.  相似文献   
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