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The ant system algorithm (ASA) has proved to be a novel meta-heuristic algorithm to solve many multivariable problems. In this paper, the earth coverage of satellite constellation is analyzed and a n + 1^ -fold coverage rate is put forward to evaluate the coverage performance of a satellite constellation. An optimization model of constellation parameters is established on the basis of the coverage performance. As a newly developed method, ASA can be applied to optimize the constellation parameters. In order to improve the ASA, a rule for adaptive number of ants is proposed, by which the search range is obviously enlarged and the convergence speed increased. Simulation results have shown that the ASA is more quick and efficient than other methodV211.71s.  相似文献   
In order to suppress vibration in flexible manipulators, a new type of manipulator mechanism with controllable local degrees of freedom is proposed. This mechanism consists of a main chain and some branch links. The main chain is of a flexible open-chain configuration with an end-effector installed at its tip, and the rigid branch links are able to perform active movements. It is proved by kinematics and dynamic analysis that, the branch links bear no direct kinematic relation to the main chain, but their independent motions can strongly affect the dynamic behavior and performance of the flexible manipulator. Then comes a new idea of suppressing vibration, in which independent motions of the branch links are used to suppress the undesired vibration of the flexible main chain through dynamic coupling. On this basis, an optimal method for reducing vibration of flexible manipulators is proposed. Finally, the effectiveness of this method is verified by numerical simulations.  相似文献   
盒式布局飞机的纵向飞行品质研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了获得盒式布局飞机的飞行品质特征,对新型亚声速盒式布局飞机的气动特性进行了计算,采用时域分析的方法对其纵向模态进行了分析,并与常规飞机的特性进行了比较,提出了改善盒式布局飞机飞行品质的有效措施。研究结果表明,盒式布局飞机具有良好的升阻特性和特殊的纵向操稳特性。  相似文献   
聚焦新一代国产极轨气象卫星微波载荷和全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)掩星临边观测的探测机理,及其各自仪器的性能指标和在轨运行的特点,利用2019年1月1日到12月31日的全球数据,开展基于GNSS掩星资料的风云气象卫星微波观测亮温对比和反演廓线产品质量检验研究。在匹配数据时间分辨率为30 min和经纬度分辨率为0.5°的情况下,亮温偏差小于5 K,大气温湿度探测精度分别为1.92 K和22.8%,同时分析了2019年青藏高原地区大气温湿度的时空分布规律。结果表明:风云气象卫星微波辐射计具有全球全天候探测大气温湿度的功能,在近地面具有丰富的反演数据,而对于GNSS掩星探测资料,3 km以上探测精度优于微波湿度计,近地面数据较少,两者联合,既可以互相补充和验证,又能以青藏高原为例,分析长时间序列气象和气候数据,为后续的气候研究提供基础数据集。  相似文献   
胡超  陈涛  黄文虎 《航空学报》2007,28(2):301-308
 基于Timoshenko梁理论,采用波控制和独立模态空间混合方法,对悬臂梁的振动控制问题进行研究。采用波控制方法实现对Timoshenko梁结构的一点或多点的横向位移的振动控制。首先,基于结构的整体运动,采用模态坐标控制方法,对结构振动进行整体控制设计。而后,基于结构的局部性质,采用波方法吸收结构振动中的高频能量并求出Timoshenko梁中波的反射因数和透射因数。理论上研究了单位力扰动下的悬臂梁的振动。考虑的具体方法是将PD反馈波控制与基于极点配置法设计的模态控制相结合。最后给出数值结果。  相似文献   
空间模拟碎片释放装置技术方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为配合空间碎片主动清除技术的演示验证试验,提出了一种空间模拟碎片释放装置的技术方案:由模拟碎片及分离解锁装置组成。模拟碎片不具备任何合作特征,最初通过压紧杆与分离解锁装置相连,释放时由火工切割器切断压紧杆,模拟碎片在压缩弹簧的驱动下与分离解锁装置分离。最后,通过静载、模态、运动特性分析及分离解锁试验验证了该释放装置设计的正确性。  相似文献   
对策论在雷达电子战效能评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了对策论的基本内容和分析方法,包括对策论所涉及问题的要素和分类.指出了对策论在雷达电子战效能评估中应用的可行性和必要性.分析了电子对抗博弈双方采取不同对抗技术措施的得益矩阵,并在此得益矩阵的基础上,重点研究了对策论在电子对抗效能评估过程中的应用.  相似文献   
编队飞行卫星群描述及摄动分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
定义了一组新的编队飞行卫星群相对运动描述参数 ,以及基于此的构型设计方法 ;并分析了地球非球形摄动对这组参数的影响 ,给出了为消除摄动长期影响所需的速度脉冲量 ,并对部分参数给出了减少摄动影响的设计方法  相似文献   
The miniature design technology is an important trend in space exploration. Mass spectrometer is used extensively in the space environment detection. The miniature ion mass spectrometer utilizes a 127° cylindrical electrostatic analyzer accompanied with a Time of Flight (TOF) unit based on ultrathin carbon foil to measure the energy spectra and composition of space plasma. The Time of Flight technique has been used broadly in space plasma measurement. A new type of miniature method for the ion mass spectrometer is introduced. The total mass of the instrument is 1.8 kg and the total power consumption is 2.0W. The calibration results show that the energy measurement range is 8.71~43550eV, the energy resolution is 1.86% and the ion mass from 1 amu (1 amu = 1.67 × 10-27 kg) to 58 amu can be resolved by the miniature mass spectrometer. The miniature ion mass spectrometer also has a potential to be increased in the field of view by an electrostatic deflecting system to extend its application in space plasma detection. The miniature ion mass spectrometer has been selected for pre-study of Chinese Strategic Priority Research Program on Space Science.  相似文献   
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