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The presence of speckle in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery makes image interpretation more difficult and worsens the performance of algorithms designed to detect objects in the imagery. Image processing techniques to reduce speckle usually do so at the expense of spatial resolution. Multichannel whitening is one image processing technique that reduces image speckle while maintaining spatial resolution. Multichannel whitening is applied to imagery recorded during a foliage penetration experiment undertaken by MIT Lincoln Laboratory using the NASA/JPL UHF, L-, C-band fully polarimetric SAR in July 1990. In this experiment, a 50 km2 forested area near Portage, Maine was imaged. Twenty-seven 8 ft trihedral corner reflectors were arrayed throughout the imaged area beneath the foliage in order to measure foliage attenuation. The detection performance for corner reflectors under foliage is compared for the raw data and whitened data, and the predictions of a product model for the degree of speckle reduction are compared with the data  相似文献   
This review addresses the deep interior structure of Mercury. Mercury is thought to consist of similar chemical reservoirs (core, mantle, crust) as the other terrestrial planets, but with a relatively much larger core. Constraints on Mercury’s composition and internal structure are reviewed, and possible interior models are described. Large advances in our knowledge of Mercury’s interior are not only expected from imaging of characteristic surface features but particularly from geodetic observations of the gravity field, the rotation, and the tides of Mercury. The low-degree gravity field of Mercury gives information on the differences of the principal moments of inertia, which are a measure of the mass concentration toward the center of the planet. Mercury’s unique rotation presents several clues to the deep interior. From observations of the mean obliquity of Mercury and the low-degree gravity data, the moments of inertia can be obtained, and deviations from the mean rotation speed (librations) offer an exciting possibility to determine the moment of inertia of the mantle. Due to its proximity to the Sun, Mercury has the largest tides of the Solar System planets. Since tides are sensitive to the existence and location of liquid layers, tidal observations are ideally suited to study the physical state and size of the core of Mercury.  相似文献   
Recent discoveries of planets orbiting several nearby solar-mass stars have focussed renewed attention on the frequency and evolution of planetary systems and their evolutionary precursors around both solar and intermediate (2 M/M 8) mass stars. As a result of a wealth of new observations at all wavelengths of the circumstellar material around the nearest of the young intermediate-mass stars, the so-called Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars, we are beginning to see how these systems are similar to the solar mass objects, and how they differ. A review of the recent literature is presented, including the evolutionary status of the stars, binary frequency and the star forming environment, the morphology of the circumstellar material, including the first direct detections of disks in Keplerian rotation around these objects, and mass loss and infall phenomena. Prospects for advances in this research area as a result of advances in instrumentation are reviewed.  相似文献   
The temperature and emissivity of infrared and submillimeter telescopes are basic parameters that drive the optical and thermal design of astronomical space projects. They determine also, among other parameters, the self-emission of the instrument and the photon noise produced by this radiation on the detectors. By comparing the telescope brightness with that of the sky in the 1m–1 cm wavelength range, general conditions for background limited photometry are derived. For <0.4 mm, temperature is the driving parameter, and for >0.4 mm, temperature and emissivity have equivalent importances. It can be shown on actual projects that these two regimes determine different optical and thermal concepts. Although based on a simplistic approach, this work intends to help designers to handle some basic system parameters of infrared and submillimeter instruments.  相似文献   
Palla  F.  Galli  D.  Bachiller  R.  Pérez Gutiérrez  M. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):177-183
We present the results of a study aimed at determining the 12C/13C ratio in two samples of planetary nebulae (PNe) by means of mm-wave observations of 12CO and 13CO. The first group includes six PNe which have been observed in the 3He+ hyperfine transition; the other group consists of 23 nebulae with rich molecular envelopes. We have determined the isotopic ratio in 14 objects and the results indicate a range of values between 9 and 23. In particular, three PNe have ratios well below the value predicted by standard evolutionary models ( 20), indicating that some extra-mixing process has occurred in these stars. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for standard and nonstandard stellar nucleosynthesis.  相似文献   
Physical Processes Related to Discharges in Planetary Atmospheres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the rudimentary principles of discharge physics. The kinetic theory of electron transport in gases relevant to planetary atmospheres is examined and results of detailed Boltzmann kinetic calculations are presented for a range of applied electric fields. Comparisons against experimental swarm data are made. Both conventional breakdown and runaway breakdown are covered in detail. The phenomena of transient luminous events (TLEs), particularly sprites, and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are discussed briefly as examples of discharges that occur in the terrestrial environment. The observations of terrestrial lightning that exist across the electromagnetic spectrum and presented throughout this volume fit well with the broader understanding of discharge physics that we present in this paper. We hope that this material provides the foundation on which explorations in search of discharge processes on other planets can be based and previous evidence confirmed or refuted.  相似文献   
