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The Biomass Production Chamber (BPC) at the Kennedy Space Center is part of the Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) Breadboard Project. Plants are grown in a closed environment in an effort to quantify their contributions to the requirements for life support. Performance of this system is described. Also, in building this system, data from component and subsystem failures are being recorded. These data are used to identify problem areas in the design and implementation. The techniques used to measure the reliability will be useful in the design and construction of future CELSS. Possible methods for determining the reliability of a green plant, the primary component of a CELSS, are discussed.  相似文献   
The development of the theory of high charge and energy (HZE) ion transport is reviewed. The basic solution behavior and approximation techniques will be described. An overview of the HZE transport codes currently available at the Langley Research Center will be given. The near term goal of the Langley program is to produce a complete set of one-dimensional transport codes. The ultimate goal is to produce a set of complete three-dimensional codes which have been validated in the laboratory and can be applied in the engineering design environment. Recent progress toward completing these goals is discussed.  相似文献   
The Transport Collaboration, consisting of researchers from institutions in France, Germany, Italy and the USA, has established a program to make new measurements of nuclear interaction cross sections for heavy projectiles (Z > or = 2) in targets of liquid H2, He and heavier materials. Such cross sections directly affect calculations of galactic and solar cosmic ray transport through matter and are needed for accurate radiation hazard assessment. To date, the collaboration has obtained data using the LBL Bevalac HISS facility with 20 projectiles from 4He to 58Ni in the energy range 393-910 MeV/nucleon. Preliminary results from the analysis of these data are presented here and compared to other measurements and to cross section prediction formulae.  相似文献   
It is argued that a systems engineering process that develops an understanding of end-user needs and economically develops a product system which includes the right technology advances to satisfy these needs is the best way to ensure success in the market of end-user needs. This customer pulled approach to new and improved products also pulls the necessary technology developments with it and integrates their timing and resource requirements into those of the end product planning. With appropriate concurrent, cross-functional teams working both the planning and the execution, this approach benefits from the wisdom and leadership of the end-user focused team to deliver the desired program results on schedule. This frees top leadership to focus on longer range visions for the product line and technologies  相似文献   
This paper describes a security model developed from empirical data collected from a realistic intrusion experiment in which a number of undergraduate students were invited to attack a distributed computer system. Relevant data, with respect to their intrusion activities, were recorded continuously. We have worked out a hypothesis on typical attacker behavior based on experiences from this and other similar experiments. The hypothesis suggests that the attacking process can be split into three phases: the learning phase, the standard attack phase and the innovative attack phase. The probability for successful attacks during the learning phase is expected to be small and, if a breach occurs, it is rather a result of pure luck than deliberate action. During the standard attack phase, this probability is considerably higher, whereas it decreases again in the innovative attack phase. The collected data indicates that the breaches during the standard attack phase are statistically equivalent. Furthermore, the times between breaches seem to be exponentially distributed, which means that traditional methods for reliability modelling of component failures may be applicable  相似文献   
This article reviews the theory of the kinetic (cyclotron an synchroton) maser instabilities. The subject has been extensively developed in recent years by many authors, who have been incited by the research of the auroral kilometric radiation and other applications. The maser mechanism is appealing because it is simple and efficient, and can lead to direct amplification of radiation. Two types of electron distribution functions have been investigated so far. These are the loss-cone and hollow-beam distributions which may exist pervasively in many regions within and beyond the solar system. It is likely that the maser instabilities can have many potentially important applications to numerous radio emission processes observed in astrophysical research.  相似文献   
A new design of position sensitive spectroscopic proportional counter is described, for use in a balloon borne hard x-ray telescope. Initial position and spectral resolution data from a one-dimensional laboratory prototype are reported. With this device, the final telescope will have an angular resolution of better than 10 minutes of arc.  相似文献   
Magnetic field measurements obtained in the nightside magnetosphere by the co-orbiting ISEE-1 and 2 spacecraft have been examined for signatures of field-aligned currents (FAC). Such currents are found on the boundary of the plasma sheet both when the plasma sheet is expanding and when it is thinning. Plasma sheet boundary layer current structure and substorm associated dynamics can be determined using the two spacecraft, although for slow traversals of the FAC sheet the spatial/temporal ambiguity is still an issue. We often find evidence for the existence of waves on the plasma sheet boundary, leading to multiple crossings of the FAC sheet. At times the boundary layer FAC sheet orientation is nearly parallel to the X-Z GSM plane, suggesting ‘protrusions’ of plasma sheet into the lobes. The boundary layer current polarity is, as expected, into the ionosphere in the midnight to dawn local time sector, and outward near dusk. Current sheet thicknesses and velocities are essentially independent of plasma sheet expansion or thinning, having typical values of 1500 km and 20–40 km/s respectively. Characteristic boundary layer current densities are about 10 nanoamps per square meter.  相似文献   
This program will develop an automated and unmanned ultra-wide band (UWB) perimeter surveillance sensor designed to provide detection and tracking of personnel and vehicles at the perimeter of critical areas such as military installations and other such facilities. This effort describes the work being done for the protection of high value assets using a compact system which incorporates two technologies to enhance the probability of detection in stressing environments  相似文献   
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