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This paper discusses the properties of using the water Cherenkov technique to detect air showers in the few hundred GeV to 100 TeV energy range. The responses of a 6 m2 2 m deep water Cherenkov counter and that of a 6 m2 10cm thick scintillator-lead sandwich counter to air shower electrons and photons is described. The advantages of water Cherenkov detector is outlined. Its application to do VHE gamma ray astronomy is discussed with particular reference to the MILAGRO telescope currently under construction. Milagro, a water-Cherenkov detector to do gamma ray astronomy above 100 Gev, uses an existing pool 60m × 80m by 8m, located in the Jemez mountains near Los Alamos, NM. The threshold of the MILAGRO detector is comparable to atmospheric Cherenkov detectors, however it has several advantages over these optical detectors. MILAGRO can operate 24 hours a day in all weather conditions and it has an open aperture which allows it to view the entire northern sky every day. These capabilities allow for a systematic all-sky survey to be done for the first time at these energies. MILAGRO will measure the Crab spectrum with high significance over a wide energy range, it will detect and measure the spectra from AGN's such as MRK 421 and it will search for short duration bursts from GRBs and possibly evaporating PBHs.  相似文献   
On the basis of generalization of the results of extensive trajectory calculations for trial charged particles moving in the geomagnetic field the method of calculation of effective vertical cutoff rigidity, taking into account the values of K p -index and local time, is developed. The IGRF and Tsyganenko-89 models are used for the geomagnetic field. A comparison of the results of model simulations with the experimental data on penetration of charged particles into near-Earth space is made, and penetration functions for typical spacecraft orbits are calculated.  相似文献   
A series-parallel resonant converter employing (LC)(LC)-type tank circuit operating in lagging power factor (PF) mode is presented and analyzed using complex ac circuit analysis. Design curves are obtained and the converter is optimized under certain constraints. Detailed Space Integrated Control Experiment (SPICE) simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of the designed converter under varying load conditions. Results obtained from an experimental converter are also presented. The results obtained from the theory, SPICE simulation, and the experimental converter are compared. The proposed converter has high efficiency from full load to very light load (<10%). Switching frequency variation required for a wide change in the load (near load open circuit to full load) is narrow compared with the series resonant converter (SRC)  相似文献   
Infrared spectroscopic observations of planets and Saturn's satellite Titan with the Infrared Space Observatory led to many significant discoveries that improved our understanding on the formation, physics and chemistry of these objects. The prime results achieved by ISO are: (1) a new and consistent determination of the D/H ratios on the giant planets and Titan; (2) the first precise measurement of the 15N/14N ratio in Jupiter, a valuable indicator of the protosolar nitrogen isotopic ratio; (3) the first detection of an external oxygen flux for all giant planets and Titan; (4) the first detection of some stratospheric hydrocarbons (CH3, C2H4, CH3C2H, C4H2, C6H6); (5) the first detection of tropospheric water in Saturn; (6) the tentative detection of carbonate minerals on Mars; (7) the first thermal lightcurve of Pluto. Based on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instruments funded by ESA Member States (especially the PI countries: France, Germany, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom), and with the participation of ISAS and NASA.  相似文献   
The redox properties of irradiated liquid and frozen H2O, NH3 and H2O/NH3 mixtures at 298 K and 77 K, resp., towards some simple organic molecules have been checked by injecting carrierfree 11C atoms and analyzing their chemical state by means of radiochromatography. The reactions and the stability of organic products versus radiation dose (in this study by MeV protons) depend on temperature, phase state, mobility of radicals, their concentration and reactivity. Especially dangerous are the reactive OH and O2H radicals which oxidize organic material to inorganic CO2. Highest stability has been found at low temperatures (solid state, reduced mobility of radicals) and for systems containing H-donors (H2O/NH3 mixtures), which reduce the concentration of oxidizing radicals. The fact that many bodies in space consist of H2O-ice with NH3 and CH4 additives at temperatures between 10 and 150 K is promising in view of the survival of organic matter under high doses of radiation.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the elemental composition of the interstellar gas is of fundamental importance for understanding galactic chemical evolution. In addition to spectroscopic determinations of certain element abundance ratios, measurements of the composition of interstellar pickup ions and Anomalous Cosmic Rays (ACRs) have provided the principal means to obtain this critical information. Recent advances in our understanding of particle acceleration processes in the heliosphere and measurements by the Voyagers of the energy spectra and composition of energetic particles in the heliosheath provide us with another means of determining the abundance of the neutral components of the local interstellar gas. Here we compare the composition at the termination shock of six elements obtained from measurements of (a) pickup ions at ~5 AU, (b) ACRs in the heliosphere at ~70 AU, and (c) energetic particles as well as (d) ACRs in the heliosheath at ~100 AU. We find consistency among these four sets of derived neutral abundances. The average interstellar neutral densities at the termination shock for H, N, O, Ne and Ar are found to be 0.055±0.021 cm?3, (1.44±0.45)×10?5 cm?3, (6.46±1.89)×10?5 cm?3, (8.5±3.3)×10?6 cm?3, and (1.08±0.49)×10?7 cm?3, respectively, assuming the He density is 0.0148±0.002 cm?3.  相似文献   
The Goddard Experiment Package will measure the ultraviolet spectral emittance of stars and nebulae. It has a spectral resolution of 2 ? in the 1050-? to 4000-? band. The telescope has a 38-inch clear aperture and automatically reduces the spectral data to digital form. Guidance accuracy is 1 of second arc.  相似文献   
Recent works on magnetic signatures due to distant lightning discharges are reviewed. Emphasis is laid on magnetic signatures in the ULF range (in the old definition from less than 1 mHz up to 1 Hz), that is in the frequency range below the Schumann resonance. These signatures are known to be of importance for the excitation of the ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) which works only at night time conditions. This emphasizes the difference between night and day time ULF signatures of lightning. The IAR forms a link between the atmosphere and magnetosphere. Similarities and differences of this link in the VLF (Trimpi effect) and ULF range are worked out. A search for a unique signature of sprite-associated positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning discharges ended with a negative result. In this context, however, a new model of lightning-associated induced mesospheric currents was built. Depending on mesospheric condition it can produce magnetic signatures in the entire frequency range from VLF, ELF to ULF. In the latter case it can explain signatures known as the Ultra Slow Tail of +CG lightning discharges. A current problem on the magnetic background noise intensity has been solved by taking more seriously the contribution of +CG lightning discharges to the overall background noise. Their low occurrence rate is more than compensated by their large and long lasting continuing currents. By superposed epoch analysis it could be shown that the ULF response to ?CG is one to two orders smaller that in case of +CG with similar peak current values of the return stroke.  相似文献   
To investigate changes in spatial orientation ability and walking performance following space flight, 7 astronaut subjects were asked pre- and post-flight to perform a goal directed locomotion paradigm which consisted of walking a triangular path with and without vision. This new paradigm, involving inputs from different sensory systems, allows quantification of several critical parameters, like orientation performance, walking velocities and postural stability, in a natural walking task. The paper presented here mainly focusses on spatial orientation performance quantified by the errors in walking the previously seen path without vision. Errors in length and reaching the corners did not change significantly from pre- to post-flight, while absolute angular errors slightly increased post-flight. The significant decrease in walking velocity and a change in head-trunk coordination while walking around the corners of the path observed post-flight may suggest that during re-adaptation to gravity the mechanisms which are necessary to perform the task have to be re-accomplished.  相似文献   
Kaportseva  K. B.  Shugay  Yu. S. 《Cosmic Research》2021,59(6):537-537
Cosmic Research - An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952521120017  相似文献   
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