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Hourly values of the F2-layer peak density, NmF2, measured by 99 ionosonde stations near noon from 1957 to 2010 at low and middle geomagnetic latitudes of the northern and southern geographic hemispheres are used in a statistical study of the F2-region semi-annual anomaly. The equinox/winter and equinox/summer geomagnetically quiet NmF2 ratios, X and Y, taken near noon over each ionosonde for approximately the same winter, equinox, and summer solar activity conditions are analyzed. The conditional probabilities of occurrences of X and Y in intervals of X and Y, the most frequent values of X and Y, the mean expected values of X and Y, and the conditional probability to observe the F2-region semi-annual anomaly are calculated and studied for the fist time for low, moderate, and high solar activity conditions. These statistical parameters are averaged over 5° geomagnetic latitude interval in the northern and southern geographic hemispheres, and the trends in these averaged statistical characteristics of the NmF2 semi-annual anomaly are calculated and studied for the fist time. It is shown that the median approach can produce the incorrect conclusions about the absence of the NmF2 semi-annual anomaly.  相似文献   
俄罗斯航天局正在规划和推进新的月球探测计划,包括月球-资源和月球-全球探测任务,它们搭载了3个无线电科学载荷:2个无线电信标机分别安装在2个着陆器上,1个Ka波段接收机安装在月球-全球轨道器上。信标机发射频率为8.4GHz和32GHz。8.4GHz的微波信号将被发回地球,利用地面VLBI监测网对信号进行测量,其结果可用于精密的天体力学观测及导航,还能用于月球天平动研究;32GHz信号将用于定轨和月球重力场研究。Ka波段信号天线轴指向着陆区天顶方向,信号由轨道器接收。本文基于对Ka波段信号多普勒频移的精确测量,通过研究着陆区附近重力场的微小变化(约3~5mGal精度),探讨月球重力场的不均匀性,其测量数据的空间分辨率约为20km。  相似文献   
Four layers, S1-S4, containing sand-sized spherical particles formed as a result of large meteorite impacts, occur in 3.47-3.24 Ga rocks of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Ir levels in S3 and S4 locally equal or exceed chondritic values but in other sections are at or only slightly above background. Most spherules are inferred to have formed by condensation of impact-produced rock vapor clouds, although some may represent ballistically ejected liquid droplets. Extreme Ir abundances and heterogeneity may reflect element fractionation during spherule formation, hydraulic fractionation during deposition, and/or diagenetic and metasomatic processes. Deposition of S1, S2, and S3 was widely influenced by waves and/or currents interpreted to represent impact-generated tsunamis, and S1 and S2 show multiple graded layers indicating the passage of two or more wave trains. These tsunamis may have promoted mixing within a globally stratified ocean, enriching surface waters in nutrients for biological communities. S2 and S3 mark the transition from the 300-million-year-long Onverwacht stage of predominantly basaltic and komatiitic volcanism to the late orogenic stage of greenstone belt evolution, suggesting that regional and possibly global tectonic reorganization resulted from these large impacts. These beds provide the oldest known direct record of terrestrial impacts and an opportunity to explore their influence on early life, crust, ocean, and atmosphere. The apparent presence of impact clusters at 3.26-3.24 Ga and approximately 2.65-2.5 Ga suggests either spikes in impact rates during the Archean or that the entire Archean was characterized by terrestrial impact rates above those currently estimated from the lunar cratering record.  相似文献   
The European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta Spacecraft, launched on March 2, 2004 toward Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (C-G), carries a complementary set of instruments on both the orbiter and lander (Philae) portions of the spacecraft, to measure the composition of the Comet C-G. The primary composition measuring instruments on the Orbiter are Alice, COSIMA, ICA, MIRO, OSIRIS, ROSINA and VIRTIS. These instruments collectively are capable of providing compositional information, including temporal and spatial distributions of important atomic, molecular, and ionic species, minerals, and ices in the coma and nucleus. The instruments utilize a variety of techniques and wavelength ranges to accomplish their objectives. This paper provides an overview of composition measurements that will be possible using the suite of orbiter composition measuring instruments. A table is provided that lists important species detectable (depending on abundances) with each instrument.  相似文献   
The Rosetta spacecraft has been successfully launched on 2nd March 2004 to its new target comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The science objectives of the Rosetta Radio Science Investigations (RSI) experiment address fundamental aspects of cometary physics such as the mass and bulk density of the nucleus, its gravity field, its interplanetary orbit perturbed by nongravitational forces, its size and shape, its internal structure, the composition and roughness of the nucleus surface, the abundance of large dust grains, the plasma content in the coma and the combined dust and gas mass flux. The masses of two asteroids, Steins and Lutetia, shall be determined during flybys in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Secondary objectives are the radio sounding of the solar corona during the superior conjunctions of the spacecraft with the Sun during the cruise phase. The radio carrier links of the spacecraft Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) subsystem between the orbiter and the Earth will be used for these investigations. An Ultrastable oscillator (USO) connected to both transponders of the radio subsystem serves as a stable frequency reference source for both radio downlinks at X-band (8.4 GHz) and S-band (2.3 GHz) in the one-way mode. The simultaneous and coherent dual-frequency downlinks via the High Gain Antenna (HGA) permit separation of contributions from the classical Doppler shift and the dispersive media effects caused by the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth and the propagation of the signals through the dispersive media, respectively. The investigation relies on the observation of the phase, amplitude, polarization and propagation times of radio signals transmitted from the spacecraft and received with ground station antennas on Earth. The radio signals are affected by the medium through which the signals propagate (atmospheres, ionospheres, interplanetary medium, solar corona), by the gravitational influence of the planet on the spacecraft and finally by the performance of the various systems involved both on the spacecraft and on ground.  相似文献   
