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The minimum dose (stimulus x time [gs]) eliciting a visible gravitropic response, has been determined using continuous and intermittent stimulation and two different accelerations at 1 g and 0.l g. The minimum dose of 20-30 gs estimated for microgravity roots and of 50-60 gs for roots grown on a 1 g-centrifuge indicated a higher sensitivity of microgravity roots. Applying intermittent stimuli to microgravity-grown roots, gravitropic responses were observed after two stimuli of 13.5 gs separated by a stimulus free interval of 118 s. The curvature of microgravity-grown roots to lateral stimulation by 0.1 g was remarkably smaller than by 1g in spite of the same doses which were applied to the seedlings. Microscopic investigations corresponding to stimulations in the range of the threshold values, demonstrated small displacement (< 2 micrometers) of statoliths in root statocytes. Accepting the statolith theory, one can conclude that stimulus transformation has to occur in the cytoplasm in close vicinity to the statoliths and that this transformation system was affected during seedling cultivation in microgravity.  相似文献   
An important and yet relatively under researched area of plant growth in microgravity, deals with the rooting environment of plants. A comprehensive approach for selecting the physical characteristics of root growth media which optimizes the dynamic availability of water and dissolved nutrients, and gases to plant roots was developed and tested. Physically-based and parametric models describing the relationship between content and fluxes of liquids and gases were used to cast a multi-objective optimization problem. This methodology reveals that a medium's ability to supply liquid and gas fluxes optimally is dependent upon physiological target values, system operation limits and root module design which dictate the medium's range of soil water characteristic and particle size distribution. Optimized media parameters designate a particle size distribution from which a particulated growth media was constructed and matched to the optimized media parameters. This methodology should improve the selection of optimal media properties for plant growth in microgravity as well as other porous media applications.  相似文献   
The Mir station has been in a 51.65 degrees inclination orbit since March 1986. In March 1995, the first US astronaut flew on the Mir-18 mission and returned on the Space Shuttle in July 1995. Since then three additional US astronauts have stayed on orbit for up to 6 months. Since the return of the first US astronaut, both the Spektr and Priroda modules have docked with Mir station, altering the mass shielding distribution. Radiation measurements, including the direct comparison of US and Russian absorbed dose rates in the Base Block of the Mir station, were made during the Mir-18 and -19 missions. There is a significant variation of dose rates across the core module; the six locations sampled showed a variation of a factor of nearly two. A tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) measured a total absorbed dose rate of 300 microGy/day, roughly equally divided between the rate due to trapped protons from the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and galactic cosmic radiation (GCR). This dose rate is about a factor of two lower than the rate measured by the thinly shielded (0.5 g cm-2 of Al) operational ion chamber (R-16), and about 3/2 of the rate of the more heavily shielded (3.5 g cm-2 of Al) ion chamber. This is due to the differences in the mass shielding properties at the location of these detectors. A comparison of integral linear energy transfer (LET) spectra measured by TEPC and plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) deployed side by side are in remarkable agreement in the LET region of 15-1000 keV/micrometer, where the PNTDs are fully efficient. The average quality factor, using the ICRP-26 definition, was 2.6, which is higher than normally used. There is excellent agreement between the measured GCR dose rate and model calculations, but this is not true for trapped protons. The measured Mir-18 crew skin dose equivalent rate was 1133 microSv/day. Using the skin dose rate and anatomical models, we have estimated the blood-forming organ (BFO) dose rate and the maximum stay time in orbit for International Space Station crew members.  相似文献   
Stacks of CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors were mounted inside the MIR-station during the EUROMIR-94-mission. We present LET-spectra determined separately for long range cosmic ray heavy ions and for short range target fragments produced in nuclear interactions of cosmic rays and measured charge distributions for relativistic and stopping particles.  相似文献   
