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The goal of resource recovery in a regenerative life support system is maintenance of product quality to sure support of reliable and predictable levels of life support function performance by the crop plant component. Further, these systems must be maintained over extended periods of time, requiring maintenance of nutrient solutions to avoid toxicity and deficiencies. The focus of this study was to determine the suitability of the ash product following incineration of inedible biomass as a source of inorganic nutrients for hydroponic crop production. Inedible wheat biomass was incinerated and ash quality characterized. The incinerator ash was dissolved in adequate nitric acid to establish a consistent nitrogen concentration is all nutrient solution treatments. Four experimental nutrient treatments were included: control, ash only, ash supplemented to match the control treatment, and ash only quality formulated with reagent grade chemicals. When nutrient solutions were formulated using only ash following incineration of inedible biomass, a balance in solution is established representing elemental retention following incineration and nutrient proportions present in the original biomass. The resulting solution is not identical to the control. This imbalance resulted in a suppression of crop growth. When the ash is supplemented with reagent grade chemicals to establish the same balance as in the control--growth is identical to the control. The ash appears to carry no phytotoxic materials. Growth in solution formulated with reagent grade chemicals but matching the quality of the ash only treatment resulted in similar growth to that of the ash only treatment. The ash product resulting from incineration of inedible biomass appears to be a suitable form for recycle of inorganic nutrients to crop production.  相似文献   
Two methods for constructing robust polarimetric constant-false-alarm-rate (CFAR) detectors that use elements of the scattering matrix are discussed. Both methods use robust estimators to recognize outliers and exclude them from further calculations. The first method weighs each sample of the surrounding vectors, and vectors that appear to be outliers are weighted with lower values than the others. The second method uses cluster algorithms to arrange the data in different clusters; some clusters contain the outliers, and others contain observations assumed to come from the main body of the data. The detectors are intended to be used in multitarget and nonhomogeneous-clutter environments  相似文献   
The architecture and technology features of the next-generation (NGR) digital GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver manufactured by Collin are described. The project's objective was to develop an advanced GPS receiver chipset with high antijam capabilities. The program, initiated in 1985, has provided the technology for miniature receiver products for both unmanned and manned vehicle applications. A two-channel version of the receiver is in full-scale development for tactical missile applications. A five-channel version is being tested and evaluated as a drop-in replacement for RCVR-3A, the US Department of Defense standard high dynamic receiver. The NGR design started with the digital signal processing architecture developed for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) hand-held GPS receiver. Enhancements were made to improve the antijam and signal acquisition performance. Producible, qualifiable and cost-effective silicon monolithic microwave integrated circuits and semicustom digital technologies were used to develop the core GPS chipset. A system design approach was established to permit reuse of mature and validated GPS software  相似文献   
The nickel-hydrogen battery, developed in the early nineteen-seventies as an energy-storage subsystem for commercial communication satellites, is discussed. The advantages offered by nickel-hydrogen batteries, including long life, low maintenance and high reliability, make it very attractive for terrestrial applications such as stand-alone photovoltaic systems. The major drawback to the wider use of the nickel-hydrogen battery is its high initial cost. A 7-kWh battery has been on test since January 1988 using a flat-plate photovoltaic array for charging. The cell, battery design and test methods are briefly described, and the results of cycling and solar tests are presented. It is concluded that the battery is well suited for remote solar applications  相似文献   
Further cost reduction of the fiber optic gyroscope is necessary to meet the economic requirements of land navigation systems. Previous concentration was on the reduction of the number of splices and component improvements in the open-loop minimum configuration. Now non-essential components and splices are eliminated. The source-detector coupler is not part of the Sagnac interferometer, and serves solely to direct light from the interferometer into the output photodetector. Many commercial laser diodes incorporate a back-facet photodetector to monitor laser intensity. The signal returned from the Sagnac traverses the laser, and can be detected at this photodetector. The gyro signal can be distinguished from the laser signal by the bias modulation applied in the interferometer. Configuring a gyro in this manner eliminates a directional coupler and the separate photodetector, as well as up to two fiber splices in an all-fiber gyroscope. A production, open-loop fiber optic gyroscope has been modified to demonstrate this principle. The gyroscope exhibits performance comparable to the conventional minimum configuration  相似文献   
The authors present the communication system architecture for air traffic management and weather information dissemination as viewed within the context of the overall National Airspace System (NAS) and the services it provides. This presents the architecture in the 2015 time frame when the final phases of transition take place from analog voice to digital data exchange of common data via integrated networks. The results of this transition are an integrated collection of systems and procedures that efficiently use the capacity of the NAS while balancing access to all user classes and maintaining the highest levels of safety. Efficient collaboration among users is built on a foundation of common data. This information base provides common situational awareness to all participants. All users are accommodated and will receive benefits commensurate with equipage level. This architecture development provides a technical framework for decision-making, research, and analysis of communication technologies  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of measurements of gamma radiation with energies above 5 MeV, from the galactic anticenter region. The balloon-borne gamma ray telescope “Natalya-I”, was launched on 6 November, 1980 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research's Balloon Facility (Hyderabad, India) and reached ceiling altitude of 35 km. The results on the accelerator calibration of the telescope, using a “tagged” gamma ray beam are also presented.  相似文献   
The transmission of integrity information using a signal format compatible with the Global Positioning System (GPS) and relayed through a geostationary satellite repeater, which will be critical in achieving high integrity and availability of global navigation by satellite is discussed. The inclusion of navigation repeaters designed to fulfil this function, the next generation of INMARSAT spacecraft, INMARSAT-3 is examined. The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) integrity channel (GIC) will employ pseudorandom codes in the same family as, but distinct from, the codes reserved by GPS. The data format of the basic integrity channel is designed to convey user range error information for 24 to 40 satellites. A closed-loop timing compensation technique will be used at the uplinking Earth station, to make the signal's clock and carrier Doppler variations identical to those that would result from an onboard signal source. Therefore, the INMARSAT-3 satellites will increase the number of useful navigation satellites available to any user, and can also function as sources of precise timing. There is also a possibility that wide area differential corrections can be carried on the same signal  相似文献   
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