The Deep Impact observations of low thermal inertia for comet 9P/Tempel 1 are of profound importance for the observations to be made by the Rosetta spacecraft at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. While sub-surface sublimation is necessary to explain the observations, the depth at which this occurs is no more than 2–3 cm and possibly less. The low thermal conductivity when combined with local surface roughness (also observed with Deep Impact) implies that local variations in outgassing rates can be substantial. These variations are likely to be on scales smaller than the resolution limits of all experiments on the Rosetta orbiter. The observed physico-chemical inhomogeneity further suggests that the Rosetta lander will only provide a local snapshot of conditions in the nucleus layer.  相似文献   
Hourly values of NmF2 measured by 72 ionosondes near noon from 1957 to 2012 at low and middle geomagnetic latitudes of the northern geographic hemisphere are used to study the spring and autumn semi-annual anomalies in NmF2. The spring/summer, autumn/summer, spring/winter, and autumn/winter geomagnetically quiet NmF2 ratios, XM, XS, YM, and YS, respectively, taken near noon over each ionosonde for approximately the same winter, spring, summer, and autumn solar activity conditions are analyzed. The probabilities of occurrences of XM, XS, YM, and YS in intervals of change of these parameters, together with its most frequent and the mean expected values, and the probabilities to observe the F2-region spring and autumn semi-annual anomalies are calculated and studied for the first time for low, moderate, and high solar activity conditions. The geomagnetic latitude range between 10 and 55 degrees, where the ionosondes are located, is divided into 9 intervals of the same length of 5 degrees, the statistical parameters are averaged over each 5 degree interval, and the trends in these averaged statistical characteristics of the NmF2 spring and autumn semi-annual anomalies are calculated and studied for the first time. It is shown that the NmF2 equinoctial asymmetry can significantly affect the statistical parameters of the semi-annual anomaly in NmF2.  相似文献   
We determine the spatial-time patterns of zonally averaged carbon monoxide (CO) in the middle atmosphere by applying Principle Component Analysis to the CO data obtained from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measurements on the Aura satellite in 2004–2012. The first two principal components characterize more than 90% of the CO variability. Both principal components are localized in the low thermosphere near the mesopause. The first principal component is asymmetric relative to the poles. It has opposite signs in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere at mid to high latitudes and strongly oscillates with an annual periodicity. The second principal component has the same sign in both hemispheres and oscillates mainly with a semi-annual frequency. Both principal components are modulated by the 11-year solar cycle and display short-term variations. To test possible correlations of these variations with the short term solar ultraviolet (UV) variability we use the simultaneous measurements of the UV solar radiance from the Solar-Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) on the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite to investigate the correlation between CO in the middle atmosphere and solar UV in 2004–2012. Using a wavelet coherence technique a weak, intermittent 27-day signal is detected in high-frequency parts of the CO principal components.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the role of topology as a predictor for the conceptualization of dynamically changing spatial configurations (referred to as movement patterns). We define meaningful units of movement patterns as paths through a topologically defined conceptual neighborhood graph. Topology plays a central role in formal approaches to human cognition and in predicting cognitive similarity ratings—although primarily for static spatial configurations. Formal specifications of the role of topology for characterizing movement patterns do exist, yet there is paucity of behavioral validation. To bridge this gap, we conducted an experiment based on the grouping paradigm to assess factors that underlie conceptualizations of movement patterns. The experiment was designed such that paths through the conceptual neighborhood graph were distinguished by topologically differentiated ending relations. We believe topology can make an important contribution in explaining movement conceptualizations. One recently formulated topology-based contribution is the endpoint hypothesis, asserting that a cognitive focus is placed on event ending relations. We discuss the results of our experiment in relation to previous experiments targeted toward a framework for modeling the cognitive conceptualization of dynamically changing spatial relations.  相似文献   
A possibility of using the main rotor in designing a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft with a disk wing is analyzed. We propose integrating the main rotor and a disk wing for solving some problems of main rotors.  相似文献   
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