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In this paper, calculations of some thermo-hydraulic parameters of different intensified channels have been carried out and a grooved channel that is optimal in mass and energy expenditure is determined. A new variant of the intensified channel is proposed and recommendations for engineers are presented.  相似文献   
Perspectives of long-term space programs make it necessary to develop autonomous computer expert system for crew-members physical state control. The purpose of the work--to develop a set of objective formalizable physiological indices of working capacity suitable for reliable algorithmization of physical state control. Investigations were performed in on-earth microgravity simulation (3- and 7-day dry immersion, 6 subjects; 4-month antiorthostatic hypokinesy, 10 subjects) with volunteers' participation as well with 34 members of MIR-station expeditions during flights. Model exercise investigations were made also with 20 young male volunteers to evaluate the validity of different physical state indices. A set of indices was found which, being simple enough for measuring, performs to get satisfactory adequate evaluations of current organism physical state in long-term real or simulated microgravity. It was proved that some ergometric indices along with heart rate derivatives could reflect real working ability even better than traditional characteristics of organism energy systems state.  相似文献   
Problems on Mir during 1997 are reviewed and their impact on continued use of the station and long-term presence of American astronauts is explored. Changes in U.S.-Russian communication are noted.  相似文献   
Nonlinear eddy viscosity and algebraic stress models are currently providing an invaluable link between the more common linear eddy viscosity turbulence models and the full differential Reynolds stress forms. With the increased popularity has come an abundance of different formulations. The purpose of this review is to provide a cohesive framework for the variety of models proposed and to highlight the various similarities and differences among the models. Their link with differential Reynolds stress models and their improved predictive capability over linear eddy-viscosity models is also highlighted.  相似文献   
"Hairy blobs" are unusual clumps of organic bodies and sulfate crystals that have been found in evaporite minerals grown in acid saline lakes. Here, we document modern hairy blobs in halite and gypsum from 5 modern acid saline lakes in southern Western Australia, and Permian hairy blobs trapped in halite from the mid-Permian Opeche Shale in the subsurface of North Dakota. These are among the first microbial remains described from acid saline lake environments. They give clues about the role of microorganisms in the acidity, geochemistry, and mineralogy of these extreme environments. This study also may add to the inventory of life in extreme environments and help predict possible martian life-forms and the method of preservation.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the thermo-mechanical design of the microbalance used for the VISTA (Volatile In Situ Thermogravimetry Analyzer) sensor. VISTA has been designed to operate in situ in different space environments (asteroids, Mars, icy satellites). In this paper we focus on its application on Mars, where the expected environmental conditions are the most challenging for the thermo-mechanical design.  相似文献   
The accuracy of presently available IR horizon sensors is not sufficient to meet the stringent attitude sensing and control requirements for future remote sensing and meteorological satellites. The different sources of error in a horizon sensor are analyzed. The accuracy of the sensor is presently limited by the detector noise. Use of HgCdTe in place of an immersed bolometer detector, which is used in conventional horizon sensors eliminates many of the errors. Hence, it is possible to design an ultimate IR horizon sensor whose accuracy is limited only by the uncertainty of the Earth horizon. Comparison of performances of the two types of detectors for horizon sensing is given and possible configurations of sensor using this detector are discussed.  相似文献   
An analysis of enhancements in the fluxes of electrons with energies above 300 keV registered onboard of the Coronas-F satellite in the polar regions at the boundary of the outer radiation belt is performed. Cases are revealed when the increases in question were observed consequently during multiple crossings of the outer radiation belt boundary. Localization of the revealed events relative to the auroral oval using the data of almost simultaneous observations of electrons with energies of 0.1–10 keV on the Meteor-3M satellite and OVATION model is studied. It is shown that almost all studied increases in relativistic electrons are localized at latitudes of the auroral oval. Various mechanisms which could cause the observed increases are discussed, as well as a possibility of formation of local traps of energetic particles in the high-latitude magnetosphere.  相似文献   
An Application of Evidential Networks to Threat Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decision makers operating in modern defence theatres need to comprehend and reason with huge quantities of potentially uncertain and imprecise data in a timely fashion. An automatic information fusion system is developed which aims at supporting a commander's decision making by providing a threat assessment, that is an estimate of the extent to which an enemy platform poses a threat based on evidence about its intent and capability. Threat is modelled by a network of entities and relationships between them, while the uncertainties in the relationships are represented by belief functions as defined in the theory of evidence. To support the implementation of the threat assessment functionality, an efficient valuation-based reasoning scheme, referred to as an evidential network, is developed. To reduce computational overheads, the scheme performs local computations in the network by applying an inward propagation algorithm to the underlying binary join tree. This allows the dynamic nature of the external evidence, which drives the evidential network, to be taken into account by recomputing only the affected paths in the binary join tree.  相似文献   
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