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Wake vortex characteristics of transport aircraft   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The flow and flight physics of wake vortex systems has been intensively investigated concentrating on a large variety of aspects. This paper gives a brief overview on past and present wake vortex research activities such as early studies, integrated programs, model and flight tests, numerical investigations, fundamental physical aspects and alleviation strategies. Then, detailed results of the properties of the wake near field and extended near field are presented addressing typical length and time scales and especially turbulence quantities. Progressing from the near field to the far field wake instability mechanisms are explained along with their relevance for wake vortex decay. Characteristic quantities are given for the short and long wave instabilities associated with vortex merging and wakes consisting of two and four trailing vortices. A non-dimensional frequency parameter is introduced to classify the main instability types. Means for wake vortex alleviation are described aimed at influencing the wake vortex turbulence field or triggering and amplifying the inherent instabilities. The methods discussed include passive means such as the effects of spoilers, differential flap setting and four-vortex systems and active means using oscillating flaps or auxiliary devices.  相似文献   
Space technology has the vast potential for addressing a variety of societal problems of the developing countries, particularly in the areas of communication, education and health sectors, land and water resources management, disaster management and weather forecasting. Both remote sensing and communication technologies can be used to achieve this goal.With its primary emphasis on application of space technology, on an end-to-end basis, towards national development, the Indian Space Programme has distinguished itself as one of the most cost-effective and development-oriented space programmes in the world.Developing nations are faced with the enormous task of carrying development-oriented education to the masses at the lower strata of their societies. One important feature of these populations is their large number and the spread over vast and remote areas of these nations, making the reaching out to them a difficult task. Satellite communication (Satcom) technology offers the unique capability of simultaneously reaching out to very large numbers, spread over vast areas, including the remote corners of the country. It is a strong tool to support development education. India has been amongst the first few nations to explore and put to use the Satcom technology for education and development-oriented services to the rural masses.Most of the developing countries have inadequate infrastructure to provide proper medical care to the rural population. Availability of specialist doctors in rural areas is a major bottleneck. Use of Satcom and information technology to connect rural clinics to urban hospitals through telemedicine systems is one of the solutions; and India has embarked upon an effective satellite-based telemedicine programme.Space technology is also useful in disaster warning and management related applications. Use of satellite systems and beacons for locating the distressed units on land, sea or air is well known to us. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is already a part of the International initiative called Satellite Aided Search and Rescue System.The programme to set up satellite-based Village Resource Centres (VRCs) across India, for providing a variety of services relevant to the rural communities, is also a unique societal application of space technology. The VRCs are envisaged as single window delivery mechanism for a variety of space-based products and services, such as tele-education; telemedicine; information on natural resources for planning and development at local level; interactive advisories on agriculture, fisheries, land and water resources management, livestock management, etc.; interactive vocational training towards alternative livelihood; e-governance; weather information; etc.This paper describes the various possibilities and potentials of Satcom and Remote Sensing technologies for societal applications. The initiatives taken by Indian Space Research Organisation in this direction are highlighted.  相似文献   
This study describes a methodology of recovery of the Earth’s gravity field from CHAMP and GRACE satellites data in Pakistan using least squares collocation (LSC) based downward continuation technique. The CHAMP height anomalies and GRACE gravity disturbances derived from the observed satellite data have been used in combination solution using LSC with observed gravity values at the Earth surface. The combined covariance functions of height anomalies and/or gravity disturbances at satellite altitudes and observed gravity anomalies at Earth surface have been used as the basis for combination and downward continuation solution. The variance of predicted gravity anomalies from GRACE gravity disturbances is relatively lower than the corresponding results of gravity anomalies from CHAMP height anomalies. This fact may be attributed partly to the amplification of noise and partly to the unstable inverse transformation process of height anomalies to gravity anomalies. The impact of data error variance has been studied in the context of smoothing and noise reduction in the final solution of downward continuation using least squares collocation. The raising of data error suppresses the noise and as a result a smooth final solution is obtained. The prediction results appear to be dependent on the quality of data and goodness of combined covariance function, which are fairly comparable for the CHAMP and GRACE data. The recovered gravity field from satellite data appears to contribute mainly to medium and long wavelength parts of total gravity field spectrum. Due to flexibility of data handling in least squares collocation, this procedure is applicable to any observable of gravity field being at different altitudes and with different data spacing.  相似文献   
For the last six decades the neutron monitors have provided a continuous string of very reliable data to the heliophysics community. Although neutron monitors are not the primary source of data for the galactic cosmic rays, these data serve as a baseline reference for the data collected by the detectors on board the satellites and deep space probes, far away from earth orbit. The pressure corrected hourly data are available from the World Data Centers. These data have been used to derive deep insights pertaining to the electromagnetic states of the heliosphere and the modes of transport of energetic charged particles in the tangled interplanetary magnetic fields. We present evidence that some of the high latitude neutron monitors are undergoing long-term drifts in their baselines. In particular, we argue that there is no physical basis to justify the observed long-term downward trend in the baseline of the South Pole neutron monitor. The real reason may have to do with its maintenance at a distant location with challenging logistics and an improper normalization of its data after the 26 months break in the 1970s.  相似文献   