The Pioneer anomaly refers to the difference between the computed trajectories of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts and their actual trajectories as observed through Doppler tracking. This difference has been described by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as a constant anomalous acceleration. In order to perform an independent analysis, specific trajectography software, named ODYSSEY, has been developed. The paper will focus on the models implemented in this software and on the results obtained. The existence of a constant anomalous acceleration is confirmed with properties similar to those reported by JPL. Time dependent components of the anomaly are also found and discussed.  相似文献   
The solar atmosphere exhibits a diverse range of wave phenomena, where one of the earliest discovered was the five-minute global acoustic oscillation, also referred to as the p-mode. The analysis of wave propagation in the solar atmosphere may be used as a diagnostic tool to estimate accurately the physical characteristics of the Sun’s atmospheric layers.In this paper, we investigate the dynamics and upward propagation of waves which are generated by the solar global eigenmodes. We report on a series of hydrodynamic simulations of a realistically stratified model of the solar atmosphere representing its lower region from the photosphere to low corona. With the objective of modelling atmospheric perturbations, propagating from the photosphere into the chromosphere, transition region and low corona, generated by the photospheric global oscillations the simulations use photospheric drivers mimicking the solar p-modes. The drivers are spatially structured harmonics across the computational box parallel to the solar surface. The drivers perturb the atmosphere at 0.5?Mm above the bottom boundary of the model and are placed coincident with the location of the temperature minimum. A combination of the VALIIIC and McWhirter solar atmospheres are used as the background equilibrium model.We report how synthetic photospheric oscillations may manifest in a magnetic field free model of the quiet Sun. To carry out the simulations, we employed the magnetohydrodynamics code, SMAUG (Sheffield MHD Accelerated Using GPUs).Our results show that the amount of energy propagating into the solar atmosphere is consistent with a model of solar global oscillations described by Taroyan and Erdélyi (2008) using the Klein-Gordon equation. The computed results indicate a power law which is compared to observations reported by Ireland et al. (2015) using data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly.  相似文献   
It is the purpose of this review to summarize and discuss recent research done in the field of particle propagation in the heliosphere. Several lines of approach have been followed to treat this problem. As a starting point the different forms of the transport equation are discussed. Quasi-Linear Theory (QLT) relates the power contained in fluctuations of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) to the transport coefficients of energetic particles, an outline of the basic results of this theory is presented followed by a discussion of subsequent corrections made to the original formulation with an emphasis in recent developments where the effects of wave polarization, its propagation respect to the solar wind and the dissipation of power at large frequencies have been taken into account. The numerical approach using test particle trajectory integrations to obtain transport coefficients based on in situ satellite measureents is also discussed. It is well known that the determination of the particles mean free path for solar particle events by alternative methods leads to conflicting results, corrections made to original QLT are attempts to bridge the gap. Determination of the transport parameters from different lines of approach in a comparative basis have been done recently by calculating power spectra of IMF measured at the time solar particles were detected on the same spaceprobe, and performing numerical simulations with equivalent IMF data. Some of the results of such studies point to the solution of the conflicting determinations of the mean free path which has existed for nearly 30 years. An assesment of the present situation in this respect is given. Numerical determinations of transport parameters in the outer heliosphere are also reviewed and its consequences for solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays discussed. Space Science Reviews 62: Printed in Belgium.  相似文献   
We review evidence that led to the view that acceleration at shock waves driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is responsible for large particle events detected at 1 AU. It appears that even if the CME bow shock acceleration is a possible model for the origin of rather low energy ions, it faces difficulties on account of the production of ions far above 1 MeV: (i) although shock waves have been demonstrated to accelerate ions to energies of some MeV nucl–1 in the interplanetary medium, their ability to achieve relativistic energies in the solar environment is unproven; (ii) SEP events producing particle enhancements at energies 100 MeV are also accompanied by flares; those accompanied only by fast CMEs have no proton signatures above 50 MeV. We emphasize detailed studies of individual high energy particle events which provide strong evidence that time-extended particle acceleration which occurs in the corona after the impulsive flare contributes to particle fluxes in space. It appears thus that the CME bow shock scenario has been overvalued and that long lasting coronal energy release processes have to be taken into account when searching for the origin of high energy SEP events.  相似文献   
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