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A technique of analyzing the flutter initiation in flat plate compressor cascades was developed. The viscous and inviscid flow study was carried out using the COBRA solver based on the modified implicit Godunov method and unsteady implicit method updated for using. The flutter conditions were revealed and the effect of taking into account viscosity, angles of attack and time steps was investigated.  相似文献   
The finite-difference method acceptable for on-board computers is applied to analyze the thermo-stressed state for the thermal-barrier coating of a perforated turbine blade and its wall at transient and stationary conditions of air-breathing jet engine operation during a flight.  相似文献   
The problem of determining the “potential” number of integration steps by explicit difference schemes is solved within the framework of the prediction model for chemically non-equilibrium processes.  相似文献   
We consider the function, the problems being solved and the construction principles for a starting system of warning the critical regimes for a single-rotor helicopter at parking, taxiing and maneuvering on the ground, takeoff and landing as well as at descending and hovering regimes. The structural-functional scheme and the algorithms of system channel warning are presented.  相似文献   
A mathematical model for the annular gas-liquid mixture flow in the cylindrical channel is described. The influence of an upward turbulent gas flow on the downward liquid film is considered. The problem is numerically solved and the calculation results are compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   
The contribution of the canonical Quasars to the XRB 2–50 keV is not likely to exceed 50%. Nay, consideration of X-ray selection effects results in a further reduction of the value of sensible estimators for the intensity ratio LX/LO; in addition, recent counts of radioloud and radio-quiet Quasars definitely limit the number of faint sources. A missing component with definite spectral properties should comprise a sizeable fraction of the XRB.  相似文献   
The influence of geometry and operating conditions of the centrifugal compressor stage on the radial gas force is determined on the basis of the theoretical method and calculation program using experimental boundary conditions.  相似文献   
Aerodynamic characteristics of two-dimensional smart flap under the ground effect have been assessed by a numerical simulation. In this process, a pressure-based implicit procedure to solve Navier–Stokes equations on a nonorthogonal mesh with collocated finite volume formulation is used. The boundedness criteria for this procedure are determined from the Normalized Variable Diagram (NVD) scheme. The procedure incorporates the kε eddy–viscosity turbulence model. Cantilever beam with uniformly varying load with roller support at the free end is considered for the configuration of the smart flap. The method is first validated against experimental data. Then, the algorithm is applied for turbulent aerodynamic flows around airfoil with smart and conventional flaps for different attack angle, flap angle and ground clearance where the results of two flaps are compared. The comparisons show that the quality of the solution is considerable.  相似文献   
The results of research in a process of a probe rocket berthing to an asteroid are presented. Control laws were obtained as solutions of three problems, namely berthing considering transient processes in a rocket engine, fastest berthing with regard to fuel consumption and berthing in a scheduled time considering fuel consumption. A program trajectory obtained at solving of the first problem is suitable for mathematical modeling of berthing with the feedback control law and stabilization of angular motion. The solutions of the problems are reduced to simple formulas for controlling parameters calculation in the corresponding structures of control laws. The results can be applied in designing promising space vehicles intended for berthing to other space objects.  相似文献   
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