VXIbus is an ideal standard for instrumentation associated with developmental test systems used by industrial applications due to its adaptability, accuracy, and responsiveness. This application note is one such example of a VXI solution for a worldwide leader in commercial property and risk management that operates a destructive test facility to analyze the results of disasters predominantly caused by fire. The company implemented a re-configurable 2,400 channel test system based on Kinetic Systems' VXI modules that used a fiber optic ring to synchronize multiple chassis and multiple channels. Technical details of the VXI implementation and results will be discussed  相似文献   
Barley seeds were exposed to outer space for 13 months in a vented metal container without a climate control system to assess the risk of physiological and genetic mutation during long-term storage in space. The space-stored seeds (S0 generation), with an 82% germination rate in 50 seeds, lost about 20% of their weight after the exposure. The germinated seeds showed normal growth, heading, and ripening. The harvested seeds (S1 generation) also germinated and reproduced (S2 generation) as did the ground-stored seeds. The culm length, ear length, number of seed, grain weight, and fertility of the plants from the space-stored seeds were not significantly different from those of the ground-stored seeds in each of the S0 and S1 generation. Furthermore, the S1 and S2 space-stored seeds respectively showed similar β-glucan content to those of the ground-stored seeds. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis with 16 primer combinations showed no specific fragment that appears or disappears significantly in the DNA isolated from the barley grown from the space-stored seeds. Though these data are derived from nine S0 space-stored seeds in a single exposure experiment, the results demonstrate the preservation of barley seeds in outer space for 13 months without phenotypic or genotypic changes and with healthy and vigorous growth in space.  相似文献   
Deuterium fractionations in cometary ices provide important clues to the origin and evolution of comets. Mass spectrometers aboard spaceprobe Giotto revealed the first accurate D/H ratios in the water of Comet 1P/Halley. Ground-based observations of HDO in Comets C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) and C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), the detection of DCN in Comet Hale-Bopp, and upper limits for several other D-bearing molecules complement our limited sample of D/H measurements. On the basis of this data set all Oort cloud comets seem to exhibit a similar ratio in H2O, enriched by about a factor of two relative to terrestrial water and approximately one order of magnitude relative to the protosolar value. Oort cloud comets, and by inference also classical short-period comets derived from the Kuiper Belt cannot be the only source for the Earth's oceans. The cometary O/C ratio and dynamical reasons make it difficult to defend an early influx of icy planetesimals from the Jupiter zone to the early Earth. D/H measurements of OH groups in phyllosilicate rich meteorites suggest a mixture of cometary water and water adsorbed from the nebula by the rocky grains that formed the bulk of the Earth may be responsible for the terrestrial D/H. The D/H ratio in cometary HCN is 7 times higher than the value in cometary H2O. Species-dependent D-fractionations occur at low temperatures and low gas densities via ion-molecule or grain-surface reactions and cannot be explained by a pure solar nebula chemistry. It is plausible that cometary volatiles preserved the interstellar D fractionation. The observed D abundances set a lower limit to the formation temperature of (30 ± 10) K. Similar numbers can be derived from the ortho-to-para ratio in cometary water, from the absence of neon in cometary ices and the presence of S2. Noble gases on Earth and Mars, and the relative abundance of cometary hydrocarbons place the comet formation temperature near 50 K. So far all cometary D/H measurements refer to bulk compositions, and it is conceivable that significant departures from the mean value could occur at the grain-size level. Strong isotope effects as a result of coma chemistry can be excluded for molecules H2O and HCN. A comparison of the cometary ratio with values found in the atmospheres of the outer planets is consistent with the long-held idea that the gas planets formed around icy cores with a high cometary D/H ratio and subsequently accumulated significant amounts of H2 from the solar nebula with a low protosolar D/H. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
We have produced thin films of quenched carbonaceous composite (QCC) by hydrocarbon plasma deposition. The effect of thermal annealing on QCC has been investigated to understand how QCC, as a laboratory analog of carbon dust, is transformed in the warm environment around evolved stars. Spectroscopic measurements have indicated that, by heating, the proportion of aromatic sp2 CH bonds increases relative to sp3 CH bonds. Carbon onion-like spherules of approximately 10 nm in diameter are found with electron microscopic images after "graphitization" of thermal annealing.  相似文献   
"Quenched Carbonaceous Composites (QCCs)" are carbonaceous interstellar dust analogues synthesized in the laboratory from a hydrocarbon plasma. We produced new types of carbonaceous condensates from the ejecta of plasma with mixtures of methane and hydrogen as source gases. We find that QCC with an absorbance peak at 220 nm is composed of onion-like spherules, and QCCs with an absorbance peak at 230-240 nm are composed of polyhedral particles. The onion-like QCC contains aromatic hydrogen bonds, and it shows the 3.3 and 11.4 micrometers absorption bands. The QCC with an absorbance peak at 230-240 nm is composed of ribbons with bent graphitic layers. This suggests that the carrier of the interstellar 220 nm extinction band might also be an emitter of the interstellar diffuse emission bands.  相似文献   
Although soil is a component of terrestrial ecosystems, it is comprised of a complex web of interacting organisms, and therefore can be considered itself as an ecosystem. Soil microflora and fauna derive energy from plants and plant residues and serve important functions in maintaining soil physical and chemical properties, thereby affecting net primary productivity (NPP), and in the case of contained environments, the quality of the life support system. We have been using 3 controlled-environment facilities (CEF's) that incorporate different levels of soil biological complexity and environmental control, and differ in their resemblance to natural ecosystems, to study relationships among plant physiology, soil ecology, fluxes of minerals and nutrients, and overall ecosystem function. The simplest system utilizes growth chambers and specialized root chambers with organic-less media to study the physiology of plant-mycorrhizal associations. A second system incorporates natural soil in open-top chambers to study soil bacterial and fungal population response to stress. The most complex CEF incorporates reconstructed soil profiles in a "constructed" ecosystem, enabling close examination of the soil foodweb. Our results show that closed ecosystem research is important for understanding mechanisms of response to ecosystem stresses. In addition, responses observed at one level of biological complexity may not allow prediction of response at a different level of biological complexity. In closed life support systems, incorporating soil foodwebs will require less artificial manipulation to maintain system stability and sustainability.  相似文献   
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