Physiology of the root system is dependent upon oxygen availability and tissue respiration. During hypoxia nutrient and water acquisition may be inhibited, thus affecting the overall biochemical and physiological status of the plant. For the Astroculture (TM) plant growth hardware, the availability of oxygen in the root zone was measured by examining the changes in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity within the root tissue. ADH activity is a sensitive biochemical indicator of hypoxic conditions in plants and was measured in both spaceflight and control roots. In addition to the biochemical enzyme assays, localization of ADH in the root tissue was examined cytochemically. The results of these analyses showed that ADH activity increased significantly as a result of spaceflight exposure. Enzyme activity increased 248% to 304% in dwarf wheat when compared with the ground controls and Brassica showed increases between 334% and 579% when compared with day zero controls. Cytochemical staining revealed no differences in ADH tissue localization in any of the dwarf wheat treatments. These results show the importance of considering root system oxygenation in designing and building nutrient delivery hardware for spaceflight plant cultivation and confirm previous reports of an ADH response associated with spaceflight exposure.  相似文献   
Environmental UV radiation can be quantified using spore dosimetry, which measures the inactivation of repair-deficient Bacillus subtilis spores dried on a membrane filter. The system exhibits highly selective sensitivity to UV radiation, not being affected by various environmental adversities, such as high and low temperature and humidity. Biologically-effective dose rate and cumulative dose of ambient radiation are measurable under various conditions at various places on the earth, including tropical, temperate, and polar sites. Applications to monitor the exposure at the surface of organisms including humans and plants have also been advanced.  相似文献   
Understanding the effects of single-particles from conventional radiation biology experiments is problematic due to the stochastics of particle tracks. This complicates the determinations of risk associated with low doses. We have developed a charged particle microbeam, which allows individually counted particles to be delivered to precise cellular locations. The system is capable of delivering a single charged particle with > 99% efficiency. Of these particles 90% are delivered with a resolution of +/- 2 micrometers and 96% with a resolution of +/- 5 micrometers. We have carried out preliminary studies in Chinese hamster V79 cells to monitor the effectiveness of low energy protons at inducing cytological damage. We have used the micronucleus assay as a measure of predominantly lethal chromosome damage. The effects of a single 3.2 MeV proton delivered individually to cells could be measured, with less than 2% of the exposed cells producing micronuclei 24 hours later. The yield of micronuclei formation was essentially linear up to the highest dose (30 particles per cell nucleus) delivered. Ultimately, the ability to target particles to different parts of the cell nucleus may start to impact on models available for chromosome aberration formation and chromosomal Organisation and mechanisms underlying genomic instability.  相似文献   
The existing technique of rating the external loads on a helicopter with skid type landing gear according to Airworthiness Standards [1] is analyzed and the results of comparing with design and experimental studies are presented. The main existing problems both in design simulation and the system of requirements to the conditions of rating the loads on the skid landing gear helicopter are identified. Also proposed are the techniques to increase safety of the helicopter emergency landing by refining the rating conditions of external loads at the design stage.  相似文献   
We presents the results of an activity concerning the test of the Einstein Weak Equivalence Principle with an accuracy of about 5 × 10−15. The experiment will be performed in an “Einstein elevator” using a differential accelerometer with a final sensitivity of about 10−14 g/Hz1/2. The differential accelerometer is spun about an horizontal axis at a frequency in the range 0.5–1 Hz in order to modulate, during the free fall, the signal from a possible violation of the Equivalence Principle. In the paper the perturbing effects with the same signature of the possible violation are analyzed and constrained. The experimental results obtained in the laboratory with a first prototype of the differential accelerometer are discussed, comparing this results with those obtained using a new prototype.  相似文献   
This paper describes a simplified solution of the space rendezvous problem based on optical sightings taken with a hand-held sextant entered into and processed by a small digital computer. Compared to the manual method described in [1], this approach greatly reduces the astronaut's work load. Also, the computer can provide a more accurate solution, can present more flight plan options (allowing more tradeoffs between fuel usage and time), and can allow greater freedom in the sequencing of measurements and maneuvers. Physical characteristics, input-output parameters, and logic design of the computer are briefly described.  相似文献   
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