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Error Analysis of Space-Stable Inertial Navigation Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The error equations for a space-stable inertial navigation system are derived. This is done by directly perturbing the mechanization equations in the inertial frame and then transforming in open-loop fashion to the local-level frame. A rotating inertial platform and velocity and altitude damping are considered. The relations between errors in space-stable and local-level systems are noted. Numerical results are presented for certain random error sources.  相似文献   
The theory of nonlinear filtering has been applied to the problem of the attitude determination of a satellite. Two approximation methods have been studied with a view to practical implementation. Computer simulation results are included.  相似文献   
We discuss the solar wind parameters measured in the distant heliosphere from the Voyager 2 spacecraft. Periodic variations in the speed of the wind observed at roughly the solar rotation period may correspond to interaction regions between slower and faster streams of wind. Since the interplanetary magnetic field is enhanced in such regions, they are important for the study of modulation of cosmic rays. Unfortunately, direct observation of the enhanced magnetic field from Voyager 2 has been made difficult by spacecraft-associated noise since 1989.  相似文献   
The propagation errors caused by the atmosphere are investigated in order to find out the causes of the observed errors in range and range-rate measurements between a ground station and an artificial satellite. The calculations show that the observed errors are mostly caused by the measuring instruments. The propagation errors are mainly caused by increases, decreases, or fluctuations of the refractive index of the atmosphere, and the errors caused by the refraction of the propagation path are about 10 percent of the errors caused by the decrease of the propagation velocity. The tropospheric range errors are less than 150 meters and are approximately expressed by a cotangent function, and they are reduced by about 90 percent through the use of monthly average refractivity profiles of the troposphere. The ionospheric errors are usually negligible at centimeter radio waves (less than 10 cm), and even at decimeter waves or meter waves almost all errors can be removed by the use of two different frequencies on the down-link so that the range can be made independent of frequency.  相似文献   
We present the results from a study of the variations of the cosmic-ray intensity with time, heliographic latitude, and longitude, and for varying interplanetary conditions, using our three-dimensional, time-dependent computer code for cosmic-ray transport in the heliosphere. Our code also produces a solar-wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) configuration which is compared with observations. Because of the fully threedimensional nature of the model calculations, we are able to model time variations which would be expected to be observed along Ulysses's trajectory as it moves to high latitudes. In particular we can model the approximately 13-and 26-day solar-rotation induced variations in cosmic rays, solar wind and IMF, as a function of increasing heliographic latitude, as one moves poleward of the interplanetary current sheet. Our preliminary model results seem to be in general form quite similar to published data, but depend on the physical parameters used such as cosmic-ray diffusion coefficients, boundary conditions, and the nature of the solar wind and IMF and current sheet.  相似文献   
We discuss mass loss relations for OB-type stars as a function of luminosity, effective temperature, and mass. We conclude that a simple first order linear regression relation is as good as any other more sophisticated relation, with the advantage that the simple form consumes much less computer time when used in evolutionary codes.  相似文献   
An approach to the problem of achieving frame synchronization in the presence of jamming or other large disturbances is presented. It is assumed that the disturbance can be detected at the receiver, which then erases the corresponding bits and passes this information to the synchronizer. A synchronization algorithm designed to operate in the presence of both erasures and background errors is described and evaluated for a representative set of system parameters. This algorithm is shown to have a significant advantage over an algorithm which does not use the location information inherent in the erasure model.  相似文献   
Analysis based on the state-plane diagram is given for series resonant converters operating in the frequency range 0.5 ? fs/fo ? 1.0. When the voltages and currents in the converter are normalized, design parameters take on special geometric meanings in the normalized state diagram. Examples of converter design using graphical methods are given for the cases of ? and ? control. Control characteristics of the converter operating in the continuous conduction mode are derived. The concept of the energy reflection coefficient is introduced as a measure of power transfer efficiency in the converter design.  相似文献   
The simple tilted dipole picture of Corotating Interaction Regions which prevailed during the first polar pass of Ulysses no longer applies since the Sun entered a more active phase. Recent observations show that CIRs still persist, though the large polar coronal holes of solar minimum shrink to smaller areas and move to lower latitudes. We present 3-D simulations for the cosmic-ray intensity variations in a model with non-polar high speed streams. Latitudinal and recurrent time-variations are discussed, but more detailed and realistic simulations are required before quantitative comparisons with observations can be made. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Present-day collision avoidance systems (CAS) of the time-frequency variety employ modes of operation similar to those of airborne equipment which has been operating in military aircraft since 1959. A fleet operational evaluation of these systems began in 1961 in aircraft of U. S. Navy Helicopter Squadron HS-4, based on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Yorktown. This equipment utilized a local clock in each aircraft, a separate time slot for each aircraft's interrogation signal, air-to-air coarse synchronization of all stations, and sufficient free-drift stability for time slot keeping. Operational use of one-way ranging with elimination of propagation delay offsets, higher clock stability for open-loop time keeping in the SNS-64 ... AN/APN-169 family of systems began in 1964 in U. S. Air Force C-130E turboprop aircraft. In 1965, use of the EROS I collision avoidance system began during flight testing of F-4 Phantom supersonic aircraft.  相似文献